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Private Testers Support Group Part 2!

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Hello my lovelies! We need a new thread because the old one is huge. Let's stay together and keep our little unit going!

443 Replies • 10 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

431 - 440 of 443 Replies | Last Page

@Cam: Good luck on the tests and that is awesome your dh is packing the house!! Right on!

@jlhart: So sorry about AF, but exciting dh is going in for his collection. Let us know how it goes and the results asap.

@luv: Sorry you are feeling down :( Hopefully its just the clomid. TTC is so emotionally tough though.. you have been so strong for so long, I wouldn't blame you if you finally hit a bit of depression. Gotta pull yourself out for your future little one though!!

@blue: OMG! Sorry about the backhanding! Wow! And the dizziness. I hope you are doing better now!

@afmedic: I love how you guys told your inlaws. So cute! And wonderful that they are so excited.

@law: I am not as modest as I should be! lol! I am a bikini girl because I can't stand not getting as much of my pasty white body kissed by the sun. And if people don't like what they see they can just turn away. I'd probably wear a 2 piece now if I had one that fit! lol!!

@amag: I am so excited for you!! Can't wait for the next three weeks to fly by so you can start your injectable and get this show on the road. Did you find out how much the meds are going to cost yet?

@janise: How is the cutting coffee going?

AFM: I hope this is my last week of work. Thinking about it makes me giddy!! Eeek!

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10 years ago

Morning ladies,

Cam, that's GREAT!! Good for him and you :)

Blue, sorry about the work madness...GL this month!

SMH, yeah for one last week!!!!!!!! We decided to wait until Saturday to do the SA....I will keep y'all posted though!

AFM, AF is still being not so kind to me...I really want to be at home...just feeling blah. My poor mom was really hoping we were pregnant this month, said it hurt to wish for it! That made me sad...but I told her and myself that we must remain positive that it will happen!

10 years ago

@JLHart: I am sorry you are not feeling well. I wish you could be home too in your warm bed! I am sorry your mom shared her disappointment with you. I know she meant no harm by it but I know how much it hurts to hear someone else is sad about something you are already so bummed about. Your ability to remain positive is really inspirational!! Ahh.. you let your dh off the hook until Saturday huh? :)

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10 years ago

jada--I'm doing pretty well. Sorry AF is being a witch!

SMH--haha...I get headaches from the sun and I'm tan 365 days a year so I don't have that motivation. lol

Luv-yep, no different than bra and panties. I don't even feel comfortable in front of my husband with only bra and panties.

blue--wow, that's a lot of hours. you must be exhausted.

afm...not much new going on. I've been tired lately--just really lethargic, not sleepy. Like my body is HEAVY and just bleh.

10 years ago

Jada: So sorry you are getting a butt kicking . AF is just the cloud to your silver lining!

Blue: OMG...Being backhanded by a patient must have been frightening. Hope you don't have to go through that again, ever!

Luv: You can still show off "new" shape in a one piece. Rock it girl. haha Hopefully the resort is private enough where you wont feel uncomfortable.

Afmedic: Hey! How are you feeling?

Cam: Lucky you! Or should I say blessed? My DH would sit there going "babes why aren't the movers here yet?". That's so sweet of him.

Law: Just a thought...have you tried any of the anti-itch lotions? Neutrogena, Curel...I have used those and they work for itchy skin. Pregnancy does sap your energy...your body is working overtime. Things should change soon as you entire the second trimester.

SMH: How are things with you? Winding down now?

AFM: CD5...AF on her way out. Headache's still there. Had a cup of tea this morning but I guess it wasn't as potent. I have increased my water intake and hoping it will go away soon.

Hope I didn't leave anyone out...totally unintentional if I did.

10 years ago

@law: I wish I was tan 365 days/year.. that would be amazing.. however my skin tone is very similar to my avatar... or more the white background the avatar is against! Haha. Even when I am super tan people tell me how pale I am until I show them a tan line. Then they are like - oh wow, you are really dark! I wish I had big eyes like my avatar...

@janise: I am so happy things are better with you and your dh. :) Things are not slowing down for me at all. This is going to be a super busy week getting my final project all put together and wrapped up to hand back over to my boss. I am just praying he 'releases' me Friday. See, he has to say that he doesn't have anymore work for me to do from home in order for my std to kick in... when I am sure he can drum up some more work. Thanks for asking or mentioning it rather. I hope your headaches go away soon. They should, you've been tapering the caffiene for awile now.

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10 years ago

Smh--being tan is overrated. You can wear prettier lipstick. :)

Janise--this tiredness is actually new, I haven't been this tired for couple months now. I'm hoping its just the winter wearing on me. I've tried the lotions, no luck.

10 years ago

@law: I promise! You can wear bright lipstick too! Just try it :)

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10 years ago

Hello ladies just wanted to drop in while I had sometime

Luv- Men are so helpless when they are sick, I tell him all the time it is easier when our 2 year is sick then when he is....LOL I am sorry you had a rough day yesterday, I am really pulling for you!!!

Jada so sorry the witch is being so mean=0(

Cam- Glad the witch has left! So excited about your new place!!!

Blue- I hope you start to feel better hun!! Backhanded by a patient, wow that's no good. Some of the craziness of medical for sure.

SMH- LOL your pasty white comment made me laugh...I am Irish and def show it in my skin...LOL I tell people I am translucent LOL....Yea for last week of work.

Law- Sorry you feel so exhausted. The lack of sleep is prob catching up to you, I hope you can get some soon.

Janise- Glad AF is almost over for you, sorry about the headaches...I am feeling ok today a little more blah then normal, but ok. Thank you for asking.

10 years ago

Both test done I feel so overwhelmed. Now I'm sick with a head cold I just keep sneezing nose running, ughhhh! I'm sipping on some o.j.

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10 years ago

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