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TWW Wait Partners

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I am now 5dpo, and I am so excited. Mostly because I have had symptoms happen to me, that I have never experienced in the last 7 months of TTC.

Are any of you ladies waiting to find out if there is one on the way?

82 Replies • 9 years ago



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I'm waiting it out ladies. I want to test so bad, but I'm holding off. Today I just had cramps, and I just had one two minutes ago but it felt like O cramps. Which is weird.

to us all!

9 years ago • Post starter

I think i will wait until Saturday to test again unless af shows before then. Strangest thing happened today, i was out for a walk with my dog and when we were almost home i got a quick sharp pinching in my lower right abdomen...and at the same time my vision blurred for about 3-5 seconds. I wasnt hungry or dehydrated...but it was scary. Ive never had that before.....


9 years ago

BFN after BFN but still no AF so... Fingers crossed it's just too early. to you ladies!!!

9 years ago

Fingers crossed for you khaera!
Still no af here either! Aaaand i broke and tested (no will power AT ALL) BFN of course
AF due tomorrow...kind of excited to see if she shows lol and to see if the next test yields that ever elusive

Any updates EbonneJ?

Baby Dust Ladies!!


9 years ago

I am currently 6DPO and have experienced a metallic taste in my mouth today(this morning, while drinking my coffee) and pretty sleepy tonight when I typically have a good second wind going around 5pm (We're military and located in England, so time change is different). Last night on 5DPO I had pretty vivid dream. I am also have some CM that is white with little tiny bits in it? Totally confused. I have it all written in my cycles folder, thingy! :-)

9 years ago

Rach3641- welcome!! I can relate to the metallic taste. I had it for almost a week...still not sure if its connected to pregnancy though lol aah the things our bodies do to us!

When are you going to start testing?
Good Luck and Baby Dust!!


9 years ago

Would like to join :) I am 7pdo with symptoms.

9 years ago

Welcome Rach3641 and De.De79!

I never had the metallic taste, as far as I can remember. First thing for me was the sore BBs and headaches. Right now, it's mostly exhaustion and nausea but still BFNs. :/ Wicked witch is due tomorrow but so far no signs of her usual appearance. Hoping she doesn't show!

De.De79- What symptoms have you been having?

EbonneJ- How you doing, hun?

pnesbitt- Haha, yeah me too. None. At. All.

To you ladies!! Fingers Crossed this is a lucky thread!!!

9 years ago

Hey Pnesbitt.

I don't have any tests at home, so I'm going to try to wait until AT LEAST Monday. Unless I go to the grocery store and get a cheap pack today ;-) Really hoping this is our month as my husband will be gone for 3 months and I am so impatient!

When are you testing and how many DPO are you? DO you have any other symptoms?

9 years ago

Hi Rach3641,

I totally know what you mean, my husband and i having been trying for 2 years, 1 year with the assistance of a fertility clinic, and ive still never gotten so impatient, both of my sisters have multiple children and one got pregnant in October. She had her iud removed because she was scared she and her husband might have problems like me....well apparently not. Sometimes i feel like it will never happen for us. Especially with the daunting statistic that 1/3 of all couples receiving fertility treatments will never go on to have a biological child.

I am currently 14dpo, AF is "due" today buuut we used clomid this cycle to make sure i ovulated (i only have 1 week a month where i can, since my husband is only home 1 week per month), and clomid can lengthen the luteal phase by up to 6 really i have no idea when im due to start if im being 100% honest.

Yesterday i felt for sure this was it and i would be getting my positive but after countless negatives, including on this morning, im not so sure anymore. I feel like i am out this month and it will be a couple months before i can do another iui. As for symptoms...i dont trust them anymore. Mainly im cramping like AF is going to show.

Fingers crossed for you! I hope this is your month Rach!!!!


9 years ago

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