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Private Testers Support Group Part 2!

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Hello my lovelies! We need a new thread because the old one is huge. Let's stay together and keep our little unit going!

443 Replies • 10 years ago



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Cam, hey are in my thoughts and prayers!!

Ladies, happy Friday! Hope all is well.

I'm off today, going to get my blood drawn in a few and then run a bunch of errands....

10 years ago

lawbride loving baby clothes is not lame! Man, if I were having a girl I'd be having a blast picking out little pink sundresses. Boy clothes aren't as fun but I'm sure DH would have a blast. Little Steelers jerseys!!

Cam I am so sorry for your friend and you :( What an awful thing to happen. No wonder you were distracted from your studies. Maybe if you explain the situation to your professors they'll let you do extra credit. Sending you virtual hugs :(

1stTTC I will definitely keep you updated on CreepyGate as it develops ;) Thanks for your thoughts on it! Glad I didn't come across too mean there :) That is awesome that they got all those angles! I am so excited for you, yay a girl! How does your DH like that?

JLH FX for a great blood draw! Let us know what your numbers are :)

AFM 14 DPO and I did take one of my Wondfos because honestly, I want to get rid of them. They are essentially useless. BFN but I'm not surprised. Expecting AF within the next few days! I got Starbucks to cheer me up.

10 years ago • Post starter

luv--what's your favorite drink from starbucks? Sorry about the BFN...hopefully AF is not on her way and the wondfos are just not sensitive enough.

10 years ago

lawbride I hope you are right! I have my Clomid rx called into the pharmacy just in case. I will fill it if needed! At Starbucks I always get a venti decaf skinny vanilla latte :) Do you enjoy Starbucks as well?

10 years ago • Post starter

luv--before pregnancy i did but now I really dislike coffee. I also get the skinny vanilla latte or i get a caramel macchiato.

10 years ago

Cam I am soo sorry for your friends and your loss. That is something a mother should beer have to endure.

Jada- when you will you get your results?

Luv- Sorry about the BFN=0( I love shopping for baby clothes, ha ha Had enough clothes for my daughter to wear a different outfit every day...LOL I am hoping this one is a boy, but because that is what I want all the boy stuff looks just as cute LOL

hmmm now I knida want a Starbucks Mocha Frappe...LOL

I am posted my pic from this morning. Def see progression=)

10 years ago

lawbride yeah that is good that you aren't craving coffee anymore, it isn't very good for babies ;) heh heh

afmedic I definitely see awesome progression! Hooray! What a line!!

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies,

Luv, I'm praying you get your BFP!! Witch stay AWAY, I love skinny vanilla lattes, my hubby bought me the machine so I make them at home now :) I am sure I will get the numbers Tuesday when I go for the ultrasound and follow up trying not to think about

AFMed, sooooo happy for you! I saw the tests :) How are you feeling?

Hope everyone else is good!

I'm ok...took the day off and really needed it! Ran errands and started cleaning house, but did shop some while out :) Not sure how I'm feeling in terms of titc, guess just waiting for the plan and allowing nature to take its course in the meanwhile...

10 years ago

JLH you are so patient, I'd be calling like a lunatic wanting to find out my numbers ;) You have the better attitude though! Glad you had a productive day off too! Are you gonna go to a Super Bowl party?

Update on my awkward couple situation. They put me on the spot BIG TIME tonight because I hadn't been talking to them and they were like "what's wrong??" Finally I texted them the situation and they apologized. Apparently the husband is just socially awkward. Yeah, no kidding! Thankfully they will be out of town next week so I won't have to deal with it for a while. I think a break from them will help a lot.

10 years ago • Post starter

Luv-i stocked up on decaf but haven't used it because coffee doesn't taste good anymore. I even poured out an almost new creamer a few weeks after my BFP because I just couldn't finish a cup. I've read that up to 200mg daily is totally okay during pregnancy so you won't have to give up your lattes but you might have to downsize.

Afm--I'm pretty sure I have the flu. I've got a fever of 102, severe headache and body aches. Oh and I'm coughing up sputum--Yuck! Hoping it resolves itself.

10 years ago

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