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TTC #1 with CLOMID!!! Looking for Cycle Buddies!!

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Hey ya'll my name is Stacey and I am 30 years old and have been married to the love of my life for almost 6 years!! I have PCOS and we have never conceived. I also recently lost 60 lbs which you could find on my youtube channel (it follows both my weight loss and TTC journey)! . I am so excited that this is our first time TTC with clomid! I am on Cycle day 3 and just took my first 50mg clomid!!! Let's all be friends and share our experiences this month!!!!

282 Replies • 10 years ago



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Oh no! Sorry to hear that :( Sounds like you did need a follicle scan to check on it! What are they doing to treat it?

10 years ago

How has everyone been feeling?

I'm CD20 today. The past couple of days I've felt really heavy and full and kinda crampy. I think I ovulated last Saturday. I also have had a lot of cm.

I'm not sure how to feel. I kinda have a feeling I am pregnant. I had a dream the other night of holding a tiny baby boy. But even if I'm not pregnant I'm just happy my body is working normally since last year I only had 3 periods.

10 years ago

@ Bpdoyle--> I've heard that a lot of women have dreams about being pregnant/having a baby and were actually preggers already! Didn't happen that way for me; I had taken the Clomid, but life got really hectic for us and I totally forgot about it! I figured there was NO WAY that I'd get pregnant the 1st month without charting and temping and using an OPK. Yeah, well...I did!

@ Stacey--> Ooooh! Lots and lots of my friend! What have they decided to do about the hypersensitivity? Hope you get your next week!

@ Shelob--> Try to stay positive, Love! I was TTC for 12 years , so I know how you feel. It was almost impossible to put on a happy face for ANYONE I knew who was having a baby. I even stopped going to baby showers because I would end up in tears on the way home EVERY TIME!

AFM: Day #2 of Clomid felt great all day! Had a great Valentine's Day with DH, but he evidently caught a cold while we were out shopping. As soon as he told me that, I decided not to take any chances; I still have some breast milk stored in 1.5 oz bags in the freezer (I dried up when DS was 3.5 months old) and I plan to mix it in his bottle tomorrow morning. That should give his little immune system a boost!


10 years ago

shelob - thanks, i'm just so relieved DH is healthy. i found out from my doc that the clomid can affect you even days after you finish?? i took it a saturday to a wednesday and that friday i was sooo irritable!! the next friday (yesterday) i was bitchy again, but dunno if i can' blame that on the clomid ;) congrats to your lil sis!

2Frsty - sorry AF is so dang heavy now :( the clomid made me O 3 days earlier this cycle! so i did 5 days after i finished taking it. my doc is suspicious of PCOS, but i'm not sure why... maybe because we have type II diabetes in my family history, but i've always been underweight to normal weight. most would describe me as slim always. so i'm not on any other meds currently, other than my vitamins. what dose of clomid do you take? you were TTC 12 years??? oh my hun, i'm so glad it worked out for you guys! hope you guys avoid DH's cold!

stacey - sorry you ended up in the hospital!! what does ovarian hypersensitivity all entail?? does that mean you already ovulated?? do they know how many follicles ovulated? is there a treatment?

bpdoyle - glad you O'd :) FX'd you caught that egg! totally know the feeling of glad the body is working! doc thinks i wasn't ovulating the whole time my thyroid was outta whack. i've had a couple baby dreams the last couple cycles, now i want one to come true!

AFM, 4/5 DPO. (TMI alert) within 24 hours of O'ing my nipples get very sensitive and then by about 4 DPO my bbs get very tender. the nipple sensitivity should disappear in a couple days. the breast tenderness usually disappears at 10/11 DPO, so i'm wondering if it sticks around if that'll be my first BFP?? plan is to check my progesterone on monday since it was low, only 3.2 at 8 DPO my other cycle, to see if the clomid makes a better CL for me. otherwise it'll be back to progesterone supplementing for me during my LP time.

TTC #1 since October 2012. Me: Diagnosed with Graves' (Feb. 2013) and Celiac (July 2013) disease. Doctor suspicious of stage I endometriosis (Jan. 2014) DH: SA very good in Jan. 2014 Me:30 DH:29 April 14th first BFP!!! EDD is Dec. 26th! please send !!! User Image User Image

10 years ago

@ Firsttimemommy30--> You O'd 5 days after you finished the Clomid? I'm hoping O early rather than late! Last time I was so busy that I didn't have time to use an OPK (didn't even think about it) but this time I'm planning to start testing 3-5 days after my last Clomid pill. I've read that testing any earlier than that can give a false positive on the OPK, so I think 5 is the number I'm going with. I'm taking the 50 mg tablets, along with 500 mg of Metformin twice a day (I both pills 1st thing in the morning with the Clomid), 500 mg of Evening Primrose Oil to soften the cervix, and that's it. Starting today, I'm also going to give temping a try. I just hope I can remember to take my temperature in the morning! I know it's supposed to be taken at the same time every day, and after you've had at least 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep. What happens if you don't get 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep?! I have a 5 month old...I'm lucky to get sleep at all!


10 years ago

Shelob - Girls, isn't that the truth about the follicle scan!! When I went into the Dr she couldn't believe that I only took 50mg and it was my first time taking it ! She said that considering how I responded to it that I probably already O on my own and then the clomid just kicked it into high! So crazy! She said the pain could last 2-3 weeks I think! Yikes! But I do have some painkillers that are helping at least! Oh and according to what I have read YES the OHSS DOES mean that I O!!! =)

BPDoyle - I am also having a lot of CM which I have never EVER had before so that's strange for me. I sure hope it means I am preggers!! But I am wondering if it's from the Ovarian Hypersensitivity Syndrome (OHSS). And I am so happy that your body is benig nice to you and working well!! When are you going to test!!

2Frsty- Girl thanks, I need the baby dust lol!! To treat the hypersensitivity I was in the hospital overnight for montoring and for pain control and now I'm home! I go tomorrow for a progersterone test and then Thursday for her to see how mu ovaries are doing! I have also heard about a lot of women dreaming about baby and being pregnant!! What is a vivid dream?? I have been having the CRAZIET dreams for the past several nights and it's not like me to do that.

I LOVE all you ladies and am so happy to be able to share our symptoms and everything!!! Lets all add each other as friends and continue together next cycle!!

10 years ago • Post starter

Firsttimemommy30 - I also am pretty sure I ovulated 5 days after the clomid too!!

10 years ago • Post starter

@ Stacey--> Adding each other is a great idea! I used the "Countdown My Pregnancy" website while I was expecting DS. I met some fabulous ladies there! Most of us were posting on several different forums, but there was one forum (a "Due Date Club" for fall babies 2013) that we posted hundreds of times on! We had 78 pages on the forum with 1,548 replies by the time we all had our little ones! There was ladies from all over the country and one from New Zealand. Well, me and 3 others (including the one from NZ) that decided to continue our friendship on a phone app called Viber; it allows us to text back and forth, even across the ocean! It's been awesome to talk with other ladies going through the exact same thing you are at the same time! That's always a possibility!

AFM: Day #4 of the Clomid 50 mg and I have 3 words to describe it: MOODY AND STRESSED!! And my son was super fussy today. Teething and refusing to nap. But he started rolling over today!

How's everybody else feeling tonight? What are y'alls plans for President's Day? DH is in the Army, so they have a 4 day weekend.


10 years ago

I am in New Zealand :) I agree it is great talking to you girls!!

stacey353 I am SO relieved you are doing okay despite the OHSS! I was so worried about that during my first cycle, but everything worked out fine for me.

I have been ovulating between 10 and 16 days after my last clomid tablet. It is pretty similar to my average ovulation date without clomid, but is a bit more regular. So even though I ovulate on my own I haven't had an amazing response.

I find with clomid I always get heaps more cm after ovulation. Particularly the last half of the TWW.

2Frsty I am a terrible sleeper and my temping still seems to work okay. I got rather stressed about trying to get pregnant and placed so much emphasis in my mind on waking up at the right time that I was waking lots during the night. 2am, 3am, 4am 5am etc! I finally managed to make myself not worry about having an odd temp if I don't wake at the right time, and it has fixed my bad sleeping habits somewhat. Still definitely worth trying the temping! Of course I don't have a child to get up for so that could make a difference.

I am trying to stay positive for my sister. I really don't know how I will feel until the baby actually comes. It is now a day late. I predicted it would come in three more days time and the last three babies I did a prediction for came on the day I had said!!

12 years is an incredibly long time. I really hope it doesn't take us that long! I would be in my 40s so it would still be possible. But earlier is better!

Firsttimemommy30 I definitely have clomid affects after I finish taking the pills. The hot flashes keep happening up until ovulation, and then there is the ovulation pain I feel so strongly. I had a progesterone test today (64nmol/L or 22ng/mL) which was good, and while I was talking to the nurse I asked about going back down to 50mg clomid next cycle. With my husband's bad sperm anaysis I don't see the point in pushing my body so hard when it is unlikely we will be able to get pregnant without IVF anyway.

Bpdoyle that is great you ovulated! I have a colleague who only has about three periods a year, and has two surprise children! She knows how fortunate she is. I haven't told her we are trying. I don't want people at work analysing my waistline and sick days!

10 years ago

2Frsty - yeah, that was my thought when i realized i was gonna O that fast!!! i sure didn't mind it though, just wish i had been more prepared! don't stress with doing the BBT perfect, or it literally does ruin your sleep! once i took a chill pill regarding it i do so much better. sorry the clomid is hitting ya hard :(

stacey - yeah no kidding, wish your doc had scanned you! sorry the OHSS happened and that it may be painful for a while :/ i just had a progesterone test today! yeah let's continue this thread!

shelob - so far no hot flashes (and it can stay that way!) just the irritability for me. the last few cycles O has hurt very bad, so my doc is a little worried i may also have endometriosis, and my cervix and uterus are tilted. great progesterone result!! plan is IVF next cycle if this one doesn't work??

AFM, 6/7 DPO. Had a bunch of labwork done today, progesterone, TSH (thyroid monitoring), AST/ALT (liver after the celiac issues), and ferritin (was also super low back at celiac diagnosis). my ferritin, AST, ALT came back great :) progesterone doc will hopefully call me tomorrow. i picked up a refill of the suppositories in case i need them. bbs are SUPER sore today, even a few underarm aches which is a new thing for me.

TTC #1 since October 2012. Me: Diagnosed with Graves' (Feb. 2013) and Celiac (July 2013) disease. Doctor suspicious of stage I endometriosis (Jan. 2014) DH: SA very good in Jan. 2014 Me:30 DH:29 April 14th first BFP!!! EDD is Dec. 26th! please send !!! User Image User Image

10 years ago

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