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Provera, Clomid Metformin TTC9months (join this forum ladys)

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Hi ladys i think we all need a forum were we can talk about are journey. Fertilty Meds and such.
My story im going to make it short.
I have PCOS, and DH and I TTC for 9 months now, Doc started me on 10mg of provera or metroxypro... rather same thing. For 5days, I ended on sat, its been four days and know period yet, I realy want my period iv never wanted it so bad lol, that way i can start my clomid days 5-9, and start BD with DH lol Thats the best part after all!! did anyone have any luck yet, I hope this works, We desperatly want a child :)

PRAYING4aneeding some

131 Replies • 12 years ago



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oh i really really hope so
Whats the updates on every one else. p.s lots of water cm ????

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

Cass I am so excited no AF yet for you !!!!

April 24= Provera 10 days 1st round Clomid 50 mg Cd 5-9 June 6 CD 1 2 nd round Clomid 100 mg CD 5-9

12 years ago

maybe it was implantation :) there was never any flow infact not even anything at all more like a tiny spek here and there, except when i had the brown stain on the tp on the 18th and again yesterday lol if i was examing the tp when i wipe, i would never notice it, but im a cm checker its just instinct for me I have a box of FRER 3 think. I took one on the 20th but i think its way to early to show. Im wondering for women with long cycles if implantation occurs latter some times in the cycle. Because my most recent incounter just doesnt ad up with the IB but the 3rd or the 8th does :) maybe ?? But im not looking that much into it i ether want my BFP or my AF. One of the two lol

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

i feel like i have the flu, headachs neck is super stiff and i ach all over from head to toe, and im so lightheaded feel as if i could sleep for days if my body would let me. I took to tylenol 500mg maybe it will help. I heard that if you are pregnant they say to stay away from aspirin and ibprofen and to take tylenol if any thing at all. I think i need new pillows lol Im testing friday and then again on the 1st still crossed Hubby is off all weekend so i hope i feel better by then. ok well im going to lay down and hope for the best. I dont know about you but my calendar and day planner have become my best friend lol!

Swift were you at in your cycle hun?

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

Hey there ladies! Hope you don't mind my buttin in lol
So cass, have you tested, what dpo are you? I'm cd40 :( took clomid 100 mg on cd3-7 and still no af or bfp! :(

User Image and please!!!

12 years ago

hi glad you did :) Im CD31, I have long cycles to. Were not that far behind, Clomid 50mgs for me.

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

OMG Cass that is so exciting I cant wait till you start testing! With my DS I was sick like I had the flu B4 I found out I was preggo!

@Kattack WELCOME hope you get a !!!

AFM- I SWEAR I O'd today!!!!!!!!!!! Which is weird bc when I went to the Dr yesterday my follicles were only 10mm????

April 24= Provera 10 days 1st round Clomid 50 mg Cd 5-9 June 6 CD 1 2 nd round Clomid 100 mg CD 5-9

12 years ago

GIrls im not feeling good about this cycle, I think the spotting is because of a hormonal imbalance. I just took a OPK and it was -, Iv heard if im pregnant it will show positive whats your take on this??? I just dont want to wast a HPT and it be a ill be so upset!

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

Cass Im not sure about the -/+ opk if preggo! Have you called your dr?

April 24= Provera 10 days 1st round Clomid 50 mg Cd 5-9 June 6 CD 1 2 nd round Clomid 100 mg CD 5-9

12 years ago

IV BEEN WAITING oops caps lock lol anyways been waiting for them to call me with progesterone levels but havent heard from them, ill prob need a new doc, because they closed the hospital down tonight for good, so sad. They need one i dont understand how they can do that peoples lifes are a stake. I cant wait to start testing friday :) Boobs hurt lol and im cramping every so often just feels like tugs and pulls sharp pain now and then in uterus. Im just waiting out, waitiing on af, iv had some dime size spotting light pink every so offten and been realy wet since 20th. Iv been reading up on IB and this could possibly be it :) fingers crossed. But not puting all my time and thought into it i just no its possible. Like iv been saying i dont feel to good about this cycle, just want a BFP or af!
and tired of waiting. And to think i might just have to do it all over again next month like i have been the last yr of my life!!!

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

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