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Our Journey Part 6 : Success, Setbacks and Hope!

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Hey girls!

Here's the continuation of our thread. It's got a new title to include us all. Some of us have had success-and we want to hear all about the new journey. Some of us have had setbacks-but still need support as they navigate what happens next. And some of us are still walking the path of TTC with clomid.

Good Luck to all!

Melissa-37, lost rt tube DH-36, MFI - low morph DD-7, conceived naturally after 26 cycles --- TTC#2 since 2006 IUI's in April, May, December 2011 - ALL BFN IUI#4-100mg clomid - Feb/12 BFP Ectopic pg ended March 2/12 IUI#5-100mg clomid - May/12 BFN IUI#6-100mg clomid - June/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#7-100mg clomid - Sept/12 BFN IUI#8-100mg clomid - Oct/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#9- 5mg femara - Jan/13 BFN IUI#10-100mg clomid - Mar/13 BFN Counting down to our IVF in September! But wait...SURPRISE!! Aug/13- Natural, miracle for the second time while waiting for a treatment cycle to begin.

333 Replies • 12 years ago



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Ok a coworker that knows what ttc with infertility is like, looks at me after seeing me drop a cup of liquid all over the floor, and says, "You know what they say...."
"Well I don't know what they say, but if it is what I think it might be, I hope the saying is true."
"I think you're pregnant."
"....well that would be nice."
"No really, and I am usually pretty darn good at it."
"Well...I hope so!"

I am 10dpo and my nipples and bbs hurt like a heck, I am pooped, but recently I have started having small cramps. :-( What if my intuition and her's are wrong?! Boo...We will see.

Me-25 (PCOS, MTHFR, UU) DH-27 (perfect). Matthew 11/24/12 (born induced 36w5d due to low amniotic fluid) Our story: Began TTC July 2010, 6 losses: 11/14/10. Early m/c, 12/25/10 Blighted Ovum, 6/29/11 Early m/c, 11/11 early m/c, 3/8/12 Early m/c, 6/29/13 suspected ectopic. Currently breastfeeding and NTNP. hoping to lose weight And blessed with another miracle baby! Follow my blog :

12 years ago

Hello ladies!

Jess- Good job on your test! That is awesome! About the iui when I had asked my doc about prices since I knew ins wouldn't cover any of it. They gave me a sheet with a list of 3 different packages. One packages included the price for 3iuis. And one of them included the price with clomid which was of course a LOT cheaper. The ultrasounds (no matter how many were needed) were included in the price. I hope you do not need to go this route but keep in mind that if you respond well to clomid, it is cheaper than having to do shot. I just don't know the difference in success rate. Hope this info helped.

Marg- It is great that you will be in the normal weight gain. I haven't gained weight so far (not on the scale). I am just gaining back from what I lost because of morning sickness. I will almost be where am at when we found out. Either way, I am not a skinny person so I know I will look like an elephant very soon. That's ok though :).

Victoria- I wasn't skinny either. I just hope I can successfully lose it all after but right now all that matters is maintaining a healthy pregnancy. I am so sorry you fell and had all that happen to you but I am so glad you and the baby are ok.

Lis- Waiting here with you. Hope the tww goes by fast!

Hope everyone else is doing ok. I am sure it is going to slow down in here since it is the weekend.

Afm:Was pretty much up coughing all night. A dry cough. I ll get better.

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12 years ago

So Jess, what do they say? Cause I dropped an entire brand new container of chip dip outside yesterday bringing it into the house. It exploded everywhere, lol!

Melissa-37, lost rt tube DH-36, MFI - low morph DD-7, conceived naturally after 26 cycles --- TTC#2 since 2006 IUI's in April, May, December 2011 - ALL BFN IUI#4-100mg clomid - Feb/12 BFP Ectopic pg ended March 2/12 IUI#5-100mg clomid - May/12 BFN IUI#6-100mg clomid - June/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#7-100mg clomid - Sept/12 BFN IUI#8-100mg clomid - Oct/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#9- 5mg femara - Jan/13 BFN IUI#10-100mg clomid - Mar/13 BFN Counting down to our IVF in September! But wait...SURPRISE!! Aug/13- Natural, miracle for the second time while waiting for a treatment cycle to begin.

12 years ago • Post starter

I guesss they say if you are suddenly klutzy your chances of being pregnant are good. Due to early hormones relaxing muscles and such. That is the old wives tale I gues *shrugs* Another girl from a different cite got her first bfp since sept 2008 this week. Has to be a good sign, right? Bring on baby boom 2012!!

I cannot express what my excitement would be to be pregnant the same month as 2 other women that have been on this journey with me for what seems like forever and a day already! Praying for you my deaar.

And Shea - have you taken a hpt recently? I have heard of bcp making women feel sick if they are pregnant...good luck!

Me-25 (PCOS, MTHFR, UU) DH-27 (perfect). Matthew 11/24/12 (born induced 36w5d due to low amniotic fluid) Our story: Began TTC July 2010, 6 losses: 11/14/10. Early m/c, 12/25/10 Blighted Ovum, 6/29/11 Early m/c, 11/11 early m/c, 3/8/12 Early m/c, 6/29/13 suspected ectopic. Currently breastfeeding and NTNP. hoping to lose weight And blessed with another miracle baby! Follow my blog :

12 years ago

So I talked to a friend and she said she distinctly remembers the klutz factor being dramatically increased right before she got her bfp and in the early phases of pregnancy.

Not helping my obsession....I also have been thinking about how I consistantly get pg about every 3/4 months or so it seems. And last time was oct/nov with a I a, due any time now for another at least faint second line.

I have tried sports bra, aue natural, and regullar bra but not help the soreness go away...5 days til AF is due...

Me-25 (PCOS, MTHFR, UU) DH-27 (perfect). Matthew 11/24/12 (born induced 36w5d due to low amniotic fluid) Our story: Began TTC July 2010, 6 losses: 11/14/10. Early m/c, 12/25/10 Blighted Ovum, 6/29/11 Early m/c, 11/11 early m/c, 3/8/12 Early m/c, 6/29/13 suspected ectopic. Currently breastfeeding and NTNP. hoping to lose weight And blessed with another miracle baby! Follow my blog :

12 years ago

Nat I hope you get to feeling better. Your baby bump is adorable! Have you and DH picked out any names yet?

Jess yes I took an HPT. The 88 cent kind from Walmart earlier today.. I think there was just an evap on it though. I may get a first response if AF doesn't show in a few more days. I just don't see how we would even have good odds of having a bun in the oven considering we have been taking precautions. Sigh who knows.

Victoria I'm glad Annabelle and you are okay. :)

Afm heard from the nurse. She still hasn't takes to the dr though. she said to take emetrol with my BCP to help with nausea. And if it doesn't help over the weekend then to call her back and she will get the dr to change my prescription. I'm skeptical of starting back taking it Least until AF shows.

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

12 years ago

Hi ladies

Well im going to the Drs on monday morning to see whats going on. I stopped bleeding but it has started again normsl AF is 3 days and no cramps its not 4 days and keep getting like ovulation pains in my sides. I really hope its not a m/c.

As for the klutz thing i heard about that too and i was like that for two weeks till i started bleeding :-(

12 years ago

Kraken I'm praying for you dear. Big hugs. Please update us when you find out anything.

Have a good Saturday ladies.

Afm AF showed this morning.

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

12 years ago

Karen - I hope its not an early m/c, but keep us posted please.

Shea - bummer about AF

AFM - BFN on hpt this morning. 11dpo. Sore bbs starting to vanish so maybe it is all wishful thinking. Gah! I hate this part of ttc...Wednesday we will know the truth for sure when AF is due.

Today I am picking up my bridesmaid dress! =) excited! Will post pics later!

Me-25 (PCOS, MTHFR, UU) DH-27 (perfect). Matthew 11/24/12 (born induced 36w5d due to low amniotic fluid) Our story: Began TTC July 2010, 6 losses: 11/14/10. Early m/c, 12/25/10 Blighted Ovum, 6/29/11 Early m/c, 11/11 early m/c, 3/8/12 Early m/c, 6/29/13 suspected ectopic. Currently breastfeeding and NTNP. hoping to lose weight And blessed with another miracle baby! Follow my blog :

12 years ago

*hugs* Karen. I'm sorry you are going through the confusion of not knowing.


I'm still testing out my trigger shot. Last time it was quite light (like squinter light), but this time it's still pretty visible, even though it is light. I'll post some pictures later, this weekend is pretty busy for me.

Hope everyone is well!

Melissa-37, lost rt tube DH-36, MFI - low morph DD-7, conceived naturally after 26 cycles --- TTC#2 since 2006 IUI's in April, May, December 2011 - ALL BFN IUI#4-100mg clomid - Feb/12 BFP Ectopic pg ended March 2/12 IUI#5-100mg clomid - May/12 BFN IUI#6-100mg clomid - June/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#7-100mg clomid - Sept/12 BFN IUI#8-100mg clomid - Oct/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#9- 5mg femara - Jan/13 BFN IUI#10-100mg clomid - Mar/13 BFN Counting down to our IVF in September! But wait...SURPRISE!! Aug/13- Natural, miracle for the second time while waiting for a treatment cycle to begin.

12 years ago • Post starter

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