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CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!

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I have a 3 year old little girl. I had the mirena iud removed in November and my husband and I decided to wait until after the first of the year to start ttc. This is my second cycle ttc and today is cd 1 for me. Just joined today and could use buddies for the journey!

1122 Replies • 11 years ago



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DB, fingers crossed here for you, too!!! Yay!!

Well, I'm not pregnant. That witch showed up yesterday. This was an exceptionally long cycle, even for me. It was 45 frigging days long!!! And I think it could have been longer, but I drank parsley tea to kickstart things. Parsley won't end a healthy pregnancy, but can get menstruation started, if one's body is ready otherwise. After 5 bfns, I knew I wasn't pregnant.

The beginning of last cycle my 10 month old had been nursing less, and then towards the middle, he nursed more, so I'm guessing I still have too much prolactin unbalance to have a normal cycle quite yet. Won't stop us from actually trying this next cycle!! Devon isn't nursing nearly as often, so I'm hoping that will help a little, but I won't wean just to get pregnant again. :)

Hope everyone is having a great week so far! DB, I'm praying for a BFP soon for you!!

10 years ago


@Mewling: thanks for the support! I've heard evening primrose oil can lengthen your cycle, that's why I've been hesitant to try it.

@Zuberi: where are you?

AFM: DPO 5, I'm still at the coast with my husband's family. So it has been easy not to focus on the tww.

Hope you all are doing well, can't wait to hear updates from all of you!

10 years ago

My thermometer's battery died this morning while I was taking my temp. I have only had that thing since January! Seems it would last longer than that. No other news.

10 years ago

Dbjohnson: I have my fingers crossed for you!! Also I would be a wreck without my thermometer lol

Mewlingstork: Your cycles are SO long! It would drive me crazy but you can't control it so I guess you just have to go with it.

How's everyone else doing?

AFM: We just got back from Cali late last night. It was a beautiful trip and the weather was perfect! We stayed in a cute little b&b and kayaked at Santa Cruz Island in the caves. However, on Monday before we left we got some really bad news. We lost the baby. I just had a feeling that something wasn't right when the baby was measuring a week behind. No heartbeat but no bleeding yet. So I have to get a D&C this week. I'm pretty bummed about it and super nervous for the D&C. Has anyone else had one? How did it go? Anyways, we are now being sent to a fertility specialist. I'm not really sure what to expect there either. For those of you who have been to a specialist what were the first steps?

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi everyone,
how is everyone going. I took some time out checking posts for a few weeks.

Amandalg12-I'm so sorry to hear your news, I had a d&c 4 weeks ago after we lost our baby and was dreading it. But to be honest it wasn't bad at all. We were in and out really quickly and I had no problems after apart from a bit of a sore tummy. Af has just returned so I feel like things are back to normal a little bit. If you have any questions please feel free to ask, I was able to talk to a friend that had had one and it did really help.

We are still taking a break from trying and have made some pretty big decisions that include moving overseas for a new adventure. So excited!

Anyway take care :0)

718 / 6000 Emojis


10 years ago

@amanda: oh my goodness! I am so sorry for your loss! Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers!

@tania: it sounds like you have a pretty exciting time ahead of you! Where are you thinking of moving?

10 years ago

Hi Ladies,

Amanda: I am so sorry! I'm praying for you guys. I can say I know how you must be feeling. I just stopped spotting three days ago. I got a very, very faint positive on a hpt this a.m. with fmu. My last blood draw was last Monday and my number were down to 74.
I'm hoping the specialist can find out what is going on and help you guys with the next baby. I'm glad you enjoyed our great state. I love the weather here!

Dbjohnson: I still have three extra kids here in my house. So I am still playing cook and maid. I am sooooo tired. One of the boys start school on Monday so I have to start getting up early again. So hang in there. I cant wait to here your news once the tww wait is over.

AFM: We have started trying again. BD for the first time this am. I have the slightest idea when and if I will ovulate. But we have decided not to wait until the first cycle has come an gone. We figure why waste time. I don't know what day to consider myself on. But just for my mind sake I am saying that I am on CD3. I never stopped taking my vitamins and the folic acid but I have added back in my royal jelly, bee pollen, primrose and I will use the OPK starting CD9/10 or so. I wont use the preseed and soft cups until/if I get a positive on the OPK. I don't think I am going to try soy Isoflavone anymore....although I think that is why I got my bfp. (I am hesitant because I think the egg that got fertilized was not mature enough and that is why I miscarried. I don't have any medical documentation to support that It is just what I think.

I hope you ladies are enjoying your weekend.

10 years ago

@zuberi: I've read several people (of the forums) talk about the correlation between soy iso's and early miscarriage. I'm excited that you are in the game again.

AFM: I think I might test tomorrow, I'll be 8 DPO... Not sure though, as I have a houseful of people. FF thinks I O'ed on cd 12, but CTP says "ovulation not detected"... Makes me second guess myself.

10 years ago

Thank you ladies for your support!

Tania: where are you moving?! That is so exciting!

Dbjohnson: It's so hard not to test. I have such mixed feelings about it since I've had 2 chemical pregnancies but we are all POAS addicts here so we understand :)

Zuberi: So excited that you have stopped spotting! It's about time!

AFM: Tomorrow is my procedure. I am pretty nervous. I am nervous about the procedure itself, the risks and all the medications I have to take especially the ones I take beforehand to start sedating me. I hate not having control so I'm not looking forward to it. I had my pre-op visit today and got to talk with a fertility specialist. He doesn't seem too concerned with my losses which in a sense makes me feel better but I also don't want to go thru this again if it's something that can be fixed. The dr. that specializes in recurring losses comes back from Italy next Monday so I will know when I go back for my 2 wk appt. if he feels like meeting with me will benefit me or if he doesn't feel like that will help. I have a lot of mixed feelings about what it could be but mainly they are not concerned b/c 2 of my m/c were chemical pregnancies which basically meant they ended immediately and I wouldn't have know if I wasn't ttc. We will see what the other doc says but the way this dr. talked that he didn't think the other dr. will feel like it's worth running all the tests. And he said most definitely he doesn't think it's worth the chromosome (genetic) workup which is kind of a relief.

10 years ago • Post starter

Zuberi - good luck! I wouldn't wait either.

Amanda - I am so sorry for your loss. I hope the procedure went well.

Update: CD 9 here, nothing interesting. Negative opk, absolutely no surprise there! We bd'ed Sunday and today, which is twice as much trying as last cycle! :)

Have a great day, ladies!

10 years ago

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