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Who is on the long TWO WEEK WAIT.....

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This is just general chatter to past the two week wait , share frustration joy , confusion , concerns, symptoms and of course what do think questions. We all know the waiting game is the hardest and seeing the is heartbreaking and wishing for is the hoping results. But during this time we drive our selves crazy with the symptom checking and the counting the . So I figured we needed a forum to come to and just share all the trails of this waiting game, share info about pcos, ttc etc. So please feel free to join and help pass the time and of course and

42 Replies • 8 years ago



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Pretty Sure I'm out now. Spotting I had completely stopped yesterday. But today at 12 DPO I woke up to see EWCM and brown spotting. The spotting has not ceased all day. It's not flowing, I literally have to reach up and find cervix to find it. But When I do it's reddish pink now at 6pm. It's AF. 2 days early. Eh, better than 2 days late making me nuttier. I've had all BFN tests.

That spotting starting at 7DPO sure had me convinced of Implantation. And the symptoms I've been having too! Man our bodies are tricky. Oh well.

8 years ago

In a way Nuzzle, you're kinda lucky because like you said, it's better to days early than two days late and freaking out.

I'm 7 days late and nothing still :(

Back pain has started up again, tummy feels weird and I feel like I'm getting ill again. I've had enough now.

By this point, I don't care if I'm pregnant anymore - I just either want my period or a baby - not all this bull in between.

8 years ago

I can't imagine the irritation ConfusedAF! You poor thing. I am going nuts. (Betting on AF but the spotting is so scanty and sly I'm wondering again)

I can only imagine what you're going through. Can you get bloodwork?

8 years ago

I've got to wait until I'm two weeks late at least, to have bloodwork done, which looks like it's going to have to be an option. But even then it's not definite that they will do anything. It's getting me down so much because I just don't miss periods - and it really doesn't feel like AF is coming anytime soon, which is so annoying. I've got so much other stuff going wrong in my life right now, that all these BFNs aren't helping :( a BFP would be amazing right now, would be the boost that I need to get me back on track.

8 years ago

THAT is ridiculous! I can't believe they make you wait that long!

If you're having a lot of stress in your life, perhaps that is the delay to your period? I hope you get some peace soon.

8 years ago

Thankyou, so do I! Fear I'm driving my loved ones crazy and out the door with my constant moodswings. Tbh, the stress I'm going through now is nothing compared to what I've been through before. I don't know.

Still keep getting the twinges/pulling sensations in my belly, still keep getting my hopes up, haha. This is horrible - how to people who are actually ttc cope!?!?

8 years ago

OMG I know it was really hard to think about anything else at all.

I got my answer today! AF kicked in full force. I've never been so relieved to see blood in my life! Haha. A baby would have been a happy surprise but my hands are so full already...I'm happy with four. Pregnancy stresses me out. All that spotting I had was weird. But had I gotten a positive HPT I would have been worried sick the spotting would signal Miscarriage.

I really hope you get an answer soon ConfusedAF. Message me if you like.

8 years ago

I'm glad you got an answer then :) finally!

I wish I could be relieved to see blood! Day eight now.. getting fed up! Emotions are everywhere and my tummy just physically feels weird.

That's what happened to me two cycles ago. Had a bfn on hpt and then started bleeding a few hours later, was really heavy and painful, not like a usual period for me at all. Was horrible. And thanks, so do I!

8 years ago

OMG I'm Back....I feel like a crazy lady but it is what it is.

So I thought my period was really starting today! Usually it flows red after 1-2 days of pinkish spotting.

My husband and I DTD this morning before he left for work. Right after It looked like I was bleeding. Right on time! So I put in a tampon. But it hurt in there after an hour or two so I took it out to notice only a bit of brownish and slime (cum?) I keep pulling out the tampons all day because they are really uncomfortable and not getting saturated. When I do the blood is really light red and watery, possibly the 'bleeding' is just mixing with his cum and quite diluted, but more than that, it's mostly brown! Very brown. (Looks like TMI the wrong hole haha!) I'm not even going to bother with another tampon because the last one just had clumpy/creamy brown and was weird. And like wet and watery?! Is that his cum or from me!? I'm wondering if sex just 'plunged' out some blood/initiated some bleeding? WTH!?

And of course off to google I went and found stories of women who have had similar 'periods' or thought their period was starting only to find what I have...and then go on to POAS afterward and lo and behold BFP.

This roller coaster can end now. I want off. My poor husband must think I'm nuts. Every other day my story changes. "I think I am." "My period is starting" "Well wait, I guess I might be pregnant.." JEEZE!!!!

I guess I'll keep y'all updated with how THIS turns out!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

8 years ago

Omg Nuzzle, that sounds horrendous! I did read that you shouldn't really take any notice of any cm until 12hrs after unprotected sex? Which I noticed that, tmi but when me and my oh dtd, it was all stretchy and disgusting for aaaages.

But then I've also used my oh sometimes to bring af on! Sounds ridiculous but I'll have really bad cramps that we'll dtd and then an hour or so after, I'll start bleeding like magic, hahaha.

Definitely keep me up to date, it's so confusing and I'm so excited for the prospect of you getting a BFP???? Maybe leave it a few days and see what happens????

In other news, 9 days since af due date and still nothing! I'm ill again, back pain keeps coming and going and I feel I have the bladder of an infant. Also nipples keep tingling but there's no physical change. Tmi there's no physical change in colour to my nether regions either! Maybe af just hates me this month!

8 years ago

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