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Anyone late 30's and up trying to conceive again? :) Pt.2

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Part 2 of the original "Anyone 38 and higher trying to conceive again? :)" thread started in Feb.

Here's part one of the thread:

Melissa-37, lost rt tube DH-36, MFI - low morph DD-7, conceived naturally after 26 cycles --- TTC#2 since 2006 IUI's in April, May, December 2011 - ALL BFN IUI#4-100mg clomid - Feb/12 BFP Ectopic pg ended March 2/12 IUI#5-100mg clomid - May/12 BFN IUI#6-100mg clomid - June/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#7-100mg clomid - Sept/12 BFN IUI#8-100mg clomid - Oct/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#9- 5mg femara - Jan/13 BFN IUI#10-100mg clomid - Mar/13 BFN Counting down to our IVF in September! But wait...SURPRISE!! Aug/13- Natural, miracle for the second time while waiting for a treatment cycle to begin.

327 Replies • 12 years ago



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Oh my it was good to see some good news, so glad that y'all are doing well.

and to those with losses or still waiting, you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

May is a busy mth for us so kind of nuts around here, lil guy turned 1 on the 2nd, our daughter turns 14 on the 18th, and our other son turns 16 on the 30th. Plus our 19yr old graduates on the 31st. Got to squeeze in some bd'ing somewheres, lol

Other than a bit of depression yesterday (mothers day) it was a good day, between hubby and the kids, and my son's gf i was spoiled rotten. wasn't even allowed to get out of bed to do anything, got served my meals, coffee, and watched movies with lots of hugs, kisses and cuddles.

hang in there ladies, us spring chickens can do this :)

DH-43 Me-41 User Image

12 years ago

Airiesing... 10 weeks â?? what a milestone. First trimester scan is around the corner. Boy, time is flying!

Ma Belle... I remember the times I spent on my sons floor when he was that age... So sorry about the m/c, though. It's always heartbreaking.

Hopefulat40... Yes, this time I had three embies for transfer. Last two times I had only one left. However, it was a 3-day transfer and only one of the three looked really good. In the US, clinics would transfer even more embies for over-40s (if they are available) as the risk or chance of multiples is extremely low at this age. I can only pray that one of them made it.

Wantbaby2... Did you do an IVF cycle?

Me: 43 DBF: 49 13 unsuccessful cycles TTC IVF #3: u/s 8w2d: bean stopped growing, no hb , 06/21 D&C IVF #4 BFP - it's a girl! 06-03-2013 Fiona Isabel was born

12 years ago

@torontochick, no we are doing timed intercourse I read on a website that you start taking the core for 5 days beginning with the first day of ovulation.

User Image ME: 36 and DS DH: 34 and DS TTC Our first together

12 years ago

Hello Ladies!!

Hope everyone is well! Sorry to read about the recent losses you all are in my thoughts.

I still lurk from time to time, I hope yall don't mind.

@wantababy -- I did the pineapple core. I wasn't tracking so I just started the day after I thought I O'd (which, in retrospect I believe was the exact day I O'd lol) and then three times after that. I forgot the 5th day. I don't know if it was what did the trick, because I was also taking baby aspirin and vit B complex -- but I am now 16 weeks with a very active little baby.
So it is definitely worth a try.

**Tossing buckets of baby dust on everyone on this thread**

User Image

12 years ago

Hi ladies...
Here comes Thursday... I am 9 days post a 3-day embie transfer. Technically this qualifies as 12 dpo.

Woke up this morning at 5:30 am (!) even though this is my first day of vacation and I should have slept until 9:00 am... I went to the bathroom, because I could not hold it anymore. I wasn't sure about testing, so I didn't. But then I could not go back to sleep, I was tossing and turning. At 7:15 am I decided I would do it but it looked like a blaring BFN. I had to take it apart and scrutinise it in the bright bathroom light and figures that there was some kind of a "shadow". A real squinter. Only believers would see it is there. I took pics and if I hold the camera in a certain angle, I can see a shadow of a line. I took them within the cut off time frame. But on my computer, I can't see the line, only a light speck at the bottom were the "line" should be.

You must think I am crazy that I can see something, as there seems to be nothing. If I inverse it on my computer, you can see a light shadow where the line should be. Or I am just willing it to be there... sigh.

If this is going to be another BFN, I really don't know where to go from here. :(

Me: 43 DBF: 49 13 unsuccessful cycles TTC IVF #3: u/s 8w2d: bean stopped growing, no hb , 06/21 D&C IVF #4 BFP - it's a girl! 06-03-2013 Fiona Isabel was born

12 years ago

Hi everyone...sorry to hear about all the losses. :(

Those still waiting for the positive, hang in there!

Thought this last cycle was our month, but unfortunately AF showed herself earlier in the week. :(

We are going to gear up to try again in the next weeks! Positive, positive! I looked at what days would be my most fertile and it also shows the due date....lost my mom 14 years ago to breast cancer and miss her every day. My due date would be her birthday....strange and very exciting. Maybe there was a reason for waiting :)

Thinking about trying the pineapple core too.

Love to all and keep the faith!!

12 years ago

first of all, to torontochick!!!
I do see a line, it is faint but it is PINK so

I am glad to hear that our "graduates" our preg ladies are doing great!!! keep it it this way and keep stopping be, you are our inspiration

mommymayer, sorry to hear about AF ...but you are right -it might be a reason for it, it might be that next month is supposed to be your month

12 years ago

Hi Esperanza...
thanks for all the good wishes, but I do not see it quite yet... the BFP I mean. I am mean those tests are not meant to be taken apart and inversed in order to see a BFP, right? If it's THAT faint, my HCG must be something like 9 or 10.
It is killing me though and I decided that I will try to see if I can get a beta at my regular gynos office tomorrow morning. If there is any hgc in my system it should show up in my blood.
We are leaving for our 1-week trip to Spain tomorrow and I would rather not spend it with suppositories and no red wine for dinner if there is nothing.

I think we will have internet at the apartment so I will check back once there.

Hugs to all...

Me: 43 DBF: 49 13 unsuccessful cycles TTC IVF #3: u/s 8w2d: bean stopped growing, no hb , 06/21 D&C IVF #4 BFP - it's a girl! 06-03-2013 Fiona Isabel was born

12 years ago

@torontochick Congrats!!! I can see a line without having to invert it.

@DestinyStarr Congrats!!! I am going to definitely give it a try you are giving me hope that it can work for me.

Sorry to those who have had lost and BFN

User Image ME: 36 and DS DH: 34 and DS TTC Our first together

12 years ago

@Toronto- hun I see a second faint pink line there, and that's w/o using any of the tools. the greyscale and invert to make it more visible, but I'm pretty sure I'm seeing something there :)

Good Luck I so hope this it for you :)

DH-43 Me-41 User Image

12 years ago

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