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Been at this a while...Private "Testers" Support G

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Hey! So the "Testers" thread was getting way too big, and way too chaotic, so I decided to make this thread hidden away in the Long-Term board... Because I know a lot of us have been at this for a while and we had such a close knit group and I don't want to lose that. So if you ladies want to join me here, please do! Hope nobody is offended by my doing this, I just cannot keep up with the new folks and honestly a lot of them do not "get it" at all. :(

752 Replies • 10 years ago



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Well just got my trigger shot and I completely chickened out couldn't do it but my husband had no problem plunging a needle into't even pinch. Just glad that's over with. Now just gotta relax until Thursday.

Good night all talk with you all in the morning

10 years ago

Hi ladies! Work is crazy busy...had my appointment today and it went GREAT!! Plan in place..will update tomorrow as I am about to pass out...

10 years ago

Good morning ladies! Temp jumped this morning, so looks like I may have oed on CD 11. Wish it would have waited till today, for more time:(

10 years ago

afmedic--I'm sorry girlie. Were you able to BD at all?

AFM--well, I'm taking a 6 hour exam this morning so will be away all afternoon. I just wanted to say "HI!" and I hope all of you have a great day!

10 years ago

Gm ladies my schedule is sooo hectic. Hey Jan I'm glad you are back. I'm on cd 5 af is leaving the building. Everyone have a great blessed day. Smooches

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10 years ago

@amag: Glad your husband was able to take control and stab ya! haha!! And I am so happy to hear your doctor is excited about this cycle. Did you have smaller follicles on each side that may also have gone? Anything about 15 has a chance I think because the trigger also gives them an extra boost. I know the next two weeks will be super slow but we'll be here for you! What is your protocol for testing? Or do you know yet? Will they have you take a hpt or do a blood draw?

@JLHart: Can't wait to hear about your plan.

@law: Good luck today!! I'll be thinking about you!

@Cam: Ya for AF leaving.

@afmedic: I hope you were able to bd at least once! The baby shower this Saturday is for me :) I am very excited. I also have another one one the Super Bowl eve. I somehow was able to schedule my showers to not interfere with any football!! I feel so blessed!

@janise: So glad you found us! And I am happy to hear you are working things out. Make sure he earns it though. You deserve the very best, so don't compromise too much!

@luv: I know you were kidding, and I'd never want anyone to die in a fire; however, I LOVED your post about 49ers fans! LOL!!! I hope you get your real life bump buddies too! How fun will that be!! I hope you O soon!

@blue: Ice fishing sound fun but waaaaaaaaaaay too cold.

AFM: I hope everyone has a wonderful day. I woke up late... so I got to work late (still the first one here) but have to leave early so I most likely will not be around. Thinking of you all!!

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10 years ago

lawbride GL with your test today! I'm sure you'll do great. 6 hours is a long time for a test though! Sorry about the carb cravings too, hopefully we can find a bit more balance from now on ;)

amag good job handling the trigger shot! Glad your DH stepped up to the plate! As for the IUI with the bendy catheter, it can actually work against you because it's so bendy that it doesn't always push a nice path through, if that makes sense. I really hope you won't need the tenaculum but I just thought I'd prepare you for the possibility :)

afmedic I am glad you were able to BD in the last few days! Early O means a shorter-seeming cycle at least :)

JLH yay! Can't wait to hear about your plan!

Cam glad AF is on the outs! FX this cycle and I'm glad your faith helps you relax :)

SMH haha I do not really want anyone to die in a fire ;) Except maybe Harbaugh. Even that would be a bit extreme though. I like calling that team the Sixty-Niners though, it really pisses off the fans ;) I hope your sleeping in was fun at least! Yay for your baby shower coming up!!

AFM CD 13, ovaries are still a bit jumpy but no positive OPK yet. Not much going on!

10 years ago • Post starter

@luv: haha! 69ers! That team just makes me mad on so many levels!!! I really really really hope we beat them!! My sleeping in was not fun - I had a horrible nightmare :( I am so impressed you can feel you ovaries working. I never could. The whole ovulation thing was such a mystery to me - thank goodess for OPKs. I am hoping you O sooner than later!

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10 years ago

Luv can feel your ovaries jump!! Thanks Smh.
Luv I really pray that your hsg blew your tubes straight to your BFP. Yes my faith keeps me because I'm putting things into prospective with working full-time and going to school full-time maybe God is allowing me to get through this first then maybe God was waiting on me to just allow Him to do what He sees fit! On top of having a army of children in my home(j/k it's only 4 and sometimes 5) they just talked me into allowing them to get a baby pit bull hmmmm. It's really tiny right now so we will see how this pansout. Getting ready for my second class I just finished a paper for. Chat with you ladies later. I have Spanish class tonight at 6-9 p.m.

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10 years ago

@cam: Oooh! A puppy!!!! Fun! I've been wanting to get another cat but probably not a good idea at this point.

@luv: I just noticed we are at 38 pages. I think we are suppoesd to keep it to about 20 pages. Do you want to make a part 2?

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10 years ago

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