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feeling UP :)

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hey ladies started a new post :)

update from me soz been busy wk
Lots of gd things been happening for a change
My DH should have work local atleast till the end of the year so thats alot of stress away for now
I had a appointment with the gynaecologist on wednesday there got few tests done, i am on 3 waiting lists 1 is for a HSG xray to check i have no blockages in my tubes (should get that within the next 3 months), the other 2 are long waiting lists one for IUI treatment and another for IVF but i was pleased with the doctor and feel like things will keep moving forward
Also on CD 38 atm but i refuse to test until friday which will be CD 43 coz a few months ago i had a 39 day cycle and got a so ill be patient fingers crossed

Hope everyone else is doing well

Baby dust all round x

173 Replies • 12 years ago



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wilso - if the clomid doesn't work, try femara. Waaaaay less side affects and its cheaper than an IUI. I did the femara/trigger shot and that worked like a charm. Good luck!! And goodness I hope hubbys count goes up!!

Dolphin - We're on a break too now... I just can't handle it anymore for right now. Also, I got an amazing oppertunity at work that I can't pass up. And can't take if I'm preggo. So I think it's Gods way of saying I need a break for a while. We won't be starting up again till next Christmas I think. *sigh* I guess I'll be a 30 year olf first time mom anyway! oh well.

Otherwise... well, that's pretty much it!

Me: 27 PCOS DH: 25 Fine and dandy November 2011 First round of 50mg Clomid. December 22 !!! January 1 2012 m/c @7 weeks - Clomid 50mg round #2 Feb 2012. 21 day progesterone level at a 3 !!! Another m/c at 5 weeks - Clomid 100mg April - June epic fail - July Femara/Ovidril It worked!!! - Sept - .... lost a genetically healthy baby boy

11 years ago

To all the ladies- hang in there we will be blessed in one way or another.

Dolphin- I hope your break is going well, we too are on a break for a while. Most likely starting over again after the 1st of the year. IVF is still on the table for us in March.

Wilson- good luck!! I hope everything works out well for you! .

AFM- My DH an I had the tough coversation last night discussing our choices and we are going to go back to the doctor in Jan and start the road all over again. We are going to start talking about IVF. I hope we get BFP this month and then we could tell the fam at Xmas. I have to believe that God does have a plan for us! We are now like crazy so please please please stick!!!

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11 years ago

hey redshadoe, thanks ill mention that to my doctor when i see him next :)
yea fingers crossed for his count hope the new diet plan and tablets i got him help

thats good abt the job hopefully a break will help and u get a bfp soon

hey mela0054, hope u and ur dh can get a bfp this month that would b nice news to tell the family at xmas
hopefully u wont have to start all over again next year

AFM, had lots going on got myself work up until xmas its helping keep my mind busy, my dh is away working missing him loads
still a bit down with whats went on was looking at quotes on the web earlier this week and saw the perfect one for the journey we are going through

''HOPE is wishing something will happen, FAITH is believing something will happen and COURAGE is making something happen''

this made me smile when i read it
i got a anagram of hope and faith tattooed on my wrist today every time i look at it reminds me to try and stay strong through all this

baby dust x

11 years ago • Post starter

Hey all it has been a bit!

redshadoe0 on the opportunity at work! Things do happen for a reason and good luck!

mela0054 ing and I hope you don't have to give IVF another thought! DH and I had our talk about a month ago too and I told him that I wanted to be a mom one way or another by the time I am 30 which he agreed with. So we bascially kind of set up a timeline of if we are not pregant by next October we are going to adopt first and possibly try again after. IVF is kind of scary to me and with it being so expensive with not always positive results I would rather try to adopt first. Plus I have always thought of adopting even if I was able to ahve my own children. So we shall see!

Good work keeping your mind on positive things like Christmas wilsonc. Christmas is probably my favorite time of the year! I too look up quotes online from time to time makes me feel good and the ones I really like I memorize and remind myself of them when I need to. Really helps to get me through tough times. One of my favorites lately is "Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it." Infertility is scary and soemtimes I just want to throw in the towel but then I think about how much I want a baby and I keep going on!

AFM this is kind of a weird cycle I started taken a new supplement DIM, I have also been taking Omega 3-6-9 and Evening Primrose Oil. But my period is late as of today even though I have all of the signs of coming. Dip in temp, sore boobs, and cramping. I am going to take a test tonight just to be sure as I haven't taken one yet but the only time we ed was like 4 days before I ovulated according to my temps. I am pretty sure it is just the new supplements but if it is ugh... I don't want my periods to come farther apart!

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11 years ago

dolphin1204- Did you test? I hope you got a BFP!!

AFM- I am just upset! My brother told me that they are expecting again and their daughter is only 5 months old!! UGH!! It is so hard not to be jelous. I mean he looks at her and she gets pregnant! Plus, now she gets her way to become a stay at home mom and she is only 25 years old!!!! Anyway, I hope we get good news this month too!! But, scared to test because I don't want a BFN!!

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11 years ago

Those ladies that get a by just saying hi to their husbands make me wanna scream! Good for them but why not give me a little bit of that fertility! My DH's cousin had three kids in less than three years and none were really planned!

No here just a and a day later then normal.... So we are going to enjoy the holidays and our trip in Jan then we are back at the fertility stuff!

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11 years ago

Bummer Girl!! I was really wishing for you. Keep your head high and enjoy the holidays everyone!

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11 years ago

Hi ladies

Dolphin 1204
I can imagine that is frustrating n hard not to get jealous about when we would all b happy with 1 child

AFM I got landed with more bad news on Friday I was meant to be going in for my laparoscopy on the 14th of December and my doctor decided on Friday that due to my husbands count being low and we can't get iui treatment that it doesn't matter if my tubes work or not and that we will just have to wait until we get the icis treatment in 2014 but we are going to complain about this as me getting the opp plus clomid might give us a chance to fall pregnant before that
I told my mum and dad about this on Friday which lead to them arguing I though ur parents was suppose to support u :( so for the time being I'm jst going to concentrate on getting back on track with ttc work n Xmas

Hope everyone else is doing well
Baby dust

11 years ago • Post starter

The witch has showed her ugly face!! UGH, well at least I know that I will be able to have a fun Christmas and will be able to drink on New Year's Eve.
However, I did meet with the doc today and I got some really good news. She said because my DH swimmer count is moderate and I have one block tube but, making good eggs, we will be the perfect candidates for IVF . She said we are the type of couple that IVF was made for so, most likely in March we will be starting down that road to be blessed with a child.

I hope everyone else gets a holiday miracle this holiday season.

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11 years ago

Hey mela0054
That's no so gd the witch showed her face but atleast your thinking positive and get to celebrate during the holidays
Good news for u with ivf too fingers crossed that works or u get good news before that

Afm I got an apology from my mum and dad because they wasn't being supportive , got an appointment to sit and speak to my gynaecologist want to try push for this opp so we can try for a baby on out own before going for ivf treatment
The witch is due for me to bt means I will enjoy new year and Xmas and start Again in the new year maybe 3rd year trying will b our lucky year lol

Hope everyone else is doing well

Baby dust

11 years ago • Post starter

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