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I am 5dpo today and don't have ANY symptoms that I can notice anyway.. is this normal...? Has any one at 5dpo have NO symptoms (not even cramping, nothnig!!) and still got their BFP? Please send input! Very curious! thanks! :)

92 Answers • 12 years ago



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Hey Casper:

Update: I noticed my boobs are a little tender and slightly bigger. (Just like before AF comes.) I hope this isn't a bad sign :( If I don't get a BFP this time, I don't know what we would have done wrong. :/

12 years ago • Post starter

Hey girl!

Just remember that there is only 20 % chance each month that you conceive. Unfortunately those numbers are not very high. It may not be anything you two are doing wrong, it just may not be the right time yet. I agree with you though. I really want our BFPs. I think I would cry if either of us got one from happiness!!!

My boobs have been tender. Well, the nipples have. I just got home from picking up Cook-Out food and any time I get in the car I have to keep the seat belt away from me because I cannot stand it rubbing my nipple. Weird.

Hopefully that is a good sign!!!! I'm praying hard for us girl!!

12 years ago

Let me re-phrase that, it would not be the right time if you do not get your BFP this month. Its not over till the witch shows her ugly face! LMAO! Plus, symptoms look really good :):):)

12 years ago

Hello Lady! :)

That's true, I'll have to keep remembering that! I will def cry out of happiness for either of us if we got good news! I am for sure testing tomorrow. I've been eating a lot especially tonight.

Ouch!! That must hurt with the seat beat on your nipples! I have heard of many woman having really sensitive nipples and got their BFP! :) That's a really good sign! I worry with me cuz boob tenderness is nothing new to me...I get that with AF every month. :( Thanks for being so uplifting! :) :) I'm praying hard for us too!!!! If it's not the right time now, I wonder when God will find it to be the right time.

12 years ago • Post starter

Hey girl!

Well, a BFN for me this morning... 11 dpo....I just do not understand... OH well, AF due in 3 days. So one of two things is happening. Either HCG levels are not high enough or AF is coming.... Hope you had better luck this morning chick!

12 years ago

So, I get my husband to check my cervix everyday... Mainly because when I first started checking my cervix it was so high I could not reach it. Today it is high and medium texture. This morning I woke up with a lot of watery cm that dried white in my underwear. Well when he went to do the cervix check, he said I have a lot of cm. Said it looks like thin milk. Is this normal 3 days before your period comes on??? I know that is A LOT of TMI but just didn't know.

12 years ago

Hey girlie,

I got a BFN as well!!! :( I don't understand either!! And omg, I could NOT stop eating last one point I was full, but still wanted to eat. My boobs are so bigger than normal and tender. I can never go by "symptoms" cuz sometimes two wks before AF comes, I'll start noticing stuff, and sometimes it will be a a few days or so before I notice some things, and sometimes hardly any AF signs at all! So I fluctuate all the time :( I don't think I'm going 2 track symptoms again.
I get my hubby to check my cervix too! :) but we def haven't done it consistently AT ALL, so after reading last night that doing that randomly in the cycle wont get us anywhere, we're just gonna stop that this cycle. lol. For one thing don't worry about TMI, I'm ok w/ everything! :) Also, read in my book that if u notice watery substance out of ur vagina some days before AF it's the lining of the endometrium (sp?) beginning to shed..1st thing 2 shed is water. :( :(

12 years ago • Post starter

That MIGHT be it, but it might not be... not sure! It could be something good too! Oh I HATE waiting!! I have a BAD feeling my AF is coming D: then I'm going to cry!

12 years ago • Post starter

The watery stuff started happening like at 3 dpo.. This morning it was white but real thin like a watery lotion consistency. Who knows! LOL! Thank you for the advice though. All of this is still very new!

OMG your symptoms sound SO promising! Cannot wait to see what happens!! Here is to hoping that the ugly witch keeps away for at least 9 months!!

12 years ago

Hmmmm Well, accordingly to the Taking Charge of Your Fertility book I'm reading, it has a little chart in the book and tells you what the consistency of your cm means... so the creamy/lotiony cm you felt it says you usually see that right before ovulating... but this can happen different times in your cycle and mean different things! This could be a really good sign I think :) I am SO hoping it's a BFP for you!!!!!!!!! It sounds sooo good you're getting all those symptoms and cm!

OH also, last night and the other night, in the middle of the night i had to take off my sweater (i get so cold all the time, esp living in a basement and having a ceiling fan blowing on me!) as I was half asleep cuz I was so hot! That did happen to me before one month when AF came... so it could mean either of the two..AF or pregnant... HOPING it's a BFP. We can only hope we don't get let down again!!!

12 years ago • Post starter

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