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CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!

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I have a 3 year old little girl. I had the mirena iud removed in November and my husband and I decided to wait until after the first of the year to start ttc. This is my second cycle ttc and today is cd 1 for me. Just joined today and could use buddies for the journey!

1122 Replies • 11 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

841 - 850 of 1122 Replies | Last Page

Zuberi: did you get your temp rise?!

Skarcm: I am excited for you to test! It's crazy since you don't really know where you are at in your cycle.

MrsPearson: sounds good! well being sick isn't really good but it is if you're pregnant! Hopefully early early symptoms for both of us!

Mewlingstork: hooray for being 16 weeks! That's awesome!

Dbjohnson: I asked my dr before I knew I was going to miscarry when we went to CA and he said flying is no biggy in early pregnancy. Although you may be disappointed in the weather here.. it is cold!

AFM: I couldn't resist.....Idk what's wrong with me (or all of us ) that we feel the need to pee on sticks but I did and it was BFN of course being 8 dpo and I knew that it would be so no disappointment it's just kind of a relief to not think about "what if". The wondering bothers me much more than getting a BFN from testing too early. btw having TONS of creamy CM. Part of it's b/c of progesterone suppositories but this lasts all day everyday so I know that not all of it is...weird.

10 years ago • Post starter

BFN for me this morning. I actually wasn't as disappointed as I thought I'd be, maybe that is because I don't know when ovulation was so this whole cycle has felt off. Oh, well. Come on AF so we can move on to the next cycle.

10 years ago

Hello, Hello!

Skarcm: I am so sorry! It might still be too early! Don't lose hope yet

Mewling: congrats on being 16 weeks! That seems so far away for me, but I know it will be here before I know it

Amanda: sorry for the BFN, but it is still early! I think you are having a lot of good symptoms! Thanks for he info about flying! The info I read is exactly what you said, but I guess I wanted to hear it from a real person.

Zuberi: did your temp rise? Are you in the dreaded TWW?

AFM: this week is going by SO slowly! I've been trying to keep myself busy, but Friday will never get here! I know we aren't going to see a lot tomorrow, but if feel it will make me calm down to see "it".

Hope you all are having a great week! Know that I think about all of you each and everyday!

10 years ago

AF came this evening. I'm really glad that she came on her own and now I can start a fresh cycle. I think we are not going to use fertility meds or do an u/s. I just want to wing it on my own again since last cycle was so messed up. Plus it will be less stressful with the holidays coming.

Dbjohnson: let us know how your u/s goes tomorrow.

Anything new from any one?

10 years ago

Skarcm: you are an amazing woman! You have such a positive outlook! I hope this cycle goes more smoothly for you

10 years ago

Dbjohnson: yes I'm grrrrr 1dpo. I don't want to think about it. I am excited for you guys. Update us after your appointment.

Skarcm: I have to agree with Dbjohnson you are an inspiration to every woman who is ttc. We are praying that this is your cycle.

Amanda: sorry about the bfn. But like Dbjohnson said it's still early. When will you test again?

Afm: 1dpo. Nuthing to report. Still a little crampy. Nothing out of the ordinary. I am waiting to start taking the benadryl. Have a great night. Get some bding in...... I bet your husband will appreciate some good bding with out the preasure of trying to catch the egg. Lol good night.

10 years ago

Dbjohnson - good luck for today.

Skarcm - Good luck with your new cycle.

Amanda- any update?

Bfn here this morning. 10dpo 20miu sensitivity. Not many symptoms sore bbs like last cycle. AF due Mon xx

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10 years ago

Mrspearson: Sorry about the BFN. Hoping that it is just to early.

Zuberi: UGH, the TWW. Good luck staying sane and let us know when you start testing.

Thank you ladies for the nice comments. Having you all really makes this journey a little easier. I think I might do OPK's again just to see if they work right. The Clomid really did a number on my PCOS. I'm hoping that since we did Femara last cycle and will do nothing this cycle that it will give my PCOS a rest and the OPK's actually work. It would be something if all of us had BFP's by the end of the year. Here's to that thought!!!

10 years ago

Hello Ladies!

Just a quick update... Had my u/s this morning. It went well, just saw the gest. sac (a black blob), and if my doc moved the wand at just the right angle, you could see the yolk sac. The black blob measured 5w2d, which is perfect because I thought I was 5w3d. The picture they printed out was just of the black blob. My DH just grabbed it and won't let me touch it, he is very possessive of the picture

I was really (secretly) hoping to see something more, but I knew it would be early. We did another beta and it came back 11676, so everything is right on pace. He did prescribe progesterone suppositories for the spotting, even though I haven't spotted for a couple days. Next u/s is scheduled for Dec 10th, that is his first available appointment after we get back from KC. I'll be 8 weeks on the dot, and hopefully we'll see the HB!

10 years ago

Hey ladies

Happy Friday!

Dbjohnson: I'm glad everything went well. (I knew it would) /smile

Amanda: How are you?

Afm: nothing to update. Temp is 98.1 (kinda high for 2dpo) I just pray that it keeps going up. Cramps and presure on the left side.

We are feeding the community tommorow and I have church on Sunday but I will check in if time permits.

Have a great weekend!

10 years ago

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