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Confessions and Frustrations of ttc Women

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Hi to all of you ladies who are experiencing struggles and frustrations during this ttc journey.

This thread is a spin-off of past threads by Pookerdooks and Expecting2Expect, which acted as a safe haven to vent, share, complain, and confess the negative feelings we all have at dark moments during this ttc journey. I found the treads in the past were (for me) very helpful in getting out a lot of anger and negative feelings that had built up over the course of my ttc journey. I hope that I can find others like me who need a place to vent and confess those negative thoughts we have instead of carrying them around with us.

I must insist however that no one judges anyone elses' posts. If you don't agree with a complaint or a vent. Keep it to yourself. This is a safe haven and a No-Judging-Allowed-Zone. Feel free to vent your negativity here and get the negative energy out. If your feeling guilty for your negative thoughts then feel free to confess them with ttc women who understand.

Starting things off . . . . I'm Becca, 29 and am approaching my 1 year mark of ttc #1.

Confession #1 - I immediately feel angry and jealous when I see women at the store with baby bumps. I cant help it and then I feel sorry for myself that I don't have one.

Confession #2 - I am so frustrated with women who I've talked to that get pregnant and then say, "Oh it will happen for you, after all it happened for me." I know they mean well, but I don't want to hear it. I think, "Its easy for you to say since you already are pregnant!

Confession #3 - I feel angry when people tell me its all about God's timing. I believe in God, but I don't want people saying this to me, it is extremely hurtful! Your saying God has chosen to keep me from getting pregnant until its the right time? What time will that be? I'm 29, do I need to be 40 for it to be the "right time"?

WELCOME to all ttc women regardless of how long you have been ttc or what you have to vent about. . . . . .

Becca, age 29 ttc #1 for abt 1 year User Image

44 Replies • 12 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

41 - 44 of 44 Replies

quoth the raven - ah man those were some bad tests! especially the top one! I have 6 'evaps' in my gallery. Might just do digitals from now on... hmm they aren't as sensitive and cost a fortune though :< grr

today I was talking to my Mother and she was telling me about her workmate who has just found out she's almost 5 months pregnant and is DEVASTATED. She had the contraceptive implant in and has just bought a house and is getting married next year.

Daisypath Christmas tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Clomid cycle #1 Clomid cycle #2 Clomid cycle #3

12 years ago

Hello everyone, i havnt posted in a few days, but thought I'd stop in and say Hi, I can relate to both the dreaded supermarket check out with hpts, I have been buying online more soI dont have to deal with the stares or questions, I guess I am a little lucky about the whole DH and fertile time dilema, he seems up for it anytime, so I guess thats to be thankful for, I've heard of women having this issue though, and heard their suggestions on not telling dh it is your fertile time, as it can put pressure on them to perform, which I understand, but at the same time, look at all the pressure we put on ourselves! with charting and checking and all that, all a man has to do is have sex, which is something they are suppose to want to do anyways! I deff can see how this would be frustrating, and how getting into a fight can certainly turn the mood. you guys are still in my thoughts and prayers, I have decided to try the soy iso, if and when af shows up, I know it can messed around some womens cycles, but mine are already crazy, so I figured it couldnt hurt, so i guess we shall see. baby dust to all! :)

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12 years ago

OMG... this is just the thread that I needed!!! I'm so frustrated with everyone around me, including my husband! I am 33 years old, no spring chicken, with irratic periods/cycles, a crappy obgyn (whom I just replaced this week) and I had a chemical pregnancy last month. I cannot hear another person tell me:

"relax", in response to me wanting my doctor to do blood work and an ultrasound to RULE OUT issues. I have great insurance and I'm a little older, I need reassurance that I'm not prolonging a healthy pregnancy by not getting myself checked. EVERYONE has said I need to just have fun and wait it out. Would anyone dare say that if I had chronic headaches? No! They'd tell me to get checked, rule out illness and get treatment if possible! Why is everyone, including my last obgyn and husband so against me wanting to know it's just a matter of time and not an abnormality (repairable or not)? I want to punch all of these people in the throat. Ugh.

"when it's God's will it will happen, just have faith", I feel guilty saying this one, but I am a believer, and I feel like people are judging my faithfulness by telling me to have more faith. Additionally, I believe God can work through science and medicine and if I can "aid" his will for me by taking advantage of the medicines and talents he blessed us with, what right do you have to tell me just to pray and have faith? Did you just pray and have faith for a paycheck by sitting on the couch today? No! You went to work and did something for yourself to "aid" God's blessing! I know people are probably going to get mad about this rant, but I am not a passive believer who believes I deserve every prayer just by letting words out of my mouth, I believe I need to do my part too.

"you haven't been trying very long" it's been 6 months and it feels like an eternity. Btw- according to you, how long is long enough, since you seem to be the only person allowed to judge how long i should be patient?

"they happen all the time and are normal", about my chemical pregnancy. Um it sounds like you're telling me this could happen again. I'm already scared on my own. Can you please just say you're sorry for my loss and then shut the f-up? Sorry ladies, I don't curse often, but I could not control myself.

last but not least..... "so when are you guys going to have those babies?" I know this is a good intentioned questions, but it is hurtful. I'd like to have it tomorrow, but I'm not really in charge of that, so maybe you're asking the wrong person????? I wish we'd never shared we're trying, bc now it feels like everyone feels it's their right to give unsolicited opinions and greet me with this question. I've actually told people not to ask me anymore. I can tell my patience are wearing when being gracious is almost impossible.

Thanks for letting me vent ladies. IT FEELS SO NICE TO GET IT OUT. It also feels great to know there are other people feeling this way too. It feels very lonely some days. Good luck to you all!

DH (39) Me (33) Married since June 2011 TTC #1 since April 2012 CP July 2012 User Image

11 years ago

Hello ladies, Im Jennifer im 27 years old and Im glad i found this thread.
Reading all of your ladies story really made me think how i took for granted conceiving easily. With my first three it seems like my hubby could just looks at me and BAM im pregnant.
This time around ttc our fourth has been a struggle. And im beginning to wonder if God is telling me something. I had a really horrible pregnancy with our youngest child and now i question if we should even try.

We have been ttc since March and no such luck. I feel bad talking about it to anyone, even to my best friend because i feel like i will be judge. I feel like ppl will think i shouldn't complain because hey i already have 3 children how many more do i need. So i keep these feelings to myself. I get tired of ppl asking me if im done having kids. No darn it im not! And why is it such a problem if we want to have one more? We can support them, we can take care of them.
And once we do conceive the crap storm of questions and opinions will start. I know it will. My mother in law told me after the last one was born that she was done being a grandmom. She felt we didn't need anymore children....

its nice to finally have somewhere to go and just get my feelings out. I don't like having this dark cloud over my head and over my heart. I love the girls i have now and in time we will be blessed with our last little bundle of joy and all the haters can go kick rocks!

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11 years ago

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