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Stretchy white CM, confusing results on the HPT's - Help!!!

Hi! I'll try to shorten my story but I needed some advice, please!

It took 15 months to get pregnant with my son. This is my 2nd cycle of TTC #2. I'm not sure if i'm on 11 or 12DPO (fertility friend said 11, countdowntopregnancy said 12). If it's 12DPO, this is my expected AF day but still nothing.

I'm on a HPT rampage. I count 8 HPT's since yesterday, all with strange results. In all of them, they have 2 lines, although really, REALLY faint. Only 2 tests showed a line within the time frame. I had a Clearblue Digital test saying "Not Pregnant" after getting a faint line in a Predictor.

I do not have many symptoms... I don't feel anything in my BB's, but that may have something to do with me still breastfeeding my 20 month old son. The only thing weird I noticed yesterday was, this one time, a kind of stretchy white CM. Today, this stretchy white thing showed up again but it stretches more than yesterday and had increased in quantity as well. I'm not sure how many inches it goes, maybe 1,5... (4cms, if you're familiar with the measure). I never had this type of CM so far in the cycle...

So my doubts are:
- Can one really have so many evaps in 4 different brands? (only one is blue dye, the other are pink) Do you think it has something to do with my urine?

- Can this CM mean something? Or do you think it's just random?

- If you can take a look at my chart (don't know if it's possible), when do you think "O" happened?

I'm sorry to bother with so many doubts but this has never happened to me, especially with the tests. They were either BFN or BFP, neither was "unsure". Right now, I thought just about anything... Chemical pregnancy... Me being crazy... Any help is welcome!

Thank you! :)

1 Reply • 12 years ago



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I went to a Dr's appointment yesterday... He told me the most likely scenario was a chemical pregnancy. AF showed up today but I took the HPT the dr. sent. It has the same pinkish line within time frame but doesn't get any darker. So... Lick the wounds and move on.

Thanks. *

12 years ago • Post starter

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