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CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!

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I have a 3 year old little girl. I had the mirena iud removed in November and my husband and I decided to wait until after the first of the year to start ttc. This is my second cycle ttc and today is cd 1 for me. Just joined today and could use buddies for the journey!

1122 Replies • 11 years ago



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While I have the time I would like to share some background info on me and what brought me here. I have suffered 2 miscarriages in 2010 and 2 miscarriages in 2012 and have a 7 year old son. In all 4 miscarriages I was not trying but also was not preventing and was beyond excited at each positive test I received. Unfortunately every single one ended dramatically and spontaneously usually followed by heavy bleeding and clotting to the point where there was absolutely nothing to be seen on an ultrasound screen at that point.

I was lucky that the Doctor did follow up appts with each one and everyone says I'm healthy and my uterus and ovaries look good and that I am young enough and my body is and will be able to carry to term with the right pregnancy.

After my last MC in December 2012 I started birth control in Feb as soon as I received my next cycle because I couldn't bare another so soon. I just wasn't mentally prepared. Anyway I did a month of the BCP and it turned me into a hormonal crazy woman at work and at home so I quit halfway through the 2nd pack.

Since stopping the BCP I have had very regular 25-26 day cycles which is unusual for me but I figured I finally had regulated it on just that one month of BCP....... WELL I was wrong! Starting in July I had my 1st late AF by 3 days, Aug was 1 day late and Sept was 4 days late (current cycle). And for the first time in months I started spotting the day before AF which leads me to believe I am ovulating at different times each month and my progesterone might be low.

Because of this late cycle my average cycle is a 28 day cycle which is the longest its been all year. I can tell I am headed down a slippery slope of irregular cycles so I'm racing to get a BFP before things get even more wonky.

Thinkin' *PINK* and

10 years ago

Hi Msmommy - I'm so sorry for your losses. I have had an ectopic pregnancy and an incomplete miscarriage at 8wks, so I do sympathize with you. I have a 2 year old son and am currently ttc for #2.

Does your doctor have any ideas as to why your cycles seem to be going all over the place? Could it be due to the BCP?

Keep us updated. We are rooting for you.

10 years ago

Hi ladies.

How was you guys weekend?

Msmommy: sorry for all of your losses. Three of us on this forum recently miscarried. I miscarried July 4 and my cycles have been on time but I have been spotting in between cycles. Dr said that is my body getting back to normal.

Dbjohnson: how are you?

Mewling: I'm happy every thing is working out for you. Keep us updated with your progress.

Amanda: I miss you. Where are you?

Skarcm: we are waiting on an update after your scan.

Afm: still waiting to O.

Hope you guys are having a great day!

10 years ago

Welcome new ladies (if I haven't said so before). Sorry I have been MIA. I have read everyone's posts just today to get caught up. I have been busy and completely frustrated. Last week my hcg was at 24 and this week 15. UGH! They accidently ordered my progesterone level to be checked and it came back 3.6 which is very low. She said it's hard to tell if it's actually low on a regular basis or not though because they have no idea where I'm at in my cycle and b/c my hormones aren't back to normal but with hcg still in my system progesterone should still be elevated if anything. So.. it's inconclusive but definitely makes me still believe I'm low on progesterone. I am positive that is my problem. What makes me mad is that I can't go to the dr. until 4 wks after my level is under 5 so here I am waiting. Give me a freaking break already!

Hope everyone else is doing okay. I am having a hard time posting regularly b/c I'm trying to focus on other things and posting gets me thinking and thinking makes me anxious and then I'm frustrated and then you all have to hear me rant

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi Amanda - Sorry to hear about how nutty your doctor's office is being. I wish they were a little more sympathetic and proactive for us.

I had my u/s today, uterine lining is good but no dominant follicles. There are a few that could still grow and cause ovulation so I've been told to remain active to not waste the cycle. I'm close to having OHSS so I was told not to take my last clomid pill. I have my progesterone test on either Monday or Tuesday. If I don't get pregnant this cycle then I'm definitely on Femara next cycle as clomid is to dangerous for me.

10 years ago

Wow! Feels like I have have been out of the loop for a long time, even though it has just been a few days. It's been crazy here

@Zuberi: I love that I can rant and you don't judge me! Be prepared, there is a rant coming... Have you O'ed yet?

@skarcm: I am sorry you have to have so many doctor appointments. I know what PCOS is, but I am not sure what OHSS is. Could you share with us what that is? I'm thinking of you, and hope you get your dominant follicle!

@Mewling: I am glad everything is coming together for you! Please let us know how your first scan goes. I hope you get to see a heartbeat!

@msmommy: thanks for sharing your story! I am sorry for your losses. I recently m/c on June 2. I had slow rising hcg and spotting, so we knew something was wrong, and were expecting it. I can't imagine having it be sudden and unexpected, that would be so much harder! Do you use any supplements, vitamins, OPKs, other aids?

@amanda: I am sorry your hcg is being so stubborn! I totally understand trying to distract yourself, so you don't feel crazy. I find myself doing the same!

AFM: cd 11 (or 9)... I have no idea what is going on... I am normally SO good about taking my temp, and starting OPKs rig after AF goes away... Not this cycle. I am going on almost two weeks of this stupid cold, and it just won't go away!! I start feeling better, so I start getting back to life ( like a load of laundry, or making dinner) and then I can barely move for the rest of the day because it has exhausted me. Arg! My DH has been so helpful, and he has gotten up several times with my DS so I can sleep in. However, that means I don't take my temp at the same time each morning. I think I've gotten 5 temps so far this cycle. I started feeling better over the weekend and realized I didn't have any OPKs left from last cycle, so I ordered some online, but they won't be here until Friday. My runny nose went away on Saturday, but came back full force yesterday. Then I realized I had a lot of mucus elsewhere. I went to the store to pick up some OPKs because I can't wait until Friday... And they were sold out of everything but the cbe digital that was $40... I was not going to spend that much, and I wasn't going to try to take my DS to another store. Later yesterday, I think I felt some O pain. So, even though I felt like garbage I made my DH do the deed last night. Normally pre-O my temp averages 97.4, after O it is usually 97.8 until DPO 6, then it goes into e 98's. This morning it was 97.78, but it is too early for O... I have no idea what is going on

I think I might try another store for OPKs today, even though it might be too late.

Sorry about the super long and rambling post, hopefully it makes sense... I'm still not on my game.

10 years ago

Dbjohnson - OHSS is ovarian hyperstimulation. Pretty much instead of one or two follicles becoming dominant & maturing they all responded but none are really the size we were hoping to see. My doc emailed me last night & still has a little hope that I might ovulate, but that it might be delayed due to the extra round of clomid. I'm trying OPK's again, last night it was negative (which made me happy, normally my PCOS makes them all +). My progesterone test is also being pushed back (next Friday instead of Monday). Oh well nothing to do but keep going forward.

I'm sorry to hear your body is so out of whack. Hopefully you will be able to beat this cold & get back on track. Take care of yourself & brownie points to DH for helping you.

10 years ago

Hi ladies

Amanda: I had a slow desend on my hgc levels too. I took a hpt every three days just to feel like I was keeping track of level going down. After I got negatives on the hpt I thought I was at 0 or at least 5 but NOT! I STAYED AT 14FOR A WEEK AND A HALF. Then af came. U hhave never been so happy to see her in my life. .....except for the time when....... l well....enough about that . I too understand staying away to try to focus on something other than ttc. But we miss you when you are gone

Dbjohnson: ( in my momma voice) you got to do better. You know we can't afford to let a cycle go by without at least giving it at least one try! (To your dh) good job! Hope he hit a home run or should I say a eggie. Lol

Hope the rest of you guys are doing great.

Afm: I am cd12 I got a almost + opk on smu today. So hopfully it will be + this evening. We will see. Dh and I bd yesterday and again today. So I am hoping IO tommorow and we can bd again in the AM. I'm praying this is our month ladies. Let's get to work on making our bundles of joy!

Have a wonderful day ladies.

10 years ago

Happy Thursday!

@skarcm: wow. I am sorry you are dealing with that, I can't even imagine! Here I am complaining about things that I can control (but am not), and you are dealing with all of that. I am sorry. I'm sure your doctor's plan will work out. Are all these tests just to confirm ovulation? Are you and your DH trying to conceive naturally? Or is this for another form of conception? Sorry for all the questions, I am just really interested in the process. Who knows, I may have to go down that road...

@Zuberi: Thanks babe! I need a little tough love/pep talk. Have you gotten a pos opk yet?

AFM: cd 12... My temp went back down this morning to 97.43, so I am guessing yesterday was a fluke or influenced by my illness. I did go to the store and bought a pack of Answer ovulation dipsticks. I did one yesterday afternoon and evening, and then again this morning. The test line is barely visible... So this is adding To my confusion... In a normal cycle I O between 12-14, so you would think I would have a pos opk, or at least a dark line by now. Do you think being sick could delay ovulation?

Hope you all are doing well!!

10 years ago

Dbjohnson - I have PCOS & do not ovulate on my own. AF came in April & then disappeared, so I made an appt. with my GYN in July. She gave me Provera to start my cycle, then ran lab work on CD3 & I had an u/s on CD5 which confirmed her thoughts, PCOS. I was put on 50mg of Clomid that day. Last cycle all sorts of things were out of sync & I didn't have the follow up u/s for follicle check. A progesterone test on CD21 revealed that I did ovulate. Since last cycle ended in a BFN, I opted for the u/s this cycle. I did get AF on my own this cycle & was put on 50mg of Clomid CD5-9. I had my u/s on CD12. The size of my follicles & thickness of my uterine lining looked like I was about 5 to 6 days from ovulation. My doc put me on a 2nd round of 50mg Clomid to hopefully boost the follicles & keep my PCOS from interfering in ovulation. I then had a follow up u/s on CD16 to check for growth. My uterine lining thickened (Yay), but unfortunately the 2 larger follicles didn't become dominant instead all my follicles got bigger putting me close to ovarian hyper stimulation & was told to not take my last dose of Clomid. I did have one follicle @ 16mm which still has a chance at becoming dominate and causing ovulation. The bummer of the 2nd round of Clomid is that it has lengthened my cycle by about a week. We were told to still BD every other day just in case ovulation happens & I go for my progesterone test next Friday to check for ovulation. If this doesn't work then I'm on to Femara next cycle. I don't like being on the Clomid rollercoaster and am just ready to move on. I've never done the BBT before but I'm thinking about starting it next cycle if this one doesn't work out.

How are you doing?

10 years ago

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