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9DPO TTC#2 tww survival tips please!

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Hi Everyone! I'm fairly new to the site, currently 9 DPO and driving myself insane, looking for any advise for surviving the TWW!!.....With my first, it took 2 years to conceive, I had irregular cycles and some months never ovulated, drove myself absolutely insane!! I promised myself if we ever tried again I wouldn't go nuts....and then here I am, 9 DPO and blowing through internet tests like a mad woman :) This is my 4th month TTC and my cycles have been text book perfect since stopping the pill-which is VERY unusual for me-so I thought hey, maybe this time it will be nice and easy??? Nope...last month I did have a CP and it was actually a relief just knowing everything is working without having to get poked and prodded 2-3 times a month.

Anyways, done rambling!! How do you find the patience and will power to not test constantly??? Gosh I wish I could just wait until AF is due, test, and let it be. Seeing BFN after BFN is exhausting and depressing, pure torture! Yet month after month I put myself through it, I can't help it! lol

75 Replies • 7 years ago



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I will definitely keep hoping! We aren't out until the shows up!

For now, it seems like the light light brown tinge has turned into brown stringy CM... I've never had it before as far as I remember. To describe it, my CM is that watery/sticky CM, but add in cut-up tiny little bits of brown string. Weird, right? I have no idea how to even search for that online.

Lately, my lower back and headaches have been killing me! Almost to the point where I feel nauseated after each meal... But nothing ever comes out of that end. Also, I'm starting to feel almost bruised where my ovaries would be, but only when I press it... Happened on accident when I noticed it. Cramps getting worse and , but they feel different from AF cramps.

I've heard that the brown stringy CM combined with cramps can be a bad thing so I've called my GYN to ask and now just waiting to hear back... Up to 24 hours.

Took some more tests ... Still

What a weird cycle this has been for me. Super weird! I hope yours goes much smoother. I'll keep you posted on what my GYN says tomorrow. We gotta stick together and stay positive!

7 years ago

Hopefully the brown CM is just a good sign, either that baby REALLY burrowed inside or, maybe just your body's way of trying to have regular cycles again?

I had my dr's appointment yesterday, still waiting on blood work results to check the hormone levels, but the ultrasound showed no cycst! woohoo! and the Dr said it's very likely I did ovulate. Still doesn't explain why I keep having cramps???

Did you use any OPKs during this week? Since your CM has been watery/stringy...sometimes you can spot or have brown tinged CM after ovulation....looking back on our conversation it looked like your spotting stopped just as the left me, and you were having a lot of the snotty CM just as I was getting positive OPKs?? Do you think maybe you just ovulated?? Maybe we synced up hahaha

7 years ago • Post starter

Hahaha! I didn't think about that....maybe we DID sync up! But if so, then I definitely missed my window.

I didn't take any OPKs this cycle...I was going to wait until next cycle so that I had a clean slate, so to speak. And my CM has only been watery-ish the last two, it's back to dry and snotty brown. CP was medium and semi-soft and closed this morning. *shrug*

It looks like both of us are waiting on the doctor's office. If we are this much in sync, maybe the answers we get will help us both!
I'll let you know when they finally call me back.

I've been really good this time - only taking an HPT every other day - but I've been taking two different tests at the same time. Oddly, the cheapie gives me a faint faint line, but the FRER doesn't. Maybe it's time I go in for some bloodwork, too. If I count that week of spotting as just spotting, then I'm on CD37 already. And that darn Flo app just keeps pushing out my ovulation date each day doesn't arrive.

All I know is that I would love for my appetite to come back, and I would like for the exhaustion and throbbing headaches to go away.

7 years ago

UPDATE - so the triage nurse called back and told me that I'd need to get a beta blood test done to confirm levels...I would need to do that sometime in the next two days. From there, we'll see what to do about the discharge and the cramping.

Wish me luck, I'll let you know how it goes.

Any news about your bloodwork?

7 years ago

Did you get your blood work done? How have you been feeling?

The Dr called me back and said that The ultrasound confirmed I did ovulate and all hormone levels came back within normal limits, (whatever that means!!!) and so now it's a waiting game!! I started cramping today, nothing bad but enough to be annoying! Also, I've just been exhausted. I could sleep all day if my dd would let me lol

I have to go in for a full hormonal workup in June if this month doesn't take. Which is a bummer but-I can't complain really, I'm just thankful my cycles are regular this time ttc!

I hope you get good news after your blood work!!! I think I'll begin POAS tomorrow lol 8dpo isn't terribly insane and therefor to me, acceptable

7 years ago • Post starter

Yay, sounds like you are on your way to a nice healthy cycle and hopefully, a strong

So I'm still getting the snotty brown discharge. And yesterday, I had a sudden gush of clear fluid - weird, but I've been reading and maybe it's a burst cyst or something (from hormone changes).

My doctor never called back to set up an appointment for me, so I'm annoyed with that. I'll call them again on Monday.

I'm incredibly tired and irritable/emotional, often hungry but no appetite, acne, soft stools and headaches. Not to mention the cramps... Mostly in my left side, but a twinge here and there on my right. They don't feel like cramps, also lower back pain, like an achy feeling.

I'm gonna try to take a nap and not think too much about things. Hopefully, I'll get some answers sometime in the near future.

7 years ago

I'm so sorry that really does sound all hormonal, Hormones really do cause a whole mess of issues!! I hope you start to feel better soon, and at least get an answer as to where you are at with your cycles! It's tough when you are nursing still-makes the body go a bit nuts! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!!

I don't feel any different than how I felt this time last cycle so I'm not expecting a BFP anytime soon-but-that's ok! I have to just keep telling myself that I am having regular cycles for the first time in my life and that's a gift in itself! Still about 6-7 days before the so there's still time

7 years ago • Post starter

Update: So...I POAS 8 times? OMG I know...bad bad...BUT they all had super faint lines. I tried two different brands but they were the ICs. The lines were stark white up until yesterday when I got a shadow, a crazy POAS addict shadow, then today they are quite visible in person, hard to see on camera. Even DH thought he saw something and he doesn't believe in HPTs (for this very reason LOL) I did post a pic. So I took a digital and of course, BFN! Ohhh how I truly hate the TWW

I'm going to save my last digital for the day the is due, but I'll definitely be POAS tomorrow morning!

7 years ago • Post starter

OMG, Tina! I saw them! HUGE congrats!

I'm so so happy for you! How exciting!

So sorry to post so late. I've been incredibly busy at work this week so of course I keep forgetting to call my doctor before they close.

On my end, I've stopped spotting finally, like, just yesterday. And by "spotting" I mean having the brown snotty mucus... It's back to marbled snotty mucus +watery CM. And seriously, my cervix has been super soft for quite a while now. Not sure what it even means, but I've never noticed it being this soft before.

Tests are still coming up BFN (not counting them positive until I can be absolutely clear that there's another line there). WHAT A WEIRD CYCLE I'M HAVING!

I hope you can pass me some luck. Keep in touch!

Symptoms! I want to hear about symptoms!

7 years ago

Thank you!!! I think I'm so in shock I'm still in disbelief LOL I was so sure I was out, I felt exactly the same as my previous cycle. One thing different this cycle is I BD'd before the OPKs said I Once I get a positive OPK it means I've ovulated already?? I'm just cautiously optimistic now. I had bloodwork done just to confirm the HPTs were right and it was a low HCG level of 17...I was only 11-12 DPO so maybe that's why? Dr's office didn't seem too concerned because I don't go back until the end of the month. I might end up asking the Dr to repeat the test just for my own sanity!!! The line on my HPTs is getting darker so I really hope that is a good sign. What's worse than the TTW? The first trimester!! lol

I was feeling fine up until about 2 days ago....Dizzy, Nausea, soar bb's, bloated, mild cramps, and crazy enough, the ligament pain has started!! I don't remember that pain starting this early with my first. Also, I've had a fever ever since I got my BFP-I'm not sick, and have no infections or anything....just a random fever!! So, needless to say, I'm EXHAUSTED and wish I could sleep 24/7

Have you gone in for your bloodwork yet or still waiting?? It almost sounds like your body is stuck in ovulation mode. How many days are you in your cycle now?? That really is an odd one

I am passing the to you now!!! I'm still keeping for you!!

7 years ago • Post starter

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