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Gastostrophy- I'm actually really scared.

My gastro ultrasound showed signs of Celiac Disease so my doctor has booked me in for a gastostrophy on November 18th to confirm 100% if it's CD or an infection in my intestines. I have to go under general anesthetic while they take a biopsy and this will probably screw any chances of pregnancy this month as it will put my body under a lot of stress. DH is quite upset, mainly I think because he'll now have to eat all the pasta in the cupboard- and he doesn't really like pasta. He's adamant that it's an infection and not CD, but to be honest CD might be better as it can be controlled by diet and my body will repair the damage quickly. If it's an infection I could be facing months and months of different antibiotics with no guarantee they'll be able to sort the infection out, and this will have a devastating effect on our conception chances.
I'm also scared about the gastostrophy because the last time a family member had one of these the doctors completely failed to spot he had Esophagul Cancer. He's now 33 and fighting stage 4 Esophagul Cancer with everything he's got. I know it's ridiculous to be comparing what's happening to me to what happened to him as it's a completely different situation (he wasn't trying to get pregnant for a start!!!) - but the thought of this procedure is bringing back some painful memories and it's adding to the overall fear.
In other news, I'm pretty sure my OV day was yesterday, as my gynae said it would be, and my temp has risen now. I'm going to stop temping and symptom spotting (I say this every month) as with so many medical professionals now involved in our TTC journey it seems easier to leave it up to them to work out what is happening with my body. I'm lucky to have very good doctors (they're all German, not sure if that makes a difference) who have been spot on with everything so far so I'm going to leave it up to them and stop stressing so much. Famous last words, anyway.

0 Comments • 9 years ago



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