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I am on the long protocol.

Last AF on 22/09/2015.

On 12/10/15, 21 days after I started ARVEKAP injections (it is triptorelin, suppressing LH and FMH). I will do the injections until 10th day, when I will have an estradiol test. I will call them and they will tell me how to proceed.

I find very difficult to prepare the injection,rather than shoting the injection, as it requires careful, small and delicate moves. With the syringe I take the liquid from the bottle, I put it on a bottle that has the med in the form of powder, I mix them, then with the same syninge I take the mixed medicine, I change needle (I firstly use the long one for the mixes as the bottles are high and then I place the short one which is for hypodermic injections.) and at the end I do the shot on the belly having made a lifted skin fold. Injections are not painful at all.

AF came on 20th of Oct. (8 days of ARVECAP)
On 21st of Oct, after 10 ARVECAP injections I had my estradiol checked and it was at 21.99. I called the clinic and they told me to keep on taking ARVECAP for 3 days more and next day to start gonal, 300 units. On 7th day of Gonal I will have the estradiol checked again and an ultrasound.

22nd of Oct. First shot of Gonal, I found it easier in terms of preparing the injection.
29th of Oct. Ultrasound was very good, showing 9 follicles on the right side, 6 on the left. They measure up to 19 mm. E2 at 911, progesterone at 1,4. I ll be checked tomorrow again.
Probably eggs retrieval on monday.

1 Comment • 8 years ago



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1 - 1 of 1 Comments

I'm glad the injections don't hurt you. Wishing you lots of luck for this cycle.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

8 years ago

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