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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hi ladies.. Happy Sunday to everyone. Hope you are all enjoying what's left of the last weekend in December. :)

@Makeup ~ Yay! Happy you had 6 instant bfp's. Nope the dr will confirm the positive blood test for you. Don't you worry hon. If your urine is containing hcg then your blood is positive with hcg. It has to be in your blood stream for it to trickle down into your urine. I'm sure your are a nervous wreck, but I am pretty confident that if you have a sticky lil bean (baby) in there that you WILL be ok. Hang in there. I'm sure it's a roller coaster of emotions right now for you. We are all here for you.

@Skyline ~ I'm so happy it's sinking in for you.. hooray. Not so happy about the puking though :( I hope you find a remedy or strategy that helps with that for you. Have fun making some cake pops. I make 10 pairs of slippers in the past few days. Some with pom poms and others without. So fun.

@Athena ~ I'm glad you had a nice time at your brother's wedding. :) Good luck with catching the egg this cycle. I know you are about to O. Have fun bedding.. lol

@Rebecca73 ~ Your post cracked me up. So glad you were able to get some bedding in. Yahooooooo!!! Baby dust your way.

@Pisces ~ How are you? How was your christmas? You should be approaching your O day pretty soon? Hope to hear from you. Check in soon.

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10 years ago • Post starter

So I have a question. I was on facebook today and my aunt posts this big long post about how she is so happy for my brother and his new wife. They have a perfect love and she saw it in my parents 34 years ago and now she has it too. I don't know why but it makes me feel angry that my husband and I arent thought of like that. It's like our bond isn't as strong or something. I don't know it just kind of hurt my feelings that she said nice things about them.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

Hello ladys! I have what should be my last dr appt in a couple hours! I feel so ready I could pop at ne min, I will let u know what he says when I leave , im gana c if he will strip my membrains.

10 years ago


According to my OB I am 7 weeks and 1 day with a due date of August 17th --- first appointment is January 9th!

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10 years ago

@ makeup congrats hun

@ sky im here

its been a busy 2 weeks we took a trip to see family up north to mich left on friday night got there saturday got a phonecall sunday night from landlord that he had a surprise for the boys his church and went in together and had a ton of gifts for the boys and a xmas dinner ready and cooked for us we told them we wanted to reschedule cause we were out of town but they could only do it on monday so we got up at 3 am and left by 4 and was home in by 4 pm and they showed up at 6 pm with 4 car loads of gifts and food for boys it just brought me to tears ,, on a different note eli is just getting over a bad virus pharmacy is supposed to call me today with details and shipping of new infusion meds .. and me doing good getting to big i can hardly walk any more i try to stay off my feet twins are starting to kick up a storm next appt in bout 2 weeks ...

hope every 1 had a wonderful joyous christmas holiday and continue through the new year

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10 years ago

Hello hello!

@MakeUp- Yeah!!! We a;l knew it was positive but to have it confirmed with the blood test is even better!! Congrats & a happy, healthy 9 months!!x

@Tiff- Your nearly there now....just been reading back from page 1 and its so nice to see you have kept in touch.x

@Athena- Families have this way of making you feel bad without realising...& Facebook!! I love it but it's so easy to catch the wrong end of the stick, almost deleted my account so many times. You and your husband have the bond, don't let anyone else take that away from you.x

@Miracle- Thankyou for starting this forum and your are an inspiration! It really is a life line.x

@Pisces- You are soooo funny, again been reading from post one and you are so likeable! Have you ovulated yet?x

@Skyline- Sorry to hear about you being sickey, eating a little before you get up, like a ginger biscuit works well and little & often through the day. It is so real & im so happy for you!x

@Kimmy- Where are you?x

Hi to all you other ladies, it's amazing how much you can't wait to see how everyone is at the end of the day...hope your well.

AFM: I'm on CD14, definite positive on opk this morning and this afternoon! Yey!!! Did the dance, (my god did we) last night & today!! So I hope we have some little swimmers up there waiting....Obviously I may not ov yet as I don't temp but it should be tonight or tomorrow right??
First time I've monitored cm & opk's so a little green behind the ears! Hard part is catching the egg so the 2ww is going to be a breeze til the end!(Yeah Right) x

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10 years ago

@football - I just did some looking around and it sounds like the cervix is easier to reach when sitting. Just always check it in the same position and you will know what high and low feels like for you. The most common position is standing with one foot on the toilet/tub. That's how I checked mine and I considered mine high, as I could barely reach it... sounds like yours is high too.

@miraclemama - Yesterday I just ate small meals every time I started feeling upset to my stomach and it would go away. So as long as I don't get stuck without food, I think it's going to be okay. lol Oh, how sweet! I got so burnt out making slippers, I hope you have better stamina than I did. :-P I'm working on my first larger crochet project in a long time, making an infinity scarf for a friend.

@athena - Your aunt said she had it, your parents had it and your brother has it? Did she leave out your sister too? Hmm... don't pay her any attention. Relations can say some of the most insensitive things for who knows what kinds of reasons. Sounds like she is feeling the need to brag, tossing herself into the mix. My sister does stuff like that and it's usually about something she is insecure about. Facebook can be so stressful sometimes.

@Tiff - Let us know how it went! (I just noticed your due date is my first appointment! lol)

@makeup - Woot! So glad you have confirmation! *happy dance*

@lolee - How sweet of them! Sounded like it was worth the rushed trip back. I hope Eli makes a full recovery, so sorry to hear he caught another virus. :(

@Bean - Thank you. :) Yes, I've been doing the small frequent meals and it has helped. I will need to be sure I carry snacks in my purse for when I'm at work etc. Yes, you should O within 24-48 hours of your first positive OPK. Hope you catch the bean this time! Fingers crossed!

AFM - My office STANK this morning. I couldn't wait, I cleared the floor and rolled the nasty rug up and dragged it out the back door. It was a big rug and still completely water logged. My office doesn't smell nearly so bad now, but DH was very supportive that something needs to be done. My boss gets back tomorrow, so I will probably get him to talk to the building owner.

On a slightly different note, I had been circling the name Henry as a top pick if it's a boy. It's my dad's name, very traditional and strong without being overly popular. To my chagrin, I discovered that since '05 it's been in the top 100 and it was #22 in 2013! I don't think I will let that keep me from using it, but I so wish it wasn't getting popular. *sigh*

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10 years ago

Well im dialated to a 3 ans
d head is -1 station so very low, I could go at ne time

10 years ago

Good afternoon. Nothing to report. Just wanted to say hi. Seems like if I don't pop in daily in here that I can miss a lot that is going on so quickly. :)

@Bean ~ I can't believe you read the whole thread.. WOW! I'm sure it must have been like a story book getting to know all of us and our individual stories. I should turn it into a book ??? Hmm?? I see $ signs.. lol.
Happy you got lots of baby dancing in since you are either O'ng today or tomorrow. Good luck. I pray this is your bfp cycle.

@Skyline ~ Happy the wet sopping stinky rug is out of your office. Post pic of infinity scarf when finished if you want, would be fun to see how it turns out. I already sold a pair of slippers after listing them yesterday.

@Athena ~ Sometimes we just feel sad that we don't have the quality connection with our loved ones as we'd like. I know that it can feel sad to feel like you're always in the shadows of others and not the limelight.

@Lolee ~ That is wonderful you received ALL those gifts for your family. So happy for you. Hope baby Eli continues to do well and that you can get off your feet and rest as much as you can. You and the twins need the rest.

@Tiff ~ I predict you will be holding your newborn within a week. My prayers are going out to you for a successful, smooth and healthy birthing process with a supportive and quick recovery.

@Makeup ~ I knew it.. CONGRATULATIONS! It's real. Yippie!!

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10 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies!!! I am writing on my phone so I haven't been able to read everyone's posts. DH had his surgery today. Everything went well and we are back home. He says he feels like he was kicked in the nuts ha. Poor guy.

I will be on my computer tomorrow and will respond to everyone's posts then. However I did see makeup got her blood work back! Wheeeeeeeew! Congrats girl!!

10 years ago

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