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5 days post IUI...Cycle buddy anyone?

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I had my first IUI on Saturday, so I'm now 5 days out and analyzing every twinge and eating way too much chocolate. Anyone in a similar boat or close in days?

203 Replies • 11 years ago



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Today AF is due. I hope she doesn't come! Stay away from me!!! I did not test yet but I can feel my breast getting less sore than the other days, I hope it's not a bad sign.
In case AF shows this cycle I would be ready for my IUI in the second part of December. I can't say it now as AF has not started. Good luck to you Texasgirl and always keep us informed!
Goldenegg when do you plan your IUI?

11 years ago

Ladies, I uploaded the picture of my second test
You can check for it in the tests gallery at 16 DPO (unsure category)

11 years ago

Sabrina, the pictures aren't loading! Not just yours...I can't see any of the images. I don't know if there is something wrong with my iPad/Internet or if it is the site! Can you still see them?

And as far as your symptoms going away or fading, mine have done that too. In fact, there have been times that I have felt so normal that I would swear I wasn't pregnant. This morning and last night were different though...woke up STARVING around 3 am and had to get up and eat. My breasts are super sore now. And this morning I started crying for no reason whatsoever. My husband was talking about hash browns and eggs for breakfast and i started sobbing. Who knew breakfast foods were so emotional!

I'm going to keep checking for your test image! My fingers are crossed for you!! Oh, and btw, my beta numbers are very normal, so I'm thinking it's not twins? Still could be I guess. We will find out at the first ultrasound around six weeks. At five weeks today!

My hope for you today is that AF stays away and that second line gets darker and darker!

11 years ago • Post starter

Okay, pictures are back! I think it's a faint positive!! Maybe go get another brand or a digital and test again tomorrow or the next day? OMG I'm so excited for you!!

11 years ago • Post starter

Jean thank you for writing to me!
It's 7 pm and AF didn't show up, no spot! But I still can't figure out what happens because first time when I took progesterone my AF has been delayed 3 days so....I'm still waiting! My breast are a little sore and swollen, but I feel normal! My ovaries ached me very bad at 15 DPO and I thought I have ectopic again, I cried a lot until my husband saw me and calmed down! I am emotional too.
Now I can feel only a dull ache around my left ovary so I don't worry about ectopic any more.

I have a very sensitive (10 mIu) test for tomorrow morning and it's another brand! I've read about the faint lines given by the brand test I used. They say most of the times positive but sometimes they are false positives, especially if read after 10 min. I also must tell you that with my ectopic pg I got a BFN when I was 3 days late even if my beta was 130 :) I'll try tomorrow and let you know!
Thank you for commenting and voting!

OMG I want a baby so bad! I even dream about it!

11 years ago

I'm so excited for you ladies. I have ultrasound on Wednesday so maybe next Friday or Saturday. Will know more on Wednesday. I'm going to try to find your test Sabrina!

11 years ago

Thank you ladies for all your comments and votes but I think I'm out! I tested today with another brand test and it was clearly . I hate the brand I used earlier. I've read somewhere it can detect even 5 mIu of Hcg and I suppose it detected a trace of my Hcg trigger shot that's why it ended in a faint false positive.

I am now 18 DP IUI and feel very frustrated. I can feel AF coming and I found a pinkish spot this morning.
I am so upset on the progesterone that probably delays my period.

Goldenegg, when do you suppose you might have a second IUI? What medicine are you going to use? Mine would probably be around 17th of December.

Jean, I was thinking about you! Don't worry if you have a symptom-less pregnancy. Be happy you are not nauseous yet, you still have 8 months ahead! :) Your body got used to hormones that you have used before getting pregnant (the HCG shot and progesterone) so that's why you don't feel to many symptoms now!
The most important is you to feel good and your beta going high!

I'll keep you updated! Thank you for reading about me, it really helps me to fight with my kilometric cycles and false positive tests


11 years ago

Sabrina, I'm thinking more around the seventh or eighth. I'm sorry, you got a bfn. :(

11 years ago

Ohhhhh, rats. I'm so sorry, Sabrina! You should call that HPT company and give them a piece of your mind because that was definitely a positive. You are thinking it must have still been the trigger shot, but didn't you get a negative before that? If that's the case, it would not have been the trigger. Maybe your situation is like texasgirl and your body was close? Either way, your month is coming! Don't give up!

Good luck this month ladies! Keep the updates coming!

11 years ago • Post starter

Hey my ladies,

AF has started today. It's more like a light brown discharge but I know it will be definitely here tomorrow.
This means my next IUI would be around the 17th of December. If you can see my waits are very long since AF started at 19 DPO and I have 15 days to wait until I ovulate.
I promised myself next month I will not focus on all my symptoms and twinges, because it drives me crazy.

Goldenegg, you'll be soon counting down to pregnancy You'll be 10 days ahead of me! Keep me informed!

Jean, you might be right. My case could be similar to Texasgirl's situation. I could feel my breast's pain as it was in my ectopic pregnancy. It was very swollen around 16 DP IUI and I peed 3 times a night, which was similar to how I felt in the other pg. What about you? How do you feel? What are your main pg symptoms?

I had so much hope but ruined it!

I did not call my doctor yet as AF is not the full flow, but I do hope I'll make good follies this month and maybe Santa will give us a baby!

11 years ago

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