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Anyone doing IVF this summer or fall?

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I've got a long history with fertility treatments, and will finally be doing my first (and only) IVF in September.

Just wanted to see if there is anyone else out there at this point.

Melissa-37, lost rt tube DH-36, MFI - low morph DD-7, conceived naturally after 26 cycles --- TTC#2 since 2006 IUI's in April, May, December 2011 - ALL BFN IUI#4-100mg clomid - Feb/12 BFP Ectopic pg ended March 2/12 IUI#5-100mg clomid - May/12 BFN IUI#6-100mg clomid - June/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#7-100mg clomid - Sept/12 BFN IUI#8-100mg clomid - Oct/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#9- 5mg femara - Jan/13 BFN IUI#10-100mg clomid - Mar/13 BFN Counting down to our IVF in September! But wait...SURPRISE!! Aug/13- Natural, miracle for the second time while waiting for a treatment cycle to begin.

152 Replies • 10 years ago



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Menopur in morning, gonal-f at nite. Im also taking a pill in the morning. Something with a m. Medinol or something. Ill check when I get home. Plus prenatal n folic acid. I just wish they went over the prescriptions before I bought them. I bought stuff I didnt need like prenatal n aspirin and freaking doxycycline. Ugh. I still have a full bottle from last time now I got more. Which I hope I wont need to take.

But it is exciting. Two weeks of this and ill be like u getting my retrieval. Make sure u keep us in loop at least til u get ur bfp. We dont even know how all these girls r doing or whats up.

10 years ago

Sounds like the same meds I was on for my fresh cycle. It will go by fast and you will be having your transfer before you know it.
I had my lining check today, my dr wants me on estrogen for a few more days then I will start progesterone. My transfer is scheduled for oct 15.

10 years ago

oh the pill is Medrol. Im also taking cabergoline every 3 days cuz one of hormones was a lil high.

that's the same week I should be doing my retrieval and transfer too. a lil less than 2 weeks to go. hehehahahahehheheahhaahohohohoooooo lol

10 years ago

Hi, ladies -- I'm moving from the clomid board to this one. It looks like I'm headed for IVF. I don't mean to sound dramatic, and I'm sure you all feel the same -- but I never imagined it would come to this.

I have unexplained infertility, am 34 years old, otherwise healthy, husband's sperm is great.

I recently switched doctors (inside the practice), and this doc is strongly advocating for IVF. I'm holding off one month to try the one combo we haven't yet -- letrazole and IUI. I've had 2 failed IUIs, one on clomid, one natural (got a cyst). Last month I tried letrazole, but we were on a cruise and weren't monitored and only BDed, no IUI. (P.S. "relaxing" is not the key!)

So, when this cycle fails, IVF is our next step. I have to admit something doesn't feel right about it, but I can't explain what. Maybe I feel like I'm not supposed to have to try *this* hard? I don't know. I appreciate that my doctor wants to be aggressive and get me pregnant, but ... I'm scared.

10 years ago

Well yeah none of us want to go through a dr n wish it would come easy to us like some but just not in the cards for us. Like my bf only makes 2-7 million sperm n thats it. Sure I could just wait but a normal healthy couple only has 20% chance of pregnancy. Where does that leave me? Probably under 5% category. So I can take it in my own hands n plan according. We need to adapt to survive, rite? Lol. It is a scary, nervous but exciting n rewarding experience. Who knows u might luck out n get pregnant rite before ur ivf or iui like the girl who started this thread.

As for ur unexplained infertility, I don't understand. I don't understand how they cant figure it out. R u taking anything special or diet change? Did they check u n ur dh hormones? What abt the sex test (sorry dont know what's called) when they check u after sex to see if ur body is killing the sperm. Do u eat a lot of processed food, I heard that effects fertility. Overweight, underweight? Exercise excessively? Doing it too much, not enough, not at the rite time? Both of u stressed out!

10 years ago

You haven't heard of "unexplained infertility" as a diagnosis? It plagues many.

I am not overweight nor underweight. I exercise, but not excessively. I try to eat a healthy, whole foods-based diet. I've had every test imaginable. I ovulate. On my own, even! We do it just the right amount, according to our doctors, the timing is appropriate. I don't know if our hormones have been checked, and no, we haven't had the test to see if my body is killing his sperm after intercourse.

I'm not going into IVF willy-nilly as some quick fix for something I'm not willing to diagnose.

10 years ago

Yes I have heard of it just don't understand it. Just like secondary infertility. Idk maybe I feel some drs aren't doing all they can. Or some drs automatically jump to ivf in ur case.

10 years ago

Hey prayin hows it going? Any sign of af on her way?

Aw, did u notice anything different in ur pelvic area when taking the meds? Im not really feeling pain but like slight discomfort or swelling. Idk. I feel off down there. I guess I wasn't expecting to feel anything. I have an appointment tmrw so we'll see how my body is reacting.

10 years ago

no no sign of AF im not having my usual cramping like it do with normal AF cycles i usually cramp like a 5 days before i get then the cramping goes away for a day then the next day AF will start...But im chalking it up to the Lupron cuz that medicine is basically throwing my body into early menopause. But things are going good im hopeing that i will get my period by friday .. then i will have to have an ultrasound after i get my period to confirm hormone supression. Then once thats confirmed i will continue taking the lupron injections but a smaller dose.. and then ill add the follistim and menopur injections to that. :) im excited to just get going you know! :) Unfortunately if i don't get my period early friday ill prob have to wait till monday to get an ultrasound which also means ill have to wait till at least monday before they start me on the stiming injections.

SURRA and the rest of the ladies i found this website for fertility etiquette i thought it was good
cuz its exactly the way i feel but written in a way couldn't seem to express it in words. Also it touches on the different things people say trying to be kind or helpful but its really just hurtful and not helpful
its not really meant for the person going through infertility but more meant for the people we are around but i found some of it a helpful way to tell my husband how every month not being able to get pregnant made me feel. Hes 100 % supportive and undertanding but i just think there are some things men aren't able to understand fully.
I hope it can't be of use for some of you!
check it out!
SURRA you reminded me of that website when u said "RELAXING" isn't it. Because your right! Relaxing isn't the key. infertility is a condition just like diabetes or heart conditions It bugs me when people say "oh just relax" its like u wouldn't tell someone with diabetes oh just relax and your diabetes will go away!

10 years ago

Kitten -- My doctors didn't just "jump" to IVF. No one understands unexplained fertility, but the reality is there are factors that doctors can't test for. Believe me, it's incredible frustrating, and I'm not either comfortable with that as a diagnosis. But I do believe my doctors are being as thorough as possible (I am seeing a reproductive endocrinologist, not just an ob/gyn). It's not some B.S.; it's reality.

Thanks, Prayin -- I'm going to check it out.

10 years ago

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