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Looking for cycle buddies for TWW

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Hello! This is our third month TTC and second month charting. I'm mostly sticking with natural supplements and monitoring temps for ovulation. I'll be starting B6 and pineapple cores after my fertile window/a temp spike User Image

83 Replies • 8 years ago



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Hi Ladies,
Sorry I missed your posts -this thread went quiet for a little while! I am currently 11 dpo and I feel miserable :(. I have been experiencing on and off nausea and hot flashes since Wed - the nausea was so bad I couldn't barely even look at supper. It's been on and off ever since. I am travelling today to see my parents and barely survived the train ride- only the flight with 2 connections left to go! I brought Pepto in case and just read that you aren't supposed to take it if your pregnant, so I am going to stay away. AF is due on Sunday/Monday so if no sign by then - I'll get a test and check! I had actually bought a cheapie to bring with me just in case but forgot it! ugh!

How is it going? fingers crossed the with still hasn't shown up!

8 years ago

hey @twwtoolong
Sorry to hear about your discomfort! feeling sick while travelling is NO fun. Although as far as pregnancy goes that sounds like a fantastically good sign!

I got my period today :) My husband is probably secretly cheering because he would love to have a summer born baby -lol- but he is ready whenever it happens.

Good luck to everyone! Keep me posted!!

8 years ago

tww - like Nova said, that stinks you are feeling like crap, but that really sounds like a great sign!! I'll be waiting here for an update!

nova - aw man! that stinks. on to the next cycle!!

I am only 4 DPO today so I won't even have any symptoms yet, but I've been having vivid dreams/nightmares the past two nights. I can't remember the last time I even remembered what my dreams were about! so weird.

8 years ago

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