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Does position matter?

My husband and I accidentally fell pregnant when we were still dating. The pregnancy ended in miscarriage at 5 weeks. Then we wanted a baby we tried and we tried and we tried. We tried clomid, herbs etc, we went for fertility tests and nothing was wrong. We eventually got pregnant after 2 years of trying. We have a 3 1/2 year old daughter. One thing I noticed from both instances that we did get pregnant is that we used a deep penetrative sexual position (doggy style to be specific) the day before ovulation when we got pregnant. So when we wanted a second baby we had deep penetrative sex the day before ovulation. We got pregnant that very cycle. Ufortunately our son was premature and died.

We want to try for a third and will be using the same reasoning.

From all the reading I've done the experts seem to advise that position doesnt matter and any position will do. From my personal experience I think it does. Anyone else had similar experiences.

7 Replies • 5 years ago



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Me and my other half have been trying for 8 months now with no luck, I am 39 so I know it’s not going to be as easy (my 7 year old was conceived the first month of trying)
After reading this last night we thought we would give doggie style a go when trying over the next few days
I’ll keep you updated to see if it works for us this month

5 years ago

Sperm is sperm I believe any method works. Lol. I fell pregnant on the pill from “not so deep” penetration but it turned out to be a chemical. But, we have read doggy style is the best position for conceiving considering it gets the sperm closest to where it needs to be. ALSO. I have read countless articles that having sex on the day of ovulation and the day after raises your chances to 75% of having a boy over a girl.

5 years ago

Well after eight months of trying it worked

user submitted image

4 years ago

It doesnt. It requires healthy eggs and healthy sperm. Never had this issue at all. Position only matters genderwise, at least from what I've read.

4 years ago

congratulations cazza22

4 years ago • Post starter

There are some people who fall pregnant just by looking at a penis and there are some who struggle. As the latter I found that deep penetration works for me.

4 years ago • Post starter

Thank you miracle77
Fingers crossed you get your bfp really soon

4 years ago

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