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Lots of Baby Dust for SEPTEMBER 2014 Babies!

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Time to start a September board. Welcome, and baby dust to all!

TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

659 Replies • 10 years ago



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Mrs.Tiddle: and [hh9motnhs]. Wow girl, you like had all the possible symptoms .

aclark: I'm going to Mexico with the family, haven't seen my parents in 8 months. I too hope you get a this weekend! A lot of ladies here are testing this weekend, exciting!

GB: It would sure be great if we have tons of this weekend!

Angela: I won't be here so happy birthday from now, in case I forget before I go . It would be so nice to get a for your bday !

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10 years ago

11 DPO and BFN this morning. :( Had some light cramping at 9 DPO, so I was a little discouraged then. Feeling out since 9 DPO. Starting accupuncture tomorrow. A little nervous.

I am having surgery on my bartholin's gland tomorrow too. More nervous about that. I might be automatically out for next cycle too, depending on if they use the catheder I want them to or not. I want to avoid having to go through this a third time, so I want it done right this time. I was curious if the Soy Iso I took this cycle might have agrivated the gland that has been barely swollen for years since the last surgery. Guess it is better to get this taken care of now than later. Still sucks.

I am beginning to feel like this is never going to happen for me. I just want a kid of my own, is that so much to ask!?!?!?!!!

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10 years ago

mrs tiddle - CONGRATS!! and thanks for testing, you were about killing me with anticipation ;)

2more - sorry about the BFN and having surgery done soon. hope everything goes smoothly and you don't miss a cycle!

AFM, calling it CD11 today, doc made a special exception for me today to do the sono HSG. took 400mg ibuprofen 1hr prior (they wanted me to take 600, but i couldn't bring myself to do it! i'm a 200mg for a headache kind of gal ;) if i even take meds). anyhoo the transvaginal U/S part at the beginning was totally fine, very minimal discomfort, and things looked awesome. i can read U/S, so i was so happy when my right ovary came in view, so many pretty follicles, one was already 15mm. The balloon catheter inserting part was a little uncomfortable, and the start of the saline was ok, manageable, i was doing deep breathing. when they did the flushes to check my tubes wow that feels crazy.... basically it really hurts and feels intensely weird for like 2 seconds. anyhoo my tubes are open, yay!!! the saline leaking out the next couple hours is a little awkward though... lol.

Based on my medical history and things she saw: cervix tilts to the left and uterus to the right... which is NBD. She is suspicious of me having a slight to mild case of PCOS and endometriosis. can't prove the PCOS because i have no obvious signs, i'm slender, no funny hair growth, etc. The uterus tilt makes her a little worried about a stage I or II endometriosis though. you need laparoscopy to diagnose it though.

plan: she gave me 'natural' progesterone to supplement daily at night vaginally for 13 days. i'm calling them my vagina pills :) anyhoo i gotta test opk's, and the 4th day after my + i start the capsules. after i finish if AF doesn't show up that next morning i gotta do a HPT. if positive i need to blood test asap to see if i still need progesterone. If we don't get lucky this cycle we'll do a super low dose of clomid, like only 25mg daily. she really thinks i only need a tiny bit of ovulation help. with the clomid on board we'll see how my progesterone does on it's own, otherwise we'll add on the supplement again. at CD12 we'll do an U/S to check on the ovaries. if this doesn't work in 4-6 cycles she wants to do a laparoscopy to check for endometriosis and zap it if seen. i didn't know that endometriosis causes inflammatory cytokines in the peritoneal fluid that can inhibit fertilization.

so i have mixed emotions... i think this is mostly good news and we have a plan. i really liked this doc. showed her my bbt charting and she totally feels i ovulated. she thinks when my thyroid was out of whack i probably wasn't. so i definitely have a LP defect.

other good news is my TSH is climbing back up! was dropping off and i was worried my graves' would relapse.

sorry so long, but if any of this helps someone else, then that's great! plus me letting it out really helps me. thanks for reading!!

TTC #1 since October 2012. Me: Diagnosed with Graves' (Feb. 2013) and Celiac (July 2013) disease. Doctor suspicious of stage I endometriosis (Jan. 2014) DH: SA very good in Jan. 2014 Me:30 DH:29 April 14th first BFP!!! EDD is Dec. 26th! please send !!! User Image User Image

10 years ago

Mrs. Tiddle!!!

GB: wearing lingerie is a joke. I'm too heavy and insecure about my body to wear it. I'm not fat, just have a huge belly from over stretched skin from having my 3 boys. The older I get, the more I weigh.

DH has a hard time performing when he's under pressure and on meds for his back. He depends on the medicine to get him through he day. Had a car wreck in 2000 where he flipped the vehicle 3 times and was partially ejected from the sunroof. X-rays, CT scan, and MRI don't show anything yet he gets to the point where he is unable to dress himself, walk, climb in and out of bed, etc. A chiropractor or massage therapist won't touch him due to fear of paralyzingly him. Physical therapy only makes it worse. BD is a struggle for him.

All we can do is hope and pray that by a God given miracle we end up pregnant.

April 30, 1998 - 8lbs. 11oz, 21 inches 9 week miscarriage - March 17, 2001 May 31, 2002 - 6lbs. 15oz, 20 inches October 2, 2003 - 7lbs. 3oz, 20 1/2 inches Praying for a EDD September 29, 2014 User Image

10 years ago

Kotikd - The consult was good, I just don't know if I can afford it right now. I'm going to stick to Zumba. However, he did give me a basic weight routine to start with that targets all areas :-) So, I'll use it to warm up for Zumba!

Tiddle - H&H 9 Months!

Good luck to those who are testing.

Baby dust!!

TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

10 years ago

GB1020- I know what you mean, needing a mothers help after they have gone is unbearable, you feel like they would definetly be the one with ALL the answers to our TTC issues and our awkward questions, truth is though that we will never know, and its easier said than done not to dwell on what information they could possibly have given us. Just gotta get through it I suppose :) We all have each other!!! :D

Kotikd- I know I know im not fully out out just yet, I hate seeing that single line every time. Although hopefully this month it does stay a single line. Yesterday we were given 2 months notice to be out of our flat. We have no deposit ready for anywhere, and the deposit we have got for this flat may be lost due to issues that the estate agent let happen for 2 years.
Its going to be hard finding just a 1 bed place for the money we get in every month and my wages. My partner is disabled and the government are royally mucking things up at the moment with disability benefits. We are on the council list but houses in this area are a rarity and I need to be here for work (cant commute, busses are rare, and I don't drive!)

Anyway that's a completely different moan. I did have a cry about it all. All BD drive is gone from both of us, It was hard enough performing when the money issues are hanging over our heads but now... Not a chance.

I know there is never really a good time to have a baby, and you can never really afford one, or be prepared for one, but I just want us to be happy and have the family we both deserve. Him especially!!

Miss Tiddle- Congratulations on your !! Soooo lucky to have it first time round :)

Me(25)&BF(38) Together Since- 6th July 2010 TCC Since July2013 User Image User Image

10 years ago

congrats Mrs.Tiddle.

good luck GB!

any updates, brandittc1?

AFM - testing only neeeext friday, the 17h. AF due on the 16th. that's such a long wait!!

good luck to all!

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10 years ago

Mrs. Tiddle: Congratulations! That is so exciting.

GB10: I was due on January 4th so I'm several days late now. Testing tomorrow!

koti: Have a great vacation! Safe travels.

Angela: Good luck testing! Fingers crossed!

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10 years ago

Angela - I REALLY hope you get your BFP on your birthday - what an amazing gift that would be! Fx'd for you!

Mrs. Tiddle - thank you for listing some of your symptoms that we've been having - I have quite a few of those - today I feel like I'm getting a cold, only I don't have one, hopefully this is a good sign. And I've been EXHAUSTED the past few days (last night went to bed at 9:30pm and woke up 6:30am today feeling completely unrested). Today I also woke up feeling a little nausea and yesterday I felt some pulling/pinching. I don't know if my mind is playing tricks on me or if I could really, actually, FINALLY be pregnant!

2more - Wishing you good luck today with your surgery...I have my Fx'd for you!

FirstTimeMommy - I know how you feel about the endometriosis - my dr. thinks I may have it as well. I had an internal u/s done about a year ago, and I have my annual appt in February, if I haven't conceived by then I think I may ask for anothe internal and then possibly have the laproscopy done to see if I have endometriosis. By February that will be TTC for 6 months. I hope the progesterone works for you to conceive!

gds I'm so sorry to hear of your DH accident - that is too bad, and I can't imagine the pain he must be in. I hope he finds a way to make himself feel better!

aclark - you're keeping us all in suspense! I can't wait to hear about your results tomorrow!!!

Everyone that is wishing me well and thinking positive for me - THANK YOU - it means so much. My husband is the type that says "I don't want to hear about any symptoms, just tell me when you're pregnant" he's not much help with this and my best friend can only take so much as well, ha. So having all of you ladies is really a godsend to me and I'm very thankful for this site and all of you!!

AFM I'm now CD23 and 11dpo and due for next AF next Wed the 15th, I'm having some positive symptoms as I wrote above, and I just really hope they're not just all in my head or I'm making them up, sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy and I may not really be feeling the things I feel and that I just want to be feeling the things I think I am, if that even makes sense. Anyway, not stressing about it, just anticipating possibly getting a !!!

GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE testing this next week...hope there are LOTS of BFP's for everyone!

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10 years ago

Thank you I hope so too!! I'm not having any pms symptoms which I usually get a week before and no pimples that tend to pop up! I might cave and get some cheap tests but then I'm scared to test this early lol we'll see what I feel like after work. I feel like my boobs are larger today but again could be in my hopes lol I just feel relaxed and happy!

10 years ago

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