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TTC #1 with CLOMID!!! Looking for Cycle Buddies!!

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Hey ya'll my name is Stacey and I am 30 years old and have been married to the love of my life for almost 6 years!! I have PCOS and we have never conceived. I also recently lost 60 lbs which you could find on my youtube channel (it follows both my weight loss and TTC journey)! . I am so excited that this is our first time TTC with clomid! I am on Cycle day 3 and just took my first 50mg clomid!!! Let's all be friends and share our experiences this month!!!!

282 Replies • 10 years ago



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@Stacey oh my god im so happy for you!!! What were your pains like? I've been having sharp stabbing pains and then little cramps every now and then and such sore boobs! I'm worried it's just the clomid :/ my DH wants me to wait until Tuesday to test. I had progesterone tested Monday but no call back from the doctor yet :( hopefully tomorrow! I'm going crazy over here!

I'm so happy to have you ladies to vent to! The husband is going a tad crazy keeping up with my emotional self ;)

10 years ago

Bpdoyle I hate getting those "sharp stabbing pains" because I always end up not pregnant and they just get my hopes up almost every cycle! I so agree on the venting to try and not annoy the husband too much!!

Firsttimemommey30 I agree it is worth waiting! I am almost 32 so considered a "baby" in terms of IVF treatment.

10 years ago

Bpodoyle - Hey girl! Well today I am 9dpo and am wanting to take an ERPT but I don't know if it's too soon! So I had my HCG test when I would be 2 wks6d pregnant "if" I were and the results were negative. The Dr wantsw me to come in every 48 hours for HCG testing but I just think it's way to early and my Dr is an hour day round trip! I think I am going to wait for AF to show! As for my symptoms, it's so hard to tell because I am still dealing with OHSS and my ovaries still hurt, neasua , vivid dreams (extremely vivid lol), lower back aches,extreme bloating, headaches and a wierd clumpy white discharge, and my temp has stayed elevated since ovulation. I still don't know which symptoms, if not all of them, are related to OHSS and or the pain meds I am taking! What do ya'll think? I am having good baby vibes for all of us!!!!!

10 years ago • Post starter

shelob - i just turned 30 and i'm hoping we won't need IUI or IVF... at this point we need to fix my LP!

stacey - i know a girl on here that had a doc test at 7DPO and it was negative and then at 9 or 10 DPO she got a positive, so definitely possible still!

AFM, calling today CD 1 since full flow was at like 10PM last night. so that was depressing spotting from 7-10 DPO and having AF come so early :( talked to my doc today, she thinks this last cycle was probably off from the start, since i didn't get an opk + and i was sure i just missed it (definitely O'd tho by BBT and such). anyhoo this next cycle we're going to try 50mg clomid CD 3-7, and do a follicle scan on CD 11 this time (O'd the day of the scan last time on CD 12). will check progesterone again and FX'd it's finally in a good range, otherwise i may do a repeat again of what happened this cycle :/ otherwise we may try letrozole (sp?) which is Femara in a future cycle.

TTC #1 since October 2012. Me: Diagnosed with Graves' (Feb. 2013) and Celiac (July 2013) disease. Doctor suspicious of stage I endometriosis (Jan. 2014) DH: SA very good in Jan. 2014 Me:30 DH:29 April 14th first BFP!!! EDD is Dec. 26th! please send !!! User Image User Image

10 years ago

@ Stacey--> Wow! What a crazy thing to happen! A girlfriend of mine had the same thing happen to her (although she wasn't on Clomid.) She went to the ER because she was feeling crampy and almost crazy from mood swings; they did an ultrasound and all they could see was a thickened uterine lining. They did a blood hcg test and it was a . She came back in 2 days later after having several on HPT, but the blood test came up positive. I know it's a long way, but especially if they're thinking that you're expecting multiples, you probably should make the drive at least after the first 48 hours. While I was preggers with DS my hospital/clinic was an hour away (one way!) Also, is there a local clinic or hospital that your doctor can call in the order for the blood test that is closer to you? If so, you could have your blood drawn locally, and they would fax over the results to your doctor. I've got a good feeling for you, lady! Hope you get that ASAP!! and lots of to you my friend!

AFM: Sorry I've been MIA; DH's parents came into town for a visit for the weekend. We had a great day today! We are living with my Mom (she lives right outside Fort Hood Texas where we're stationed for the next 3 years) and with DH's parents here too, my precious DS has BOTH of his grandmas here to spoil him...they went hog wild at Toys-R-Us! And, I learned that Toys-R-Us carries my multi surface cleaning wipes that are plant based and completely non-toxic for babies!! Just an FYI: they're from a company called BabyGanics. They have a whole line of products that are completely safe for baby. Just wanted to put that out there, since I'm believing and for for EVERYONE soon!


10 years ago

shelob - boooo for AF coming but yayyy for starting a new cycle!! FXed that your progersterone is good and that the clomid works girl!! I'm 30 also so I hope we don't have to do any IUI or IVF too!

firsttimemommy - booo for AF coming but yayy for starting a new cycle!! It's a new cycle and time for a baby lol =) Good luck on your comid and I hope your progesterone is good too!!!

Today is 11dpo for me and I'm not suppose to start until 1 week from Monday!! I have the longest cycles yall! Do yall think it's to early to show up on a FR test? I have been reading so many things about the ovarian hyperstimulation and how sooo many people end up with multiples with it and I just would happy with one =) OHSS update- still have bad lower back pain, ovary pain, middle abdomen pain, bloating, nausea, this morning I even threw up when I was cleaning the toilet and it's not like it was that dirty lol I am a clean freak!!! I guess it just made me sick! I have been dealing with cold/night sweats for the past couple of weeks now and wondering if that's from the clomid? Does anyone know? I am still having crazy vivid dreams (could be my medicine) and my temp is still spiked (again could be OHSS) and today I started having different types of cramps kinda like pms but idk! I am so lost yall! This clomid really through me for a loop!!!

10 years ago • Post starter

shelob - Sorry I meant to write to you that I am 30 too and hope we don't have to do IVF OR IUI too!!

10 years ago • Post starter

2frsty - Oh wow really!!! yayyy she got her BFP!!! I think you're right and I will schedule an appt for Monday for my HcG test!! Do you think it would show then?? I am suppose to start on March 3rd! So it still would be one week before my period? When do you think I should expect a BFP from the bloodwork??

10 years ago • Post starter

He he stacey353 your comment did confuse me for a minute, I even checked my previous posts to be sure I hadn't actually said AF started! I am 11dpo today as well. AF due in another five days. It feels so weird to not really be waiting for AF. I don't care about starting a new cycle now as I know we are unlikely to get pregnant anyway. Just have to wait for that appointment and IVF waiting list.

I had lots of hot flashes, particularly at night, with clomid. I would often wake up really sweaty. It makes sense you would have it worse with the OHSS.

As for testing, I personally prefer to wait until AF comes because otherwise I would get instantaneous disappointment every cycle. I get spotting for a few days beforehand so I know it is coming and that is a more gradual letdown. But, if you really want to test early go ahead :) I suggest 13dpo as a good day to test as then 86% of pregnant people would test positive. It is far more reliable than testing earlier as some women don't even get implantation until 12dpo. You are more likely to get a stronger positive if pregnant with multiples, so if you implant earlier then a test would be positive earlier. Really depends on how much you are concerned about getting a negative :) A blood test on Monday should show if you are pregnant though. Don't be worried if it is low though as that will be very early! :)

10 years ago

Cycle day 27 - 12dpo and got a today boo!!! I woke up super nauseas and hurting yet again. Still temp spike that stays around 99.5 and had weird polling feeling on my uterus. Other symptoms still the same. I'm beginning to think I'm not prey and will start on Monday March 3rd but going for blood hcg test in the morning. Anyone else having any symptoms??

10 years ago • Post starter

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