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Looking for cycle buddies for TWW

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Hello! This is our third month TTC and second month charting. I'm mostly sticking with natural supplements and monitoring temps for ovulation. I'll be starting B6 and pineapple cores after my fertile window/a temp spike User Image

83 Replies • 8 years ago



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nova - boo! well there is still time! I didn't test this morning. I was too scared. DH and I BDd last night just in case I was going through an extremely whacky cycle with those POS OPKs. I finally got a negative yesterday evening and I figured it couldn't hurt. I think I'm going to try and hold out for two more days to try testing again. No new symptoms here just cramps and lots of CM still! Also, if I don't get my BFP I think I am going to start temping next month...maybe you can help me? I dont have any clue how to do it or what's good and whats bad in terms of temp drops and rises lol

tww - when are you going to test??

8 years ago

mkh1088 - sounds like you have covered all your bases on the BD front! You're not out until AF shows up!

I am going to wait a few more days before testing. I am only 9 dpo today and am not expecting AF until next Wednesday. I have been trying so long that I don't have the heart to see a starck white test again!

I have some experience temping if it doesn't work out for you this time, but your are still in the running!!! Fingers crossed!

8 years ago

tww - i hope so! AF is due for me on Tues so I am trying to wait too. oh perfect your experience will def be helpful! I am hoping I won't need it though

8 years ago

hey ladies,
Thanks for all the responses- it's so nice to talk to people who know how I'm feeling!

@mkh I will definitely share with you what I know about temping- although my obgyn did tell me that in her experience temping is really confusing and not helpful and that ovulation testing is the way to go- I had already been doing temping and found it to be interesting so I kept doing both.

@tww thanks for the encouragement- I agree that something different does seem like a good thing- but we also hear what we want to hear ;) I absolutely agree with how difficult it is to see a BFN! I started taking my tests in secret for that reason because DH would get up and come see and it just felt terrible! But he tells me not to worry- he's looking at it from a logical "what are the odds' perspective- so there's no pressure from him whatsoever- but I on the other hand get SO disappointed seeing that BFN!

I use the Glow app on my phone, I think its really nice to track everything that way. I mostly just use it to track BBT, OPK, and BD...but there's so much more on there. So Glow predicts my cycle to be 29 days this month instead of 31, and I did ovulate on Cycle day 17 instead of my usual 18, but its disappointing because all this time i've been thinking that my period is expected on Saturday- but it will only be on Saturday if my cycle is 2 days shorter (and given that my luteal phase is 13 and my follicular 18 normally, I don't really want my luteal phase to shorten!!)

So basically if the app is wrong and i don't get my period on Saturday, it won't really feel like a "missed period" because the past 4 months my cycle has been 31 days long and the period would be coming on Monday . So i'm going to be wiping and hoping there's no spotting all freaking weekend! GRRRRR....

I have been taking maca root for hormonal balance for the past 4 months and also tried 3 acupuncture fertility sessions. They said that my period would be less crampy, and it was, and SOMETHING made my period start with super super light spotting for a day and a half two cycles ago, and two full days last cycle, leading me to believe it may have been implantation bleeding.... so I'm feeling very stressed about what might happen this weekend. I'd much rather know on Saturday if I have a missed period- lol- the sooner the better right ladies? And this whole light spotting thing is for the birds- I read that any sign of spotting is really not encouraging pregnancy wise, despite all the posts about spotting around the time AF is due being a good sign. So much conflicting information out there--

How am I going to get through the next 4 days...?!!! Monday will be 15 DPO for me, but according to the HCG link chinarose shared with us, that may STILL BE TOO EARLY TO TEST!

Lol , big breath, one day at at time....

8 years ago

Hey everyone! Hope everyone is doing okay. I read everyone's post, I'm just horrid at responding to everything. I've been testing for the past 2 days even though it's way too early, but I have so many internet cheapies, why not! As far as temping, this is my 2nd month doing it and my charts are vastly different. You can view them on my page if you'd like. Symptoms-wise, I barely have any TBH. I have very small moments of random things, tender boobs (normal they're sore from Ov to AF), sudden fatigue, cold symptoms. I have been having vivid dreams though, I guess I'll just keep waiting

8 years ago • Post starter

NovaSummerstar - I totally appreciate your frustration! Hang in there, you've got a group of us right there with you! I looked at that site too. I think I had some implantation cramping lastnight (or it's all in my head, who knows, I feel like I notice every little thing these days and I have no idea if they were things that would happen before and I just wouldn't notice or they are actually something that is different!) - and it looks like if it was implantation lastnight, then I won't really test positive until next Wed! Gaaah!

Eulalie - I may have missed it, but when is AF due for you?

Stay strong ladies!

8 years ago

My last cycle was 28 days (I'm on CD 27 today) I've been on 30 day cycles since October, so AF is due Tuesday.

8 years ago • Post starter

Guess I'm in for another round of BD and TWW- Full on spotting today along with basal drop. I'm doing ok, its actually a relief to know one way or another. I'm really glad this didn't drag until Monday! Having a 29 day cycle feels like something positive too.

I really hope you all have good luck! Keep me posted!

8 years ago

aw sorry to hear Nova!! yes I definitely agree a 29 day cycle is a blessing...over and on to the next one sooner! for your next cycle.

the is due tuesday-ish for me. Still testing negative so I'm probably out too.

8 years ago

Sorry to hear that you are out NovaSummerstar! Sounds like you have a great positive attitude! Have fun this next cycle!

mkh1088- you never know until the witch shows her face! I am due Wednesday - I am super tired and having some random cramps, who knows, could be reading into all of it too much! Fingers crossed you get a positive tomorrow. I haven't had the heart to test yet. I haps some really pinchy cramps on Thursday at 9 DPO, so if that was implantation, according to the site that chinarose posted, I wouldn't test positive until Wed anyways. So I am just going to wait and see if I am late and test on Thursday if so! Feels like forever to go yet!

My fingers are crossed for you!

8 years ago

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