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IUI next month (next cycle)

I am so excited but nervous too. Will it work? God i hope so. After 18 months i hope it works and i have a healthy baby growing. It is 515 dollars but so worth it for us. To give my son a sibling and to be pregnant again means so much to me. I actually paid for it begining of this month...i wanted it to be ready to go. I am fully aware god is in charge still though and iuis or any fertility treatment is not a guarentee but maybe it will work. I will take clomid from day 3 to 7 then IUI timed with ovulation. I hope it works. Been breaking down more and so desperate. End of oct I will know if IUI worked. I never thought I would be here. I had my son quick so I thought it would be the same the second time but no it has not ...I am worried about the age gap between my first and his sibling but all say they will be close and not to worry. I know I am my worst enemy. Stressing so much and worrying so much but i want this more than I can describe. i really hope God answers my prayers soon. And all who is reading :)

Have hope. Always trust in God. Be positive. That is what I need to remember through this journey~ Baby dust to all

2 Comments • 7 years ago



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1 - 2 of 2 Comments

Wishing you success with your upcoming IUI. God's plans often can only be understood in hindsight. Although God does not always answer our prayers - sometimes they remain unanswered - we can rest assured that He is faithful and that He gives us what we need. Best wishes <3

7 years ago

So true but so hard to be faithful sometimes and not wonder why you and all :( I am weak. i was taking to someone on facebook and they have a 10 yearold and she had 3 losses and two were late losses too. and she is still being postive and trusts God so much. My loss in July still hurts so much. It did feel like a cruel joke. But I know God has his reasons. And I know not all prayers are answered but I believe praying and calling out His name is really the most important thing we can do as He ultimitley gives. :) All the best in youre journey too :)

Have hope. Always trust in God. Be positive. That is what I need to remember through this journey~ Baby dust to all

7 years ago • Post starter

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