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Heartbeat *Pregnancy Mentioned*

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Just a quick update for all my friends. :) We saw and heard our baby's heartbeat (just one baby) yesterday at 6w3d. It was 111 BPM, which the nurse said was perfect. The fetal pole was only measuring 6 weeks exactly, but she said that's totally fine, and there's a 7 day margin for error. I can see how that's true because the baby looked different at every angle that she put that wand at. When she first turned the screen towards us, I just saw the yolk sac again, which is all we could see last week, but then we saw that tiny little flicker, and I instantly started crying. I had a tiny bit of spotting on Saturday, so it was a HUGE relief to see the heartbeat. On top of crying, I have a cold that has made me hoarse, so when I was trying to talk to Chad and the nurse through my crying, it just sounded like pitiful squeaking lol. She turned the sound on before she took the measurements so we could hear it, and it was the tiniest, most wonderful heartbeat I've ever heard.

I know we're not out of the woods, but this was a huge hurdle, and I'm so thankful that we've made it this far. I will have weekly ultrasounds at the fertility clinic until 12 weeks, when I will "graduate". They still wanted me to make my first prenatal appointment with my regular OB, so they can start their tracking, so I have that appointment the week after next. This is all very exciting because I'm going to get to watch my baby's growth week by week, and I'll have that added reassurance once a week that everything is going well.

As for me, I'm feeling pretty good. Like I said I have a cold, which sucks because it's making me even more tired than just normal pregnancy tired. Other than fatigue though, I don't feel much different. My boobs are still a little tender, but they're not nearly as bad as they were weeks 4 and 5. I'm not having any nausea. I am really hungry in the morning, but as long as I eat breakfast, all is good. I'm hoping it stays this way Lol. Occasionally I have some minor cramping, that is more pressure than anything. I know they are completely normal, but it doesn't make it any less scary.

I hope you are all doing well. I'm still in here every day, and checking on friends, so say hi anytime! Praying for BFP's for all of us!!

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17 Comments • 6 years ago



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11 - 17 of 17 Comments

That's so wonderful! I'm really happy for you!

6 years ago

Fantastic news! So So happy for you guys!

Colton "Casually" TTC #2 Go Bills!

6 years ago

Love it!! Keep growing, little bean!!

6 years ago

Everything ok? Little bean hanging on? Bleeding stop? Fingers crossed for you - hope you are feeling awful and throwing up every day because baby is so strong! (How weird are we to wish for this?)

6 years ago

Hey, thanks for checking in on me! Yes, I'm doing great! I went for my weekly ultrasound yesterday at 9w3d and saw my little one wiggle for the first time. It was pretty amazing! I'm really looking forward to Chad getting to go with me next week. Baby's heartbeat was 178, and everything is going great. I'm not having any morning sickness, and I almost feel completely normal other than just being really tired in the evenings and having no motivation. I've been so far behind on Christmas! Hope everything is going well for you too! I'm always praying and hoping for you and so many others!

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6 years ago • Post starter

Everything is fine here. I'm tired with no motivation but I have no excuse :). It's a stressful time of year. I feel like I could sleep till New Years. I can't WAIT till February. DH and I are going on a cruise. Hopefully new environment will get us a little 2018 bean of our own ;)

6 years ago

Oh yay! Yes cruises are amazing. I hope you and your hubby have an amazing time and have lots of romantic time!!!!

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6 years ago • Post starter

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