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CD 14: Merry Christmas!!!

Officially O'd yesterday... Got in a couple wonderful rounds of bd... ;) have a bit of tenderness & pain as a result of O- hoping that the inflammation that occurs when I O will resolve itself between the maca & coconut oil...

Right now, I'm taking 750mg of gelatinized maca powder in capsules per day- is more concentrated when gelatinized... 99% sure that I've had endometriosis for about 7 years, but my symptoms improved drastically after taking Wobenzyme for 2 cycles earlier this year... Maca is supposed to be great for endometriosis... Have been researching endometriosis & as a result am probably going to completely swear off tampons..
It is believed that the way tampons act as a plug causes endometrial cells to get forced out thru the tubes into the abdominal cavity... When we get our estrogen surges to trigger ovulation, it also affects the endometrial cells to begin attempting to build a uterine lining... This then causes inflammation, which triggers our bodies to basically start chemical warfare on itself in an attempt to destroy the problem... This chemical warfare is highly toxic to us & to our pregnancies... That's not the end of it tho- when we start AF, the misplaced endometrial cells also shed the lining they have built up & this causes abnormal bleeding in our abdominal cavity... It's not able to flush out like a normal AF, so the blood becomes stagnant & triggers yet another toxic chemical reaction... From now on I will use other methods for dealing with AF (rather than anything that can act as a plug & cause further misplacement of endometrial cells)... If I don't have a BFP in the next few months, I will likely resume taking Wobenzyme to further heal my body... There are natural enzymes in it which break down scar tissue & break down abnormal tissues such as misplaced endometrial cells... Wobenzyme also acts as a natural steroid which drastically reduces inflammation & therefore suppresses the body's chemical reaction to it... I truly believe that I can cure my body with natural remedies & that I will get a beautiful rainbow baby when I learn how to heal my body enough...

0 Comments • 10 years ago



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