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I'm currently 3DPO and absolutely hate the TWW! Was just wondering if there was anyone out there going through the same thing.

1111 Replies • 12 years ago



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Fluff- You are in my prayers. I know it is heart breaking. A lot of my friends are pregnant, and it is like as soon as one announces she is pregnant, another one gets pregnant too. I thought it was a mean joke at first. I just keep telling myself that maybe GOD is telling us it is not our time yet, and just to be patient. That is easy said than done. I am sooooo ready for another child. I went out and bought a Yorkie puppy yesterday just to ease my mind a little bit. I pray that by the end of 2012 you will be pregnant.

How are you other ladies doing?

Today I am CD 12. According to fertility friend I am suppose to be O tomorrow, but I havent confirmed that with an OPK yet. Anywho I plan on BDing for the next three days JUST in case.


12 years ago

KSM, aww a new puppy!! and also Thank you, just keep praying for me I am struggling... I just don't know how much more my heart can take.

In the beginning I was more angry that it wasn't happening, angry and upset when I heard about others...I thought well I deserved one more than some.. which was wrong then I started just to feel hurt that it wasn't happening...I finally got to a point where I wasn't sad about others annocements, I was happy for them.. even if they werent trying or only tried for so little time, because I also had friends who had suffered loss, or had been tyring for ahwile... but I guess SIL stings more since well she will give my inlaws the first grandbaby and who knows she may be the only one who gives them grandbabies..

my heart has been in this for a year before we activiely were trying, and now that I face the year mark of actively trying... I am having a hard time handling it... I know Gods timing is perfect, and wonderful but what if I am not meant to have kids?

12 years ago

Fluff - I can relate. My younger brothers produced children long before me and well before they could "afford" them. Then, all of my gfs had their first and were starting on their #2 before me. Personally, I gave up on trying to hit the O day and instead we Bd'd really early in my cycle (CD6, 10,12 - I think I recall that correctly but might be a day off on at least one of those). It seems to have finally worked!

Any sign of AF?

12 years ago

Hi Fluff & and old -

I'm ok. After the hsg showing my tubes were blocked I had to wait a month for them to redo the test to see if they could force the dye through and unplug the tubes. they did and said I was good to go.

So here I am. This is the second month of trying since the tubes were cleared. I'm 1dpo and this month we bd'd like crazy and used opks and preseed which has worked for a lot of my friends. Now I'm in my tww and trying not to obsess, but I'm not so good at that! Anyone else have luck/experience with preseed? What about soft cups?

Good to see all you ladies and I'm so happy for those of you who got your bfp. I just have to keep reminding myself that it will happen for the rest of us. Smiley, I'm so sorry about your mc.

12 years ago

MoVegas! good to hear from you, and yay for back to trying again! I know you must be excited to know now your tubes are no longer blocked. I hope you get good news this month!
I have used preseed its good stuff, pricy but good but I haven't used it every time though... plus its possible that there are other issue at hand for I am not pregnant yet. I have not tried soft cups yet but I do kinda wait around after bd'ing before getting up...I may try soft cups this upcoming cycle or well... take a break.

I want to appoligzie to everyone for my sad comments, I know I have been kinda down lately and I don't want to sound like I am down all the time, it has just been a tough week...

Anyways CD27 AF feels like its just around the corner... I have been cramping for days now...I just wish if AF was coming AF would stop these games and just come on...

12 years ago

CD1 today :(
Yesterday I had very light spotting and this month was just weird to begin with... but I had very bad cramps and well AF showed up.

12 years ago

Hi lades..I'm suppose to be in my fertile period ...but dh isnt cooperating. He says he wants a baby but he doesn't try hard like I do. I'm sitting here with my pillow soaked because idk what else to do, please keep me in your prayers.

12 years ago

Hi lades..I'm suppose to be in my fertile period ...but dh isnt cooperating. He says he wants a baby but he doesn't try hard like I do. I'm sitting here with my pillow soaked because idk what else to do, please keep me in your prayers.

KSM, keep your head up you know your fertile period last 7 days... and well it only takes once! So don't loose hope okay, its not necessary to bd every day, most doctors even say every other day is best. I am sorry your feeling down I know it can be tough but for guys they have a different perspective... I know my husband he really wants a baby too but he doesn't express it like I do... we weren't made the same ya know... but that is okay... the main thing is you and hubby are on the same page about wanting a baby. I can understand you feel your desire is stronger but I have felt that way too and still can but I realize more and more my hubby wants a baby too and he also has that desire... men just well you know don't like expressing feelings and emotions lol and sometimes BD can well take a romance away... so its important to show you care for them ya know, and aren't just coming to them for the goods lol

Anyways keep your chin up lady!

12 years ago

Hey ladies.. Sorry I haven't been on my mother borrowed my laptop so I have to sit at a computer to write back and well I don't do that too often. Anyway I am on cd11 and just going with the flow of things.
Fluff keep your head up. All you ladies are in my prayers having your support is a blessing. I hear you on the reaction to the news of someone else being pregnant, I feel like a stab in my heart every time I hear someone is pregnant. Its not out of jealousy but more out of aww man but thank God because in all honesty even if their journey may not have been as long as mine or my dear internet friends I don't know what they suffered or dealt with so I try and just take it as if they have been blessed and I will soon be blessed too. I'm sending all you ladies a ton of baby dust and a fertility drink on

Oh yea BTW.. I decided to try that free thing they had on here for FertiBella. Its my first month and I will say this much I have lost 10lbs but I don't know if its from the pills or the fact that we have been bding a lot more since I started taking the pills. Anyway I plan on keeping you all posted on my progress. And thank you again for being my shoulders.. God bless!

12 years ago

Smiley, let us know how the Fertibella is doing this cycle, and yay for loosing 10lbs! (whoohoo)
hopefully this will be the lucky month.

So I am on CD3 but my period has been really strange this cycle... the first day was kinda normal, but over night and the very next day just a few drops basically... and today so far its light... but more than yesterday already... I am thinking that I must have not have Ovulated this month, and since I didn't track ov with opk/tempting I can't prove it. But in 1yrs time I had one cycle were it was short and another time where I never got a postive opk... so now I am kinda wondering if one tube is blocked?

12 years ago

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