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June 2014 Baby, Maybe?

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Here we go, again, Ladies!

TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

905 Replies • 10 years ago



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GVMDL - I'm still here! Just in this awful TWW

My temps have been so freakin wonky this month...I've never had such a crazy chart! I had another dip this morning....98.26 down to 97.45. SO LOW! I don't know what to make of, of course, I googled....I'm haunted by twin symptoms! However, I don't even know if the first dip was accurate, because I woke up like 2 hours earlier than normal. VERY frustrating! Only time will tell! I might try a test in the morning. I will likely be 10 DPO (but could be 8 DPO...thank you stupid temps!). If I get a chance I will test though!

10 years ago

Hi girls!!

Ok I am trying so hard to catch up, and I am so sorry if I miss anyone!

First, TTC teacher and Musili CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR BFP!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! There were a good number of BFPs this last cycle, this makes me so happy!

GVMDL: I miss you girls!! My best friends wedding was this weekend, and I THOROUGHLY enjoyed the entire weekend given that AF was in the house! BUT today she is on her way out, good riddance. I hope not to see her for 9 months! Its CD7, so I am ready to get going again, then start the dreaded TWW (or it could be a 3WW, or 4WW if my body misbehaves again). It sucks we all aren't cycle buds anymore, but I have been lurking here as much as I can. How many DPO are you? Did you test? How are you?

Lacey: I saw the results you posted, I am a little confused about the follicle measurements but I need to go back and re-read everything. The blood work was normal right? Did they check your progesterone yet? Sorry I couldn't remember everything :(.

PBC: I am SO rooting for you hun. I admire your strength. Keep your head up, I really believe it will happen for you!

Jennavee: HOW ARE YOU???

While: I seriously hope the stays away, how many DPO are you?

Hopeful: Stay hopeful my dear

Scooby: how are you??

AFM: OK, so this weekend my FSH test came back normal, so one more thing off the list. Last to check is the progesterone on CD23, and then if that comes back normal and we don't hit the jackpot this month, hubby will go for the SA next cycle. If is SA comes back normal, we might go in that unexplained bucket - ugh.

We are seriously going to BD almost every day starting CD 10-11. Its gonna be a looooong 10+ days lol.

~Ashlee~ My profile: Me 29, DH 30 Trying for #1 User Image

10 years ago

1040: LOVE the ultrasound pic, and I messaged you back :D

~Ashlee~ My profile: Me 29, DH 30 Trying for #1 User Image

10 years ago

@Beautiful: I know what you are going through, as I know a lot of people who struggle with eating, PCOS, and exercise issues, its a tough struggle :(

I studied Nutrition and Food Science in college, so if there is anything I can do to help you come up with a plan that IS possible to follow, please feel free to reach out to me. I can tell you that I know a LOT of people who have followed WW and lost a lot of weight too so that is a good start. I have noticed that the first place to start is with your immediate family to evaluate everyone as a whole. For example, I know I struggle because my husband is picky, and doesn't like greens, vegetables, or pretty much anything healthy. I basically have had to tell my husband we are eating healthy, so deal with it or starve lol. So if your DH has bad eating habits, it affects you too. Feel free to message me for anything, you are not alone.

~Ashlee~ My profile: Me 29, DH 30 Trying for #1 User Image

10 years ago

PBC, LOL I will see what I can do to make tomorrow's test positive! :) And then I need your test to be positive as well... just sayin'! I screwed up and quit temping... I missed like 4 days in a row and then just said screw it. Oops. I'd be so lost without ya lady!

Acrichton, So glad your test came back normal... praying the progesterone does as well and hubby's SA! Unexplained is frustrating but it also means that there isn't anything majorly wrong. You will get your BFP very soon I know it. Just food for thought though... make sure to give the little swimmers time to build up... you want the best warriors in there! :) My DH's reproductive urologist told us every other day is better than every day because it helps keep an ample amount of the healthy guys in there and not some that aren't "ready for that ride" so to speak! Either way you decide, we are praying for you. Baby Dust.

AFM, nothing new... still waiting. TWW thanks for making me a mental case! Hope everyone has a great week and loads of baby dust to you all.

User Image User Image

10 years ago

PBC and Christi: Thank you for your words and the tip on the water. I am about 4 stone over weight which is mainly due to the prednisolone and RA flare up. I am hoping that the Dr sends me out another appointment so I can point this all out to her and see what she says, rather than just sends me a letter to say I need to lose weight blah blah. It was the secretary I spoke to so I don't know.

Arichton: Thank you. I lost a stone on the WW diet over a year ago now in 6 weeks but I had my RA under control then and was actually off the prednisolone. My DF is practically working two full time jobs right now, so when it comes to meal times at night, I cant always be bothered to cook just for me so do something I can bung in the oven, but then other times, I can live off jacket potatoes and salad every night for weeks!! If my period is due, then I crave cakes/chocolate etc. I just need to start eating regularly again and DF has agreed to help me with this diet too :)

10 years ago

In charting, does an implantation dip have to go below cover line? My temp has dipped pretty significantly this morning, and earlier today there was some pink spotting when I wiped. Still trying not to get my hopes up but I'm of course hoping those are good signs of implantation and not super late ovulation or a very early AF.

TTC #1 DH: 37 Me: 31 CP July 2009 Diagnosed with PCOS December 2013. My Ovulation Chart

10 years ago

Good question Genie. I would love to hear inputs even though it does not mean pregnancy but hormone shifts n etc, but we like to believe otherwise... Sometimes science can't explain everything !!!!
Sounds promising the spotting!
I had a dip around a week after O but no spotting no nothing going on.
Waiting for progesterone blood test result tomorrow ...

Baby dust to ALL of us!!!!!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago

acrichton - I'm good!! Glad you're back! I certainly hope you don't have a 4WW this time! FX'd that this is your month and you don't have to do any more testing!!**HUGS**!!

Genie - it may or may not go below the coverline...just depends on your body. The coverline is really just helps you see the biphasic or triphasic aspects of the charts. If you want to read what Fertility Friend says about Implantation Dips, you can here:

10 years ago

Acrichton: have no clue what dpo I am.
Ctp states I ovulated few days after my + opk. By my set up I would be maybe 9/10???
I have not paid ANY attn to symptoms as last cycle I had everything on the books and was not pregnant. I'm rebelling from now on and not symptom spotting at all. I'm trying to stay as busy as I can n focusing on answers from blood tests.
Last cycle I obssesed sooooo much that it can't be healthy. Besides that huge disappointment from the bfn's are hard to deal with. I am enjoying temping even though it seems not reliable, doc said it can't be reliable but it certainly offers another source of data, which is very helpful. I think my temps are somewhat consistent with the whole cycle. I do believe I ovulate, chart shows it, cm does too, blood test will confirm. As far as implantation I know is questionable n can be due to estrogen but can also be implantation who knows. It is very intriguing! It does entertain my mind!!!
I never had implantation bleeding with all pregnancies but obviously I always look for it as the ultimate dead give away about a week after ovulation lol, silly me...

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago

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