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June 2014 Baby, Maybe?

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Here we go, again, Ladies!

TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

905 Replies • 10 years ago



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1040: good luck hun!!!

Sweet: holy crap!!! Very happy for you!!!

All: I have been CRAZY busy preparing for my best friends wedding on friday (writing speech, etc), so it has been keeping me busy.

I am now on CD 43, and still no AF. It is starting to wear me down, but I really dont want to take the Prometrium, as I have no idea what will happen if I take it before the wedding. I am trying to see if AF comes naturally first, its just never been this long. I took a wondfo for kicks figuring "what if I implanted really late", of course BFN.

I have a feeling for some reason that AF might come tomorrow. Waiting on my blood test results from Friday, if I dont hear anything I will give a call later to my Drs office.

Wishing you all loads of baby dust and will catch up as soon as possible, its going to be a CRAZY week. to you all!!! I am so happy for everyone who ovulated, and will ovulate soon!!!

~Ashlee~ My profile: Me 29, DH 30 Trying for #1 User Image

10 years ago

Hey Girls:

Sweet: Congrats H&H 9 months!!

Cristi: Stay strong darlin, you have been an incredible person to look up to through this whole process and I know that the decision to stop TTC couldn't have been easy for you after all that you have been through. Maybe this is what you need right now and you never know what can happen. Thank you for always being there when I had a question about something stupid or needed to vent. I wish you the very best and the BIGGEST barrel of that there is.

1040: this morning how exciting!!!!

GVMDL: Yes ovulation should be confirmed after 3 days of elevated temps! GL!!

Acrichton: SoOoOo glad to hear from you!! Sorry AF hasn't shown yet. I hope you get your results soon. Very excited about the wedding how fun! Have you been stressed getting ready for it? Maybe that's why AF is late?? I think I would wait until after the wedding to see if it shows. Good luck with your speech!! Our best friends just got married this past weekend in Boston and it was beautiful and SO much fun! Good luck with everything!!!

AFM: Nothing new just waiting for something to happen. I go for my first ultrasound today to start tracking if I am going to ovulate this cycle. I also get the results of my blood work kinda nervous about it


~Lacey~ DH-30, Me-27 DS-Jackson born 7/6/14-12 days early due to gestational hypertension. User Image

10 years ago

Hi Lacey!!! I'm so glad you had a good time at the wedding :D I have been a little stressed getting ready, but mostly just busy running around. I feel happy about it though, just nervous to give my speech lol. I am terrified of getting crickets after a joke. Let us know how your tests came back!!!

AFM: guess what!? The Dr. just called! She said my Thyroid level is normal, negative beta, and Prolactin level is also normal! So that is great news!! So now, we just wait for my period. Apparently taking the Prometrium makes your period come once you STOP taking it, but she said it can make me tired and have PMS, so I am gonna hold off until after the wedding if AF doesn't show. She did say its possible to implant up to 12DPO, but not likely, so it must be hormones or stress that caused the ovulation delay this month. We will do the FSH test day 2-3 of AF. Never thought I would be just praying for the so hard!!!

~Ashlee~ My profile: Me 29, DH 30 Trying for #1 User Image

10 years ago

Hi!!! I just got AF yesterday and I generally have a 32 day cycle. Except last month I ovulated late, so my adjusted cycle was 35 days so she came right on time! I'm 25, and DH is 28 and we've been married for a little over 3 years. We've never used protection, and just started TTC with doctor assistance in January 2013. We have been TTC medically for 8 months, but NTNP the whole time we've been married.

AF is due on 17OCT, and this month we are pulling out all the stops!! Mucinex for both me and DH (he has thick semen), also FertilAid for both of us, and I'm additionally taking EPO (Evening Primrose Oil), B6, B12 and we will be using PreSeed. Also BDing from CD14 - 22 every other day, except when I get a positive OPK then we will BD on those days.

I was previously diagnosed with PCOS in 2009, but a year later all my symptoms went away (when I met my now husband) so yay!! We've had two miscarriages together, and he is the only guy I have ever gotten pregnant with (married previously). We lost our babies in March 2010 and March 2011. Our insurance (TriCare) has done all they can for where we are (DH is in the Air Force and we are stationed in Turkey), so they are sending us off base to a fertility clinic and we will have to pay for all procedures, medications, tests and visits out of pocket so we have to see exactly the costs and figure out what we are doing. But we do know that we are not paying for anything until we hit the 1 year TTC mark (end of January cycle).

Me: 25 DH: 28 MC: 3/2011 & 3/2012 Cycles 1 - 8: My TTC Journal User Image User Image User Image

10 years ago

@DS: I am hoping for the best for you and your dh.... Lots of

AFM: I started noticing the egg white/clear cervical mucus not too long ago (sorry, TMI), so I decided to take a opk test. And I know it's not a positive yet, but it seems like it is getting closer!! :) I think I am going to start testing every 12 hours now, since I really don't know for sure when I am supposed to ovulate. It's estimated to be the 20th, but I don't know. I posted a pic in my gallery!

10 years ago

Hi ladies. I think I've ovulated today and am pleased to be able to join in the tww with you all. Hubby is in the army and works away so we never know if we will manage to get a go at catching eggs. He's been home this weekend so we've had a weekend of baby dancing just prior to ovulating. Fingers crossed :-)

10 years ago

1stTTC I always test every 8 hours cause your surge is at different times. Then the closer I get to my OV day I test every 4 hours or so.

Me: 25 DH: 28 MC: 3/2011 & 3/2012 Cycles 1 - 8: My TTC Journal User Image User Image User Image

10 years ago

@DS: Thanks! This is my first month testing opks. This is the first not so fainted line I have got so far, so I definitely think I should test more often. According to a ovulation calculator I used online, my ovulation is estimated for September 20th, but like I said, I don't know for sure.

10 years ago

How long are your cycles? Generally a woman's luteal phase is 14 days.

Me: 25 DH: 28 MC: 3/2011 & 3/2012 Cycles 1 - 8: My TTC Journal User Image User Image User Image

10 years ago

Past cycle was 29 days. All the opk tests I have taken have had a fainted second line (negative), this one today while still negative, looks like it's about half of the color of the control line..

10 years ago

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