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negative at 13 dpo, am i out this month?

I have one pregnancy test laying around, Should I go ahead and take it now, or wait until tomorrow? 11 dpo, i got very very very faint positive. then 13 dpo, i got a negative (which led me to believe the 11 dpo was a slightly colored evap line) well about 30 minutes later I could see a little color in the 13 dpo test. But then after a while it went away. (im guessing another evap). should i test again today? I am so anxious! (11 dpo) (13 dpo, you have to look really close because it is a far away pic) on both tests now, there is no line anymore.

6 Answers • 12 years ago



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1 - 6 of 6 Answers


looks like a line to me! when is AF due?
i am also 13dpo (28th cycle day)and i tested at 11 dpo too but it was negative. if AF doesn't come today for me (she hasn't shown up yet and its already afternoon) then i will test tonight since my cycles are 28 days.

maybe try using a different brand!

12 years ago

My periods are irregular, but based on an ovulation calander with the normal 28 day cycle, im supposed to start today. With those other tests, the line showed up after the time limit. I went on and took another test today, got another faint line, but it came up within the time limit! I am hoping maybe I ovulated later, or implanted later, and i am maybe only 10 dpo and that is why they are still so faint. But i am worried that this will end up being a chemical pregnancy since the lines havent gotten darker, but the one today got a light line earlier than the other tests, so maybe that is a good sigh?? keep me posted on what yours says! I am going to test again on the 4th. (one month since my last period) if that is another faint positive, i will get blood work done.

12 years ago • Post starter


It's really hard to tell with those pics, but I don't really see anything. The photos aren't very clear. Try posting them to the image gallery and get some votes!

12 years ago

I think if you keep getting a line you should test with another pregnancy test.
i will keep you posted! still no AF
Baby Dust!

12 years ago

I am also 13 DPO and took a test yesterday, first response, BFN. I am hopeful that I implanted later than I though, and that my AF doesn't show tomorrow. I am going to retest tomorrow am, if she doesn't show, because it usually starts overnight! Finger crossed for us all!

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12 years ago

clear blue easy digital said "pregnant" today at 14 dpo!

12 years ago • Post starter

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