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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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OMG! My cramps are soooo bad this time. Missed a couple hours of sleep because of it . Praying this AF doesnt last 2 weeks like the last one did!

My sister came over today with my nephew and I about cried when I saw him. Havent seen him in 2 weeks and he's grown so much! He actually looked different. I picked him up and covered him in kisses and he just smiled and cooed. He's been such a huge part of keeping me sane during these months of TTC and now that I havent gotten to see's been really hard. But I got to spend time with him, watch Magic Mike with my sister , and go over nanny tax stuff. FINALLY got everything figured out. And I can relax til January. Dh has a 3 day weekend so I'm going to enjoy vegging with him and tomorrow...childhood friend's wedding reception. After watching Magic Mike, I want to get my groove on. ROFL
How's everyone doing?

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi Waiting! Congrats arrived and more importantly that you were able to get your "Freak On" before she did!

AFM - I'm feeling okay. I was bleeding yesterday, but today I'm just spotting here and there. Every now and then I feel very slight cramps though. Nothing major, but not noticeable.

Today is CD6, so I took an OPK today. of course. I just want to know when I O...even if we don't get to conceive this month. I'm still going to pay attention to all of my symptoms, temp, etc. so it can help me for next month.

I'm also bummed we can't . DH and I 2-3 times per week (sometimes more....) and only stop when AF is on for a few days, so telling us to wait for 14 days is like torture! It is going to be a long weekend!

I am a College Professor also and have papers and exams to grade...thank God. Perhaps that will keep me busy. If not, I better find a James Patterson book to read to keep my mind off of .

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11 years ago

Professor Holly!!! Has a nice ring to it! lol
What's your area of expertise?? Glad you're not in a lot of pain sweetie.

Oh...and my friend in Texas is messaging me on fb right now that she may be pregnant....go figure .. LOL

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies!

I'm so glad I found a post that I can really relate to. I'm fairly new to the online TTC world and I must say I've had a blast reading posts from such awesome, funny ladies who share the same feelings I do. Tara, you're the real reason I joined this site so I could post. Thank you for being so open and silly; you've encouraged me to just open up and talk about what's been eating at me. It helps to not go at it alone.

I felt like I just had to join this topic because it really does feel like I'm going crazy....please tell me there's room in this asylum for one more

So this is my first cycle (and month) of actually tracking my symptoms consistently, but I have a pretty good memory of how my body acts each cycle and I swear I have been experiencing some new symptoms. One in specific, which happened a couple days ago, (a light bleed that came and went the same day) happened with my first pregnancy. I think I ovulated around the 7th or later...maybe...and I have only taken 3 tests this month, which all have come out . The last test I took was on the 18th and I am scared to take another...however, I can't shake the feeling that the consistent lower backache, the new sharp, electrical jolt type pains, the symptom above, and my general feeling of being pregnant actually mean something....even my DF has been showing symptoms (nausea, fatigue, even vomiting), but then again...maybe I am reading too far into things...

**puts on straight jacket and sits in corner, rocking slowly**

11 years ago

Oh, and I'm from Texas too....isn't that weird?

11 years ago

You ladies are all great! I am so glad I am not the only crazy one here.

I could not imagine having to wait TWO FULL WEEKS to That just means you'll have plenty of time to make up for when you get the Green light again FX that O will wait for you!!

AFM I am about to lose my mind! CP last month made this month a little different. AF was not here as long as normal and this is my first month to track BBT and fertility signs. So I am pretty much at a loss here as to what is supposed to be "normal" for my body. I definitely have had some symptoms that stand out for me such as very sore nips and boobs. I NEVER get that before AF. I have also had ALOT of creamy CM (TMI) and super tired. I won't let myself get my hopes up yet! Still have a few days to go before is due!

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11 years ago

Aww!!!! I'm so happy my insanity makes others feel more sane!

Hi ALLIE!!! On top of some of us ladies getting a and being discharged....our padded room has a lovely expandable feature! So there's always room!!! I'm glad you decided to join. I dont know what I'd do if I didnt have the ability to share my experiences and feelings with all these ladies, especially when you're trying to keep TTC a secret. Dh tries to understand but us ladies just "get" eachother . Ok let's talk symptoms...if you think you ovulated around the 7th, then you definitely must be late! The 18th was probably too early but if you are'd probably definitely get a positive now ! Your symptoms sound spot on. If you spotted a couple days ago, it could be implantation but I've also heard of spotting around the day you get a bfp. But I understand being scared of a negative. That's is weird that you're from Texas! LOL Talk about coincidence!

Hi KCordell! Welcome Welcome! I'm so sorry about your CP . And yes, that will throw things off cycle wise. But the sore nips are very hard to ignore, especially when they rarely are. I tell you dont realize how much you bump them into things until you experience that symptom . You walk around VERY well aware of them! Keeping my fingers crossed for you hun!!!

Just had a song pop into my head from Peter Pan.... "Think of a wonderful thought! Any happy little thought! Think of sore boobs, think of cramps, think of headaches and CM! Like puking in the morning!....and shining BFP! Oh...and we pee and we pee and we pee and we pee and we peeeee!"

ROFL!!! And I've lost it! LOL!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

@Waiting you are so very right! Even a bra hurts if they rub against it the wrong way!!

Okay Ladies. Help me figure out what is up! I don't get bad cramps very often even with AF. If I do they are mild. But boy oh boy did I cramp today! It was low in my tummy like a bad AF cramp and I mean BAD. I thought the was going to make an appearance several days early but I have not even spotted. I cramped mildly after O for 4 or 5 days. Out of the ordinary but nothing major. Just figured it was from my hormones being crazy but this came out of nowhere and has lasted off and on the last few hours. Hmm. I am 9dpo. Any suggestions?

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11 years ago

@kcordell- Oh I hope I hope I hope it's a peanut getting comfy! Cramps can be pretty intense if you're implanting but as long as no blood, sounds promising! How many more days...5?

Well, I am EXHAUSTED! Last night I was at the wedding reception and dh and I tore that dance floor up! you can already tell, I dont really care if I look stupid . I love being silly. Literally no one was dancing, so dh and I got out there and shaked our groove things ! We were the only one's out there 90% of the time and the bride said it looked like the dance floor was made for us. I have feeling though that everyone thought we were drunk off our butts cause 2 sober people would not act that silly unless they had about a 6 pack in them. But nope...I'm so silly and in love I'm naturally buzzed . Anyways, didnt go to sleep til after 1am and was up at 5:30am to help mother in law at craft show til 4pm. Getting ready to crash from a carb overload of bobevans pancakes in 3...2....1... . Nite everyone! Sleepytime for Tara!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

@Waiting that sounds like a wonderful time!! I am jealous!! ;) I can rarely get dh on the dance floor without that 6 pack!
4 days left now until the should arrive! some cramping today but very mild. I really hope it was implantation cramps but I don't remember having that with my DS. I was planning him so I wasn't watching symptoms. I have not had spotting either but I know I didn't have that with DS. OH welll. I can only wait I guess!

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11 years ago

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