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Lots of Baby Dust for SEPTEMBER 2014 Babies!

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Time to start a September board. Welcome, and baby dust to all!

TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

659 Replies • 10 years ago



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Koti- sorry if i have made u worried about not taking supplements. I've been on folate since the day we decided TTC. Just recently, stop taking as too much medicine going into the system, a little worried ( over thinking ) that the meds may get "mixed up" inside. I have plan to start taking them tonight again. Nothing to report on my side, DPO10 supposed, nipples still in pain, but well they are part of af symptoms hence... trying best to ignore. Thank you for your wishes, certainly hoping your blessing comes true for me. How you feeling? Any update on your report(s)? Yoga... mmmmm.... did i mentioned prior that I fell asleep in yoga classes? And I switched to pilate, same thing happened. Oops..... AHAHAHAHAH.... I supposed Im more dynamic? if thats the word to describe, i love thai boxing, kick boxing, zumba or running instead. Im doing some small jogs in the evenings with my 2 dogs every other day instead.
All the best to you ((HUGSS)) and please take care.

GB- I certainly hoping its the good symptoms of what we are all hoping for in this forum. This month's for you too! BFP!!

Autie- Don't worry about that, we all understand the frustrations and good luck to you.

Blushing- There should be no next cycle ((HUGS)) Baby dusts!!

Krystal- Hello & Welcome. Hoping that af stays away from you. ((HUGS))

Tfor#3- Hang on a few more days if you can.. Keep us posted here. Cheers! BFP! BFP! BFP!! ( HUGSS)


Cheers for myself too! Hip Hip Hooray!!! Hip Hip Hooray

xoxo, Sugar

10 years ago

Kot, missed you too! :) Sorry I kind of felt overwhelmed when I got back on here.... so many new people and stories and trying to catch up... just never found the time... so I am just jumping back in on where we are! Happy New Year to you as well dear! I think the break has helped me a little emotionally... I am just ready to get back in full force again... shots and all... whatever it takes! I want a 2014 baby. In the past week there have been 4 babies born (one is the DH's sisters) and then 6 pregnancy announcements! I am very happy for them all but seriously... how can I avoid a break down with all of that around me! Hope you are doing well... vacation is coming up and hopefully AF gets the memo and takes a vacation too! :) Anxiously awaiting your results for your colp.... praying. Big hugs!

Sugar... HI FRIEND! LOL oh the nipple pain... gotta love it! :) I have a whole new problem right now. I am itching like crazy... like to a point my boobs are streaked with bruises, but it is also both arms, my legs, my back... it is ridiculous! We are pretty sure it is caused by the drastic temp drops here and the fact that we have gas heat which dries the air our in the house. So after 2 weeks of itching I finally bit the bullet.... we went and bough a humidifier, benadryl, Euricin (sp) lotion and Zyrtec. Oh and while we were at the store the hubby had to buy the rest of the Christmas lights they had (they were marked down really cheap)... yeah he bought 10,000 more lights tonight! Ha! I'm sorry you guys spent the holidays sick... I hope it is over now and you can get on with it! 2014 is going to bring lots of babies to all of us! Miss you... Big hugs and I am back! :)

AFM, I am CD 29, no idea if I O'ed or not... waiting for AF to show so we can get this show back on the road... at least I think! We are going to for sure go back on the Letrozole and everything ... not 100% about the injections this cycle or not. It has been nice to take a month off, but we are ready to get back to what has become our "normal". 3 m/c in the last year, we are determined to make 2014 our year.... many prayers getting sent out for all of us. Baby dust and hugs!

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10 years ago

Took a third test this morning, and this time it was a slightly darker line! Looks like I'll be joining the September baby club! Wishing everyone the best and sending baby dust your way!

10 years ago

Hobbit: congrats!!!!!!!! That's so awesome!! How many DPO are you when you got your first positive?

Tmi warning..........
I had a lot of dried CM in my panties yesterday, 5 DPO. That's unusual for me at this time. I am taking soy iso for the first time this cycle though, so not sure what to expect with that. Has anyone had this issue with soy iso? Not really sure what to expect.

I feel like I am pregnant, but I also felt like that a couple months ago when i took the pineapple core and felt strong twinges and turned out to be nothing. I definaty felt out last month this time. I'm 6 DPO today. So we'll see soon enough. Not having the urge to POAS yet, which is definitely a new thing for me! I feel more relaxed this cycle.

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10 years ago

Congrats hobbit! I'm thinking of trying evening primrose oil to speed up the process. Any stories to share?

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10 years ago

Thanks! :) This is the first cycle where I didn't think I'd get a positive, because my symptoms mimicked PMS. Also, the PMS-like cramps made me feel very discouraged. I was meant to get my period on Wednesday, so yesterday, I figured since I'm a day late, I should just give it a try. After taking my first test, I *thought* I saw a line, but then figured my mind was playing tricks on me. I came back 2 hours later, and there was a very faint line. I assumed it was an evap line, but then I took another test, and again, I saw a very faint line. This morning I took 2 more tests, 1 of which was a fmu and the other wasn't, and now the line is darker than yesterdays test. Called my OBGYN, and I have an appointment on Tuesday.

Sending love and baby dust your way!!!

ETA -my first positive was 11 dpo.

10 years ago

hobbit: Welcome and baby dust! Congratulations and happy and healthy 9 months. A lot of people experience PMS like cramps so don't read too much into it.

GB: I hope you get a BFP too :)

Autie: I know it is frustrating, but we all go through the same thing every cycle and all looks like pregnancy symptoms during the TWW. Stay strong and positive, my biggest advice is keep active and stick to things that relax you and make you happy because if it takes a while to get a BFP you lose yourself pretty fast to the process.
I tried EPO for 3 month, all it did was delay my ovulation and mess up my cycles even more. Sorry I have no good things to say about it at all.

Blushing: Missed you here :)
It is great you are not worried, you know with everything your body went through it probably is just stabilizing, I have my fingers crossed for you :)
Happy new year!

Sandyuh: Congratulations and happy and healthy 9 months!

Tfor: Wow some will power you got there waiting after AF is due, well good luck and baby dust!

Krystalb: Welcome and baby dust!

sugar: :) I know what you mean about feeling like you are taking too much, but I am glad that you will be taking prenatals and folate, if nothing else these two are important.
Yeah, symptoms are tricky, hard to ignore, and normally mean nothing, TTC sucks :) LOL
I am just fine, my update is at the bottom.
I know what you mean about yoga, but there are more active yoga classes like Bikram, dare you to fall asleep in that one.
Jogs are great, I hoep they help your stress [HUG] :)

Cristi: It is great you are ready to jump back, I hope you have a plan to keep you sane while going back to TTC :)
I know what you mean with the announcements, it is a killer, I avoid facebook now as everyday someone announces they're expecting, I am happy for them, but how am I supposed to stay sane with all that?
LOL I hope AF takes a vacation too :) For you as well. I know my vacation is just 7 days, but I hope AF takes one of those around the world 9 month vacations LOL :)
My colposcopy is ok I guess, atypical/CIN1 cells, no one seems to care or plan any action at this point... So I am not worried.
LOL 10,000 more lights?
Cristi, I don't remember, do you do acupuncture?

2more4: Good luck, I hope this is it for you!

AFM: My colposcopy results say that I have atypical/CIN1 cells, no one seems worried about them and want to do nothing at this point, so I continue living without thinking about it.
I am not sure what if any DPO I am right now, 3 days ago I got +OPK and ovulation pains, but temps been crazy due to all these days off and irregular sleep. Yesterday temp was too low for LP, today it is more in line but I didn't really sleep at all last night.
I am supposed to test progesterone this cycle, but I have no idea what DPO I am.... No sure what to do...

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10 years ago

Hello ladies!

I'm happy to be here since I just got my BFP! Getting prego was the easy part. The hard part is making it calmly to my first dr. appt. My doc doesnt see anyone before 8 weeks. I'm just at 4. I'm hoping that all goes well (was prego back in September but it stopped at about 6 weeks).

I think the hardest part will be to be calm and not worry so much. Also, I have to travel for work later this month and I'm going to skip the security xray or backscatter machine. Its inconclusive if that amount of radiation can do anything so I'll opt for the pat down.

No sore boobs yet. Only symptoms I have right now are just a feeling in my uterus, very light cramps down there, some gas, but thats it!!! So I'm trying not to worry about that just yet as I'm only 13dpo today. Hope my boobs get sore soon though.

You're all in my thoughts!!!
and to all!!!


10 years ago

Congrats on the BFP's!!!

Cycle Day 12 - 2 days of negative OPK's. Have had EWCM the last 2 days. Temps have been 96.8 both mornings.

Hoping I ovulate soon and DH and I can get some BD time in and hopefully make this our month. So much going on that I'm worried it's never going to happen.

Good luck to everyone !!

April 30, 1998 - 8lbs. 11oz, 21 inches 9 week miscarriage - March 17, 2001 May 31, 2002 - 6lbs. 15oz, 20 inches October 2, 2003 - 7lbs. 3oz, 20 1/2 inches Praying for a EDD September 29, 2014 User Image

10 years ago

Kot, I hope AF skips town for both of us! :) That is good they don't seem overly concerned about it so it must be fairly normal!?!?!? Yes 10,000 this will put his total over 22,000 for next Christmas! EEK! I don't do acupuncture... at least not yet... it is something we have talked about... but where we live finding someone who is reputable is hard... and a good drive away. :(

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10 years ago

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