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Private Testers Support Group Part 2!

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Hello my lovelies! We need a new thread because the old one is huge. Let's stay together and keep our little unit going!

443 Replies • 10 years ago



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lawbride oh my lattes are decaf already! I gave up caffeine when I had my CP in Dec 2012. Gave up alcohol in Sept 2013 too, so I really don't have any fun nowadays ;) Sorry you're sick!! Yikes, a fever sounds awful. Acetaminophen might help that come down a bit safely. Hope you feel better soon!

10 years ago • Post starter

Luv, I don't think they will have them until Monday at the earliest? Just ensuring I did in fact ovulate. I took next Tuesday off in the event the news isn't quite what I'm praying for :) I will definitely keep y'all posted that day!! As for a party...nah, but I'm sure we will watch it here at home...what about you? Happy you were able to let them know how you feel and I agree good their out of town next week!

Law, get better!!

10 years ago

Just some light humour to make you all feel warm and fuzzy:)))

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10 years ago

JLH good idea to take Tuesday off, it's hard to go to work if you've just gotten bad news so at least you'll have a fail-safe! And if you get good news, heck you'll have time to celebrate! We're gonna watch the Super Bowl at home too. Whenever you go to a Super Bowl party people don't really watch the game, and we are not "yay commercials" people ;)

Nicolene love the pic!! Hope you're doing ok! We miss you :)

AFM 15 DPO and I think AF is coming tomorrow. Quite the LP for a non-medicated cycle! Although it is possible I O'd 2 days after I think I did. More update about the creepy couple: they have deleted me from Facebook and Twitter! I guess upon thinking about it they decided they hate me now, which trust me is FINE by me. I don't mind being hated, I mind having to talk about my awkward feelings with people that I barely know :-P

10 years ago • Post starter

Morning ladies!

Nico, hi!!! How are you? That pic was hilarious, thanks :)

Luv, that's exactly what I am thinkin about in regards to Tuesday! Good riddance to them!! So are you feeling crampy? I know you have a plan in place, just excited for your BFP to show!

AFM, I am headed for an hour massage at noon but nothing else really planned. The hubs works in Intel Nd there was some issue at the office so he had to go in :( May just come home and relax ab
Father the massage....

10 years ago

Jada- Thank you I am feeling fine. I am glad you got some time off. I will be thinking of you on Tuesday and praying for great numbers and ultrasound!!

Luv- I am glad that the award situation was addressed. Sometimes honesty is the best. I am hoping AF stays away, but yea for a good LP.

Law- I am soo sorry you are sick!!! I hope you feel better. Have you called your doc??

Nico- love the pic LOL

10 years ago

afmedic--I"m feeling much better. didn't call my doctor because I figured I'd wait to see how today was.

Luv--took some acetaminophen and you were right, it went down! Thanks for the suggestion. did you test? Sorry if I missed that.

Nico--"HI"" ::waves frantically::

10 years ago

JLH hope your massage was awesome! I will post a bit about my current symptoms below :) Also hope your DH comes home quickly! Hate when people have to go back to the office!

afmedic thanks hun :) I am just glad you got a BFP this month! It was getting discouraging to see so many sad ladies every month around here! ;)

lawbride glad the acetaminophen worked! I hope your other symptoms feel better too! I did not test and probably won't...more below!

AFM 15 DPO and my temp is a bit lower today and I have had a bit of very light spotting. Expecting AF sometime today or tomorrow. Already picked up my Clomid because I'm so sure it's coming. That is ok. I just really want to be pregnant by April because that's when DH's job is sending him to France for a week, and he doesn't know WHAT week it'll be, and I'm hoping to god it isn't my fertile week! If I get pregnant within the next two cycles it won't matter :)

10 years ago • Post starter

@luvtowalkfast- sorry to hear about the spotting :(. Good luck next cycle!!

@lawbrtide88- \glad to hear you are feeling better!

@JLHart22- I hope you enjoyed your massage.

I hope everyone else is enjoying their weekend.

I had a temp. drop yesterday and some light bleeding yesterday and today. But my temp. shot up a whole degree or so today haha. The highest it's ever been, I have no idea why. But I am assuming this is just a light period.

Our desktop crashed today. So we ran in and bought a new one. I am trying to get used to it. haha

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10 years ago

Hey ladies sorry I have been mia the pasr few days with mom having her surgery I have been spending all my free time at the hospital. She hada total knee replacement which the surgery went well once she finally got in to have it done. Her apt got moveed from 9am to 1pm then back to 1130am the she finally went in @2pm ro say she was antsy was an understatement. She has been doing good since for the most part she is up and walking very slowly with her walker and is supposed to come home tomorrow, however she hashad acouple of episodes where her heartrate races up really high so the cardiologist put her on medication to help with that if thaat doesn't work she may need to have something cauterizec. Not sure exactly she forgot exactly what he said so I'll have to talk to him tomorrow afternoon when I go in. Other thanthat nothing new here no need to test af showed full force this morning. I will have to call my re on Monday to let her know and see what the next step is from here. I'm okay with it. I knew it was a slim chance this would work but hopefully the ivf will take with the first shot.

Luv: sorry about the bfn, hopefully af does not show for you tomorrow. Sorry to say but you are probrobly better off without the other couple as friends,at least right now. That would make me completely uncomfortable.

10 years ago

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