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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hello everyone!! I figure I should introduce myself- I have been reading this thread and have read all your comments! I owe each of you a sincere thank you! I am beyond relieved that I am not the only completely obsessed, fanatical, crazy woman I thought I was! There are others like me!! This is fantastic! :-)
I absolutely love reading your posts 'waitingonmymiracle'! You have an incredible way of expressing how we are all feeling and it felt great to laugh at your posts (knowing of course I have done and feel the same as you). So here is my story: My husband and I have been together for 2 and a half years. I am 32 and trying for my first. We have been TTC for 14 months now. I have almost lost all hope that maybe it is not God's will for me or that I am not meant to be a 'mommy'. This terrifies me! I am doing everything right... but without success. I constantly obsess about am I having symptoms or is this my imagination? I think I see a line but I really am not sure... yep definitely no line... I think I'm nauseous, well no I'm not; poke my bb to make them sore, etc. As of this month I am 9 dpo. I can't seem to refrain from taking tests (total poas addict here) so I have taken 2 tests (one yesterday and one today) both . So tomorrow I go to an Infertility specialist for the first time. I am so scared. What if I am told I can't have babies?! What if something is wrong with me?! I am trying to remain positive and am hoping you lovely ladies will say a prayer for me. Thank you for allowing me to vent and (hopefully) welcoming into this group!

and to all!

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11 years ago

Hi Ladies. I posted my earlier today, but was too busy at work to get a chance to join the discussion. Thanks for the well wishes and - it helped!

For those of you still waiting for your hang in there. What we did diffeent this month is we :

A few days before O
On my estimated O date
and a couple of days after O

We wanted to make sure to be covered if I O'd early, on-time or late.

Now here's the strange thing...which is probably TMI. I had another strange symptom. My Vijayjay felt strange. When I placed my finger inside it was like the walls were swollen. They weren' iritated or anything, it was like it was closed up and tight. I then Googled Tight/Swollen Vijayjay and noticed that many women have asked that question; however, they say that it is not a symptom of early pregnancy.

I just wanted to share just in case someone else has experienced the same thing.

I got my but I had a MC in 2008 at 8 eight weeks (although they believe the pregnancy terminated around 6 weeks)., so I am praying this baby sticks. I don't plan on going anywhere though. I hope to read about more 's in the coming weeks!

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11 years ago

47078 - really?

11 years ago

Lmpotts80 welcome!!! Have you ever thought that maybe your CM may not be hospitable to DH's swimmers? Good thing to ask the fertility specialist as I've seen a lot about it on message boards.

Holly - I just about spit my drink out when I saw you had typed vijayjay!

11 years ago

Hi phatgurl!! Thank you so much for the advice! I will ask the specialist about that as I have not considered that... I know I'm ovulating and I watch my CM to coincide with my fertile days but I have not considered the environment. Thanks again!!

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11 years ago

lmao TARA NO i have never done the dirty at work lmao if i do i would do it in the gyno room *they have stirrups for my feet and everything* haha not the icky bathroom gosh i can not stop laughing!!

Holly: Congrats!! Praying your little bean sticks this time. Cant wait to see ultrasound and bump pictures!

Phat- I am surprisingly not to upset either, I guess after 2 years and some change i am used to getting BFN although they piss me off with everyone and i deny that its right every time!

lmpotts80- Welcome!! Have you picked out the color of your straight jacket yet, mines purple with matching shoes! lol As phat said it could be the environment and if thats the case preseed does wonders for that! Be sure to let us know what the specialist says and GL!

TTC #2, 2 miscarriages, 2 years in My precious babies will grow in our hearts but not in our arms. As long as we remember, they are never truly lost

11 years ago

@phat-If you have the tests...keep on testing!! Otherwise you might go thru withdraw! lol

Hi Impotts!!! Thank you so much sweetie! To be honest, because women I've talked to face to face gave me looks like I should have a tracking bracelet on my ankle..I thought women online would do the same! But to my surprise, the POAS crazy gene is in many of us! I'm glad you've been able to take shelter in our crazy forum! Now onto your question if something is wrong with you. Like Phat said, it is always possible that your vajayjay (I call it that too after hearing it on grey's anatomy lol) is a hostile environment and is attacking the little swimmers. If the fert. spec. concludes that...there are always ways of treating that. As far as you being afraid something is really wrong and you'll never be able to have matter what the doctor says...God is bigger than it! We all question God wondering why we're not pregnant yet when we want it so bad. It's like a child asking their mom, "But I really really want the candybar!" But the mother knows that right now isnt the perfect time for a candybar cause it will ruin their dinner. Even though we all want a baby now...God is like our mother and father and knows the exact perfect second in time for us to have a child. He already knows our future children! We just have to trust Him and when we do...all the windows and doors will come flying open!! No matter what the doctor tells you tomorrow, remember that God is bigger and more powerful than anything. When you go outside tonight, look up at the sky. See all those stars? God placed them all there one by one and knows each of their names. Dh and I will pray for you tonight like we do for all the wonderful ladies on this forum and I promise you...God is in control of the situation! Who knows, maybe you'll go in tomorrow and they'll find a peanut . Cant wait to hear more updates from you!

@Holly-I have read about the vajayjay thing you're talking about...and from what I know it's completely normal to be tighter when you get pregnant. Sometimes I even ask dh if it feels different. lol

Now please everyone...pray for my car to pass safety and emissions test!!!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Bahahahaha! You girls keep me in stitches!

ShayHugh09: As a matter of fact- I have already ordered my chic new straight jacket- it is actually pink with orange polka dots. I mean I figure if people are gonna be staring at me anyway, I might as well give them a fashion faux pa to integrate into their caddy remarks, right?! LOL

Like I said earlier, I have been following this thread for weeks and finally decided to become part of the conversation because you girls already feel like friends and are too funny! It makes things so much easier to deal with when I know I can look to each of you everyday and you make me laugh and feel good!

waitingonmymiracle: Your words to me (someone that you don't know from Adam) have touched me and moved me to tears! Your words are so much comfort! You are right- God is the ultimate healer and He knows what is best for us! I am really really trying to remember that I want His will for me, not my own because He really does know best! I can't personally thank you enough. Many women on here including yourself, have been through things I don't think I could go through so to read your words are beyond security for me. I will be certain to look at those stars tonight- think of you- and say once again, my own prayer to my Savior.

I will keep you posted on what the Infertility doc says tomorrow. All my love pretty ladies-

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11 years ago

oooh that sounds so chic! I want a polka dot one!!! lol i wonder if i could find one in animal print! lol

This holding my pee thing is not working out well for me..not at all.. and DH thinks its funny to poke me or tickle me.. i love the jerk lol
I am so confused at this point nauseous exhausted and still crampy but course BFN!

TTC #2, 2 miscarriages, 2 years in My precious babies will grow in our hearts but not in our arms. As long as we remember, they are never truly lost

11 years ago

Pic 47122 - I want to say something, but I'm going to say it on here instead. Are you f'ing kidding me? You could see that across the mall parking lot & you want to know if it's an evap?! Argggggggggggghhhh

11 years ago

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