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December 2018 Babies

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This is a little corner of the world for those of us who didn't conceive in February. A small place for those of us that need support, encouragement etc during this crazy TTC journey. Blessed all of us that enter! You're not alone! A little bit about myself. I am 40 and DF is 49. We've been TTC'ing for ol' bout 5 months now with no avail, no BFP, no baby. We will keep moving forward. I know one day we'll get it right! We're currently doing the ol' fashion SMEP! I am wishing each of you My goal is for you to find strength, advise and positivity . Welcome ya'lll!

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

618 Replies • 6 years ago • Edited



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Sorry to hear babyrd23 hope you get your next month.

Hi midnightrose3, I have been having the usual tender boobs but this time not so bad. I am bloated but I get that for af anyway. The tiredness did return last night and this morning but that could be because I went to the gym last night. My pain in the right side is still gone, which is stange as it only lasted for one day and great, as it was uncomfortable. I was feeling different last night.

3 more days to go.

6 years ago • Edited

Midnightrose, the empty feeling in my stomach started about 7dpo. I still have it and know, for me, it is a symoptom. Hope it is for you too! Good luck to you and queen!

6 years ago

Hi all, rushing off to daycare and the hospital to get to work. Not much update here, 11 dpo and negative :(

6 years ago

@SarahSchemm: yes I know that feeling all too well! Hate testing early even though I know it comes out negative .

@Queen7: 3 more days! Whoo-hoo! I'm ready to be done with this TWW. This confused feeling needs to go away. Had another very vivid dream that I got my BFP but woke up feeling like AF cramps somewhat. Hubby reminded me how early it still is. I truly do not want to be out of the game.

@Kelliria: Thanks! I hope that's what it is! I'm still feeling that empty feeling even though I had my two cups of coffee this morning along with a breakfast sandwich.

6 years ago • Edited

@midnightrose3 that empty feeling you and @kelliria described was a symptom in both my pregnancies before the BFPS. followed by a full, heavy feeling the day or a few days after I got my BFP's. I hope its a positive sign for you too!

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

Hello everyone! I'm new here :) Currently 8dpo and trying to hold off on testing. This is my second cycle trying but really my first actively trying (with the charting and all) for number 1! No remarkable signs or symptoms, but had a temp dip 6dpo and then immediate rise the next day so we'll see. Currently hopeful, but also petrified.


6 years ago

Photomama, good to hear from you. Atleast you're busy and keeping your mind off of tww. Hopefully you get a bfp in a day or so!
Samo, welcome! Glad you could join us . This group is super supportive and help get though the ttc and pregnancy. I can talk about things i dont feel comfortable talking about with most family and friends, especially since i havent told anyone. Not even bf yet.
Neomasie, i wish my empty feeling went away. I've had it since 7dpo. Almost 6w and feel empty and sick all the time. Milk helps sometimes but even after i eat it doesnt go away. Thats about my only symptom except headaches.

6 years ago

Thanks Kelliria! Yes, that's exactly the kind of community I'd like to be a part of. I haven't told anyone we're trying yet - so it's good to have a space to be open about it. Congrats on your pregnancy - and so sorry about the empty feeling. Hope it goes away soon. Is that a common symptom?


6 years ago

Samo, I get weird symptoms. Last time it was insomnia and mask of pregnancy which didnt go away. This time as well, i never got sore bbs or nausea or bloating (yet). The cigar smell that made me test was it. I now have insomnia, the empty feeling, and loss of appetite. If that makes sense. Im not hungry at all but i have this weird empty, sicky feeling all the time. Lol.
Are you doing or taking anything to increase your chances? It can be so overwhelming. I researched for weeks and finally got a regime down i liked.

6 years ago

Kelliria, I'm not really doing much except eating as if I'm pregnant (making sure I eat 3 balanced meals a day plus snacks to try get as many nutrients through my diet as possible), and then I'm taking a whole food pre-natal and flax oil with dha daily. Should I be doing more??
Your symptoms sound pretty unpleasant - you must be exhausted! Hoping they ease up soon


6 years ago

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