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April Showers Bring May Flowers and babies I hope too

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This is the new board for those of us long termers jumping ship from the other May board with all the newbies ;)

Me 27 Hubs 34 TTC #1 since May 2012 2 rounds with cervical cancer and removals of tissue, high risk hpv + 5 CPs/ early miscarriages 3 failed rounds of Clomid Went to the RE 1 failed round of Femara 1 failed IUI with Femara HSG Clomid + Femara, trigger, IUI- we shall see User Image

127 Replies • 10 years ago



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FX for you Rae!

Bama, I told you I was staying hopeful for you!

10dpo and still a BFN... I think I may be out! :( Guess we will find out soon enough.

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10 years ago

Hey Ladies,

Hope you don't mind me joining in on this thread. I've been stalking these forums for a very, very long time and I finally decided to create an account today. Before I even get into anything about myself I first wanted to say that you guys have given me tons of hope for my own situation and the support that you give to each other is invaluable. It just amazes me that through all of the emotions and all of the disappointment that is faced every month, you still take the time to check in and give hope to others that are on a similar path. And for this, I thank you. =)

So a little about me...I'm 35 and dh is 38. We've been married going on 8 years now but been together since my senior prom. Yeah, it's been a long long time. After years of not trying and not preventing we started to wonder what was going on with us that we never even once had a scare. No BFPs, no m/c's, no cp's, no nothing. We decided to leave it up to god for a long time and figured if it was in the cards it would happen. Years have passed faster than I would've hoped.
Since about April of 2011 I have been poked and prodded with every test under the sun. Turns out my tubes were completely impacted. And we all know if the lil fishes can't get to the egg there will be no baby =(. So we fixed the problem and continued to try on our own to no avail. We are getting down to the nitty gritty before my dr wants to start me on clomid. I'm hoping that this month is it finally. I have spent so much time and energy trying to figure out what we're doing wrong if anything at all. I've tried so many supplements and tricks that have appeared to work for others to only find a BFN and the end of the rainbow. It can be so disheartening and devastating to wonder what is wrong with you that you can't conceive. But I'm keeping my chin up and will carry on. =)

This month, besides the opk's and the temping and checking positioning and fluids on a regular basis, and changing my diet to being completely organic for the last 6 months...I'm adding soft cups to the mix and changing up the schedule from every other day to a more aggressive plan of action. After all this time we're still keeping the fun in sex so dh doesn't mind at all. I'm on cd9 and anxiously awaiting O day =). Spirits are high which is always good. Even my sister keeps having dreams that it's gonna happen for me soon. But you gotta be in it to win it right? My in-laws are some really fantastic people but are much older than my side of the family. I'd just really like for my children to be able to meet their grandparents while they are still here with us.
Sorry for the long winded post but I've been holding it for a while =)

Thanks for listening. Lots and lots of baby dust to all of us, looking forward to some BFP's this month. And hopefully my own too =)

10 years ago

good luck kizzy!!

today another girl at work announced that she is pregnant and another coworker's sister delivered her baby and so the coworker brought in pictures for us all to see. adorable baby but hearing about the new pregnancy and then being asked not once but three times today if i was pregnant yet was too much for me. i had a minor meltdown of jealousy and sadness. the people that are pregnant around me: my sister-in-law, my sister, my college friend, and 3 girls from work that i have to see every day and hear about their pregnancies, on top of that i have to endure being asked almost every day if i am pregnant yet. this is so frustrating, i just want to be happy for the pregnant ladies in my life but it is just too hard for me and i am just jealous and impatient for my own baby.

ttc since August 2012 diagnosed with PCOS January 2013 failed IVF with 2 embryos May 2014 FET with 3 embryos August 2014, Successful!! confirmed ectopic on 9/24/14 taking a break from ttc and pursuing adoption homestudy ready 1/8/15, waiting for the call that will make us a family!

10 years ago

I completely understand. My sister-in-law called to tell us she was pregnant with her third on my birthday a few years back. And now my other sister-in-law just announced that she is 14 weeks with her second when they can barely even take care of themselves now. I get angry and jealous. And then I Hey angry with myself for getting that way in the first place.

10 years ago

SMC - First I want to say I that I feel the same way, I want to be happy and I usually am but I also feel jealous and like "why not me already," both feelings are totally legitimate to feel. It especially gets harder as you keep counting all the women getting pregnant around you, it's like one after another after another. I guess what keeps me going is the sense of appreciation I will have when its all said and done! And maybe, I don't know if this helps you, but something that helps me feel "better" is knowing that while there may be a billion people getting pregnant around me, there are also those people like us that are trying so damn hard and I know you all have given me the most hope, so thank you for that!

Welcome Kizzy and the best of luck that your ttc journey ends soon and your journey in motherhood begins. I often think, "why can't I get pregnant, why me, why can't it just be easier?" It's especially hard when your husband has already fathered children and with us, it's like nothing! SOOOOOO FRUSTRATING! But it's great that they were able to resolve the problem with your tubes and that you are working on so many things to help your fertility. I know I've tried so many different things that haven't worked, positions, laying down after sex, lubricants, herbs, vitamins, eating better, cutting out coffee, etc. etc. I think one of my problems is stress and even though my gyn says you can't really measure the affect of stress of ttc I certainly know that my stress levels haven't helped. Anyway...I sounds like you are on your way to that BFP! Hoping this is your month!

12dpo and I may have had the slightest brown spot earlier which is just the first sign of AF. I've also been taking OPKs as HPTs and all negative. I know that they cannot replace HPTs but there was this really interesting post I found from a dr. that said OPKs can be a cheaper alternative to HPTs and then another post that said you can have a negative OPK but be pregnant or a positive OPK and not be pregnant. All I know is that the test line keeps getting lighter. While I also don't track my BBT religiously, I do know that anything under 98 is a sign of impending AF. My chest feels weird too, very warm to the touch, nipples sore, aching all day. I'm not reading too much into this it's just weird pre AF. I doubt I am pregnant but there two good pieces of news, my cycle is increasing from 25 days to 26-27 and my LP is getting longer. Maybe my thyroid just needs a couple more months to really be optimal.

10 years ago

Pbc, that's so funny because I was just reading up on using opks as hpts a few weeks ago! It's not terribly reliable so don't lose hope. It ain't over til the 13itch rears her ugly head!

Kizzy, welcome! Fingers crossed and baby dust to you!

SMC, I have really been feeling the jealousy thing lately. I have 9 cousins on my mom's side and 8 of them are either pregnant or have kids already. The worst announcement for me so far was my dh's best friends wife. They are two of the only people who know how long we've been trying. They literally got pregnant their first month trying. We were the first people they told - even before their parents. I know they didn't mean anything by it, but it really felt like they were rubbing it in our faces. On the other hand, I am always thrilled when one of you announces a pregnancy because I know how long of a road it has been.

AFM, went to the doctor yesterday. She wants me to take a break from clomid for a month. She's making me an appointment with an RE, but it's like a 3-4 month wait. They're suppose to call me with the appointment date, but they haven't yet. I'll call them next week if I haven't heard before then.

Endometriosis, mycoplasma infection, MTHFR, PAI-1 gene mutation, prone to tubal blockages, low progesterone, infertility, recurrent miscarriage; DH low morphology IUI rainbow baby born 08/15 (after 31 months ttc) TTC #2 Cycle 1

10 years ago

Kizzy, welcome to the board and I am sending you all the prayers and baby dust I can. GL this cycle! Glad to have you hear and hope you stick around even after you get your BFP this cycle! :)

SMC, that is so frustrating. It is so super hard not to be jealous! Hugs lady!

PBC, FX and PRAYING!!!! And Yay for the thyroid! Bout dang time it gets in the game! :)

Scooby (first, so glad to see you still remember the 13itch!) ... the very first thing my RE did was take me off Clomid and put me on Letrozole and the 2nd cycle after that I got my first BFP! FX and praying you get some great answers and very soon!

AFM, not much to report... my parents found a place YAY... but it is still so crazy and everything is going so fast... it is exhausting. I am 10dpo and this AMs test was negative. I hope everyone is having a good week. Just remember that no matter what I am praying for all of you! Super big hugs and loads and loads of baby dust!

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10 years ago

16dpiui and no AF yet but no positive test either soooo who the heck knows

Welcome to all the new comers and

Me 27 Hubs 34 TTC #1 since May 2012 2 rounds with cervical cancer and removals of tissue, high risk hpv + 5 CPs/ early miscarriages 3 failed rounds of Clomid Went to the RE 1 failed round of Femara 1 failed IUI with Femara HSG Clomid + Femara, trigger, IUI- we shall see User Image

10 years ago • Post starter

Cristi...good news! Hope that takes a load of stress off you all...well at least a little! you have to make an appt with the Dr if af doesn't show? I really hope this ends in good news!

13 dpo and the soreness in my chest is gone. A little more brown spotting so just waiting to see that blood already. Had that weird "af is getting ready to start" feeling this morning. Nothing now. Haven't made it to 13 dpo in a long time but I could always be off since I didn't take an opk after my first positive.

10 years ago

Cristi- So glad you were able to find a new home for your parents. I thinks it's cruel and heartless what that guy did. It's ok though...karma will see he gets what he deserves.

Bama- Don't give up hope yet. The wicked witch still hasn't arrived so please please don't give up yet. FX! Hoping you get your sticky bean =)

AFM- I'm still waiting for the big O so nothing new going on here. Unfortunately we had some bad news last night. One of my sister-in-laws has been battling breast cancer. She finished her chemo treatments and had the port removed. The removal resulted in a blood clot in her jugular and now she needs to take injections of anticoagulants to try to breakdown the clot. This poor woman just cannot catch a break.

10 years ago

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