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CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!

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I have a 3 year old little girl. I had the mirena iud removed in November and my husband and I decided to wait until after the first of the year to start ttc. This is my second cycle ttc and today is cd 1 for me. Just joined today and could use buddies for the journey!

1122 Replies • 11 years ago



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aww! congratulations.
I read your earlier post and thought our story sounds pretty similar. We too decided to try for baby number two around the same time. I have a just turned four year old.
what amazing news for you. keeping my fingers crossed as I am now 9DPO.

10 years ago

Congrats Amanda! I told you this was your cycle! I am so happy for you!

Dbjohnson: your next!

Afm: nothing to update you guys on. I still have mild period like cramps off and on through out the day. Im trying to wait patiently on July 19th. It's worst than the TWW its a 4week wait. But I am trying not to rush it. I want to enjoy every cramp/change that my body is going through. However I am excited to see her/him. Ok.....I have a question, what can I do about this constipation???? It's gotten worse. It is very painful. I don't want to tare myself. If you guys have any ideas please let me know.

Congrats again Amanda!!!

10 years ago

Amandalg12 -congratulations! Very excited for you :0)

How is everyone else?
I have had a rough weekend, started feeling really shivery and sick on Friday and it's just gone on all weekend, think it's just a viral thing as my little boy was sick last werk but it's really knocked me for 6! Also been freaking out about harming my baby. Did anyone else get sick when they were pregnant?

Didn't get sick at all with my first pregnancy so really worried. I have the Dr this afternoon and then a scan tomorrow.
With this on top of thr awful morning sickness I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself lol. Since Friday I have managed to eat two boiled eggs with toast and two oranges!
Anyway enough of my wallowing :0)


735 / 6000 Emojis


10 years ago

Thanks ladies!

Maggie: thanks! Our daughter will be 4 in Dec. This is a fun age I think. I'm praying for you as well! And feel free to join the forum! These ladies are great support and it makes the time go faster to have someone to talk to! We'd love to hear about your story ttc.

Zuberi: I had TERRIBLE constipation my whole first pregnancy with DD and now still struggle with it everyday almost. So this is my best advice to you: Metamucil. It is a simple fix and I wish I would have been brave enough to try it before. A juice glass sized cup of orange juice with one teaspoon of Metamucil. Mix it up and drink it fairly quick. It makes the oj tart but doesn't taste bad. But you want to drink it within the first 5 mins so it doesn't start to thicken. It's also perfectly safe with pregnancy because it is just psyllium fiber which is found naturally. So much better than laxatives. Try to hang in there on your waiting! I am hoping that I will be going to the dr. around that same time (I am calling for an appt. tomorrow). It will (of course) be worth the wait!

Tania: Sounds rough! Yes, I was sick during my first pregnancy with DD as well. Not terribly sick but I was worried. Just try to make it through. You will be okay. Don't bother going to dr. unless it continually gets worse b/c if it's viral antibiotics won't help and there's nothing they can do for you. Just make sure you are getting plenty of fluids, rest and try to eat!

AFM: I text my dr. yesterday about my BFP and he prescribed me the progesterone he had said he was going to. DH went and got it for me b/c us girls went to Kansas City this morning to see DH's cousin's new baby boy! So sweet.. baby fever got worse lol And the medication was over $100 for one month! So that was a shocker but anything to make sure we have a healthy pregnancy and this baby sticks! Other than that my lower back has been hurting for a couple days now and I've had some mild cramping and pulling and been super tired but I will take it!

10 years ago • Post starter

Wow! THat's great news! :)

Congratulations Amanda! Felicidades!! Happy and healthy 9 months!! :)

Just stopped by to say news on my side, just had a meltdown a couple of weeks ago, started taking antidepressives...argh...what'cha gooan do, right? It just happens. So, my weight loss had a big stepback, and I REALLY DON'T feel like dieting right now....things at work are not doing well, they say there is a downsizing thing coming up...I don't know. I just leave everything in God's hands, as there is absolutely NOTHING I can do, only He can do a miracle.

Anyway.....reading your good news, brings hope back to me! :)

Blessings and hugs from chilly Chile! :)

10 years ago

OMG! I don't read for one day... And I miss such GREAT news!

Congrats Amanda!!!

I am SO excited for you!

AFM: CD 4... Now I really have to get my act together because I have a feeling this is going to turn into a pregnancy forum, now that everyone has gotten their BFPs!!! It is so exciting, I am so thrilled for all of you! I promise I will do everything in my power this cycle to get my BFP so I won't hold you all back! My DH said he is planning on making it happen this month, I think his exact words were, "prepare to be tired because we are going to do it a lot this month." he really wants an April birthday.

I just can't believe it! The original crew is all preg! Congrats again to Zuberi, Tania, and Amanda!! This forum must really work!

10 years ago

Hi ladies....

I just spend the whole morning reading the entire forum,, feels like I know all of you lol

Hope I can join in??

I'm from south africa and actually afrikaans so apologies for my english.
I have a 14month old son (took us 10months to get pregnant) and currently on our 4th cycle trying I'm not doing any opk's or bbt just going all natuaral for a couple of months (I'm to obsessed lol, dh asked)

A very big Congratulations to all of you with your BFP so happy for you guys!!!

And for the rest of us let's hope this is our month...

Afm: I'm on cd5 so not much going on here and since we decided to go natural this month we decided to BD every second day FX...

How are all you doing??

10 years ago

Hi ladies....

I just spend the whole morning reading the entire forum,, feels like I know all of you lol

Hope I can join in??

I'm from south africa and actually afrikaans so apologies for my english.
I have a 14month old son (took us 10months to get pregnant) and currently on our 4th cycle trying I'm not doing any opk's or bbt just going all natuaral for a couple of months (I'm to obsessed lol, dh asked)

A very big Congratulations to all of you with your BFP so happy for you guys!!!

And for the rest of us let's hope this is our month...

Afm: I'm on cd5 so not much going on here and since we decided to go natural this month we decided to BD every second day FX...

How are all you doing??

10 years ago

Good Morning!

SammiB: Welcome! I'm also on cd 5! I wish I had your patience to try to do this the "natural" way

So... I was thinking... I need to take advantage of all the success this forum has had recently. Could the ladies who have received positives let us know EXACTLY what you did the cycle you got your BFP? If there is anything you did differently, or anything.

Amanda: how is the progesterone going? I've heard mixed things about it, I would love your perspective.

Hope you all have a lovely day!!!

10 years ago

Hi ladies. Sorry I have been MIA.

Just wanted to give you guys an update. My levels are not doubling. They are only rising by about 30% every other day. I went to the ER yesterday to do a u/s and there was no sac and nothing in my tubes. My HCG levels were only 1200. I have an appointment with my OB this am. I'm not going to take a chance with my tubes rupturing. I'm going to ask for the meds to end the pregnancy. My dh and i decided that would be the best thing for us. I will let you guys know what happened after my appoint.
Talk to you guys later.

10 years ago

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