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Looking for cycle buddies for TWW

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Hello! This is our third month TTC and second month charting. I'm mostly sticking with natural supplements and monitoring temps for ovulation. I'll be starting B6 and pineapple cores after my fertile window/a temp spike User Image

83 Replies • 8 years ago



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mkh1088 - Any word? I have been checking since Friday! I hope you get your BFP.

8 years ago

started spotting yesterday and still spotting today....looks like the is coming a week late. UGH!

8 years ago

@mkh I'm sorry if that's the case! At least you get to look forward to trying again soon.... I wonder why you were so late though?

I am also having a strange cycle- I ovulated on day 14 instead of 18, and my BBT numbers are ALL over the place - I'm trying to think positive that I did in fact ovulate with the LH surge, but time will tell. I was so anxious to test my BBT this morning I woke up three times in the middle of the night!
I had a lovely temp, 97.98, but yesterday at 5DPO I had 97.42, and 2 and 3 DPO were 97.4's as well! I am usually a slow riser after ovulation, taking about 3 days to get above 9.6, but this month 1DPO was a beautiful 97.7. I got so excited and then the following two days was practically brokenhearted over the low BBTs. The last thing I want is trouble with progesterone!!!!!

How is everyone else doing? What DPO are you all on now?

8 years ago

Hi Nova! Good luck to you this cycle!! I don't temp so I don't really know anything about what you are saying :P

I think it was stress that made my cycle super whacky. I was taking my last of 9 exams to get my designation for my career that I had been trying for and I passed! so no more stress now :) I am on CD 11 right now so I'm all off from your cycles now :( I've been having some spotting today and last night. I am hope that means I am gearing up to O...OPKs are starting to get a smidge darker. hoping to have a positive soon!

8 years ago

any updates this cycle?

8 years ago

It seems quiet on this page- I guess most of the ladies went away :(

@mkh- I'm supposed to get AF thursday (on a much shorter cycle than last 10 months) so I'm trying to wait to test until then (13 DPO) But I just may test tomorrow!!!! Each time I flush my first urination, I get a little sad that testing is out for that day, even though I decided to wait- lol

I don't really have symptoms other than the ovulation spotting, tender breasts for first 5 days of ovulation, now they are just barely tender. I didn't have implantation bleeding this month and my BBT"s have been wacky so it was hard to see if there was any implantation dip. Sorry, I know you said you don't track BBT's so this doesn't make sense :)

OH YEAH! I decided to have my progesterone tested on day 21 since my bbt's were so low, and typically are lower during luteal phase than everyone else I read about. I got an 18.4 ng/mL, which is a strong ovulation! I'm so glad about that. And the last three days have been great temps for me, 98.03, 97.98, and 98.34 today.

I'm really just trying to think positive but also not get my hopes up. Every month I feel so sure that it could be the month so it feels silly to think that way now.

8 years ago

@mkh - also, i'm sorry to hear about your stressful month- it must be so hard to see AF hold off and then still get it! Its normal though and I'm sure you will have your lucky month any time now. We all have experienced shifts and changes, I think it happens a lot also when we start paying attention so heavily to our bodies when we aren't used to doing that.

I'm FX for you! :) :) Hope you have a more relaxing month.

8 years ago

thanks Nova!! I'm praying you get your BFP this month! I will be checking back on here to see when you test

that's so funny about the FMU comment you made because I thought that every time I didn't test last cycle too ahah.

that's awesome you got a strong ovulation! I am 1 DPO today (I think). I never got a true positive OPK, but I got one that looked like it was heading positive on CD 13 which would be normal for me. Maybe I just missed the surge. I am still testing OPKs, but I am counting today (CD 15) as 1 DPO. I told myself I wasn't going to obsess over things this month. We only BD'd once during the fertile period, but it was on my peak day according to the Ovia app. Not sure how much I can actually rely on that though since I am just coming off that whacky cycle.

definitely keep me updated on your testing!

8 years ago

@mkh well my hopes have been dashed pretty hard- today my BBT dropped almost an entire degree (which happens when AF is coming, due tomorrow) AND I tested with an early response test on 12DPO this morning and BFN :( BOOOO!

UGH I know its only the 4th month trying but I just want to know that despite my irregular periods in my teens and early twenties, despite my low fluctuating BBT's,, despite that I'll be 35 when I deliver, despite my 9 fibroids-

I WANT TO KNOW That It is possible for me to conceive a healthy baby! so its hard to be patient.

My husband wants me to stop BBT-ing because they seem to be stressing me out. We have data since last August, although things have evolved since my body started regulating itself after coming off birth control then. My cycles went from 28 to 35 to 28 to 33 to 33 to 31 31 31 then 29 and then this last cycle was 26. I think acupuncture was helping and also i took maca root for about 6 months.

Ugh, I was so relieved that my progesterone was high and that i had ovulation spotting. Also I had a dream last night that I tested positive and saw those those beautiful pink lines! Bummer.

I'm supposed to hold out hope until AF comes tomorrow or Friday...but I don't think I can at this point.

Are you having a peaceful month at least I hope? :)

8 years ago

ugh man that stinks im sorry to hear that! I can't imagine how you are feeling

yeah that's why I never tried BBT in the first place. it seems way more stressful than it's worth.

you're not out until the shows!!

my month is going pretty well. I am doing a good job of not obsessing over things. my husbands in the "if it happens it happens" mode and I am trying to adopt that since we are still young (im 27 and hes 29). If it doesn't happen by the end of this year though I want to start REALLY trying and timing every single thing out haha.

8 years ago

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