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Provera, Clomid Metformin TTC9months (join this forum ladys)

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Hi ladys i think we all need a forum were we can talk about are journey. Fertilty Meds and such.
My story im going to make it short.
I have PCOS, and DH and I TTC for 9 months now, Doc started me on 10mg of provera or metroxypro... rather same thing. For 5days, I ended on sat, its been four days and know period yet, I realy want my period iv never wanted it so bad lol, that way i can start my clomid days 5-9, and start BD with DH lol Thats the best part after all!! did anyone have any luck yet, I hope this works, We desperatly want a child :)

PRAYING4aneeding some

131 Replies • 12 years ago



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Well girls im out this month, went for a blood test and it was negative, they gave me the results in 15 minutes which was weirdbut whatevers. So now im here wondering what to do, take provera or wait for af to come on its own. I was really hoping clomid would work for me, its just my first round but I was hopeful. Soo bummed out right now :/

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12 years ago

@Kat Im sorry your out this month! It was the smallest dose of colmid so maybe your dose just needs to be upped a bit. I know the waiting sucks!

@ Cass I am praying that it was IB for you! And jeez that surly sucks about your hospital! I hope you find a new Dr ASAP and you can make an appt. to get blood word done

AFM- Im 2 days past ovulation and tomorrow I will find out If i for sure O'd and how big follicles are !

April 24= Provera 10 days 1st round Clomid 50 mg Cd 5-9 June 6 CD 1 2 nd round Clomid 100 mg CD 5-9

12 years ago

The point is to get you to ovulate on it with the right dose, So if you ovulated on the mg your on then take the same mg again when the time is right, im like you wondering will i have to take provera again, and then clomid, can i just take the clomid lol. And Did i even truely ovulate was there a egg released or not?? I hate not knowing these things, It sucks. I feel like my doc doesnt realy care. I think im going to call the doc office. But i feel like i shouldnt have to they said they would call and give me directions to my next steps every month and there not following threw :( And there so close i realy dont want to have to go a hour out of my way. Just so so so very light pink dime size spotting still HMMM what is this, IB or Withdraw bleeding or something i hate my body right now i feel like its against me !

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

omg you guys im dying to start testing :) Feeling good about this for somereason, ether way im ok with it, you get used to disapointment after 12 months! Hopeing for the best.

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

I had another NEgative OPK, and as far as i know if pregnant it will read positive. So im not feeling to good right now about takeing a test in the morning! Whats your take on it?

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

Im not happy!!
Why ME?
All iv done is barely spot like hardly nothing there the last 4 days. I feel so alone in this because my doc just gave up on me that makes me so angry and sad. I have Provera and clomid in my cabnit but i dont no what to do with it since doctor hasnt called, My last appointment was on the 15th its the 25 wth!! Im sorry this is just so overwhelming for me, I feel like crawling in a hole and just crying till i cant know more!
i cant take this maybe i should just come to the conclusion that i cant have kids!
Dont you guys get tired of feeling pregnant and then Geting no results its driveing me crazy.
And i cant help but stop and think of all my friends and family who are fixing to start there own familys its depressing. My husband just tells me it takes time, Itll happen when its made to happen, ??? What does that mean?. Im not ready or something i understand hes just trying to help but maybe all i need right now is some understanding," As in i feel your pain your sadness and we can do this cheer up". Its sad that i can come up with that but cant take my own advice instead i want to here someone else say it. Well guess im back on track with you guys only, I dont have periods i dont ovulate? Why should i even try?

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

Hi Cass, I so understand how you feel. Its very hard to want to keep doing this when you feel like all you are doing is banging you head against the wall. It took me over 3 years to conceive my first (and only) Baby. It was so frustrating! And men just do not understand what it is to want a child the way a women does. But that is why God made us the child bearers! Men coould never do it. You can do this!!! Trust me. One step at a time. Dont let it get to big. Because thats when it looks hopeless. I know it is scary to find a new doc. but if they are not doing what you need them to do then you should. It will make a huge differance. I read post like yours and I just remeber that hopless feeling. The best thing I can say is this, and I hope it doesnt offend you. Do the work as far as the drugs and going to the Doc. But put the rest in Gods hands. Find strenght in knowing he has a plan. I hope that helps. I just stumbled on your post and I just really wanted to encourage you. Good luck I hope you get your Very soon

Afm- I am on cycle day 13 and waiting to O. I will go for my IUI then and begin the CRAZY tww! Good Luck to all!!

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12 years ago

TY so much, Yeah i was haveing a bad morning, but after siting down and praying about it i decided to give it over to god once again for the hundreth thousand time lol he must realy love me to listen to me everytime im down, because after words i feel so so much better.
Ok copyed and past this other half from other topic :)
, Im feeling alot better, husbands home, prayed about it and feeling good, UPDATE: Doc said i did not ovualte and that Light bleeding was due to something else, I start Provera today and then wait for my period :) So that i can go another round of clomid. This will be my 2nd round! If anyone whats to look me up on facebook have at it.
Cassandra Hall TN
I have a butterfly timeline cover
Love you guys, im glad your around to talk to about this stuff. Its just With this and other things going on in my life some times it gets to be to much to carry. Thats why i need to ask god to carry it for me.
Well heres to another month together ladys
Oh and you are welcome to join my other forum, On here its
hope to see you there

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

Cass I am so sorry you feel the way you do! It will happen! I believe Things happen for a reason and your reason is coming up! I would assume that this is your PD and not start the provera but start your clomid on your reg. days (assuming that is CD 5-9) and in the mean time try and find a new Dr in your area! I wish you the best!

AFM- I went to the Dr today and she said I for sure O'd and that my endometrium looks great. I guess I will start testing in 5 days or so! If no + test by CD34 then we start all over again!

April 24= Provera 10 days 1st round Clomid 50 mg Cd 5-9 June 6 CD 1 2 nd round Clomid 100 mg CD 5-9

12 years ago

Hi ladies I have pcos and have been pregnant on clomid 100mg this was my second round unfortunately I misscarried at 8 weeks. I'm now on my second to last day of 100mg of clomid I will be ov testing from day eight till I get a positive.
Also keep up with the metformin I stopped this on the advice of the doc when I was pregnant BUT it has been proven that it is better to continue with metformin throught pregnancy. Also I will continue with baby asprin until I'm 36 weeks pregnant if it happens for me.

12 years ago

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