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Can you ovulate twice in one cycle?

I don't use opk. I just tune into what my body is doing. Last month my cycle was longer than usual so I wasn't real sure when I would ovulate. I'm sure I ovulated on the Aug 22 as I had cramping on the left side, nausea, and globs of ewcm. On Aug 23 all the ov symptoms were gone. On Aug 24 I had cramps on my right side and when I woke up this morning I had nausea and more globs of ewcm. Did I ov twice or is something else. We haven't bd'd since my af stopped. All input is appreciated.

Don't know (0 votes)
Not possible (4 votes)
Possible (5 votes)

8 Answers • 11 years ago



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1 - 8 of 8 Answers

U can ovulate twice in one cycle, but it's going to happen within 24 hrs of each other. Anyone who says u can't obviously has never heard of fraternal twins (2 eggs, 2 sperm)

11 years ago

Yes that can happen lol but in her question she was two days apart :)

For the question asker maybe your body tried to O on the 22 and couldn't then geared right back up and officially O'd on the 24 :) Who knows it's the human body but I really don't think you can O then O again 2 days later!

11 years ago

pretty sure you can O more than once per cycle. i know someone that typically far apart idk but yes its possible..

11 years ago


I know someone who has and they had twins... They are in high school now! I was told they even had different conception dates?!

11 years ago


No. You can have more than one surge if the first wasn't successful, and you can release more than one egg from a surge, but you only ovulate once per cycle.

11 years ago

I can read...I saw the dates she posted, that is why I specifically said WITHIN 24 hrs of each other!

11 years ago

I know you can read and I know you're intelligent :) and I understand what you were saying just in this case what she described I think would be really pushing the limits not saying impossible just not very probable :) I'm not attacking you I promise ;) I have twins as well.

11 years ago

Thanks, makes some sense.

11 years ago • Post starter

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