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The Nice List...December TTC buddies

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Hi everyone! Sara here. decided to start the thread before December I didn't want anyone to steal my threadpost name . Hoping you all get in November but if not hoping you all continue your journey over here with us

265 Replies • 12 years ago



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Good morning ladies!!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

Well I should ovulate around Dec 8th. So i hope this is my month!!

I couldn't agree with you more DestinyStarr...this forum really does help the time go by fast!!

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12 years ago

Name: Heather
Cycle Day: 12dpo
Months TTC:6
Meds: vitamins
Symptoms if any(or lack of): very tired

Hey ladies, so Im Heather my husband and I are ttc #3 and this is the first time we have had to really try!! Our first 2 seemed to happen no prob but this time around has been a bit more frustrating! I am 12dpo and hoping for that missed period in the next day or two!! Wish me luck!

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12 years ago

Hey ladies! Sooooo, I added my story to this thread early on, thinking I'd be joining you in this TWW, but, as it turns out, I got my BFP at the end of the last TWW! I am so thrilled! But, I wanted to make sure you all know that I'm pulling for you this month, and look forward to seeing your BFPs for xmas!! Good luck and baby dust to all!!!

12 years ago

Hi everyone! Hope everyone had a great holiday! So I didn't win anything in AC just picked up a cold, the 30s, and a hangover I am on CD 7 and will ovulate on Dec. 7th or 8th. excited to share this journey with everyone. Totally true Destiny makes it go by sooooo much faster!

@curlgirl gl with the clomid, keep us posted about it =)

Hi Heather , I am in the same boat as you. Nice to hear such a similar story.

Again, congrats Newbs! Keep us posted =)

12 years ago • Post starter

Hi Heather...good luck to you!!!

Keep us posted!!!

New Beginnings.. I can't say how happy i am for you!!

Thank you for your continued support!!!!

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12 years ago

Hi November chickees. I'm back after aunt flow came and ruined my turkey day. Okay, not really, I got to have some wine and relax, which was very nice. Here's my info:

My name is Kate and I'm 29, turning 30 on NYE, my DH is 29 as well and we've been married for 4.5 years. We are TTC baby numero uno and have been "kind of" trying since July and really trying since September. I didn't figure out my ovulation timing until September via OPKs. I ov. way later than I thought, oops.

So, looking to Ov. around Dec. 9 and will patiently await (yea, right) the best Christmas gift ever. Or, the news that I will be able to have some adult bevs for my 30th.

Trying to remain positive with EVERYONE around me getting preggo, without even trying. My sister-in-law told my rents about their pending baby on Sunday night (1st grandkid) and it was harder than I thought it was going to be, although I am VERY happy for them. I am remaining positive - I need to remind myself of that often.

12 years ago

Morning ladies!
I hope to join the band wagon if november did not work for us. :) My AF will be due december 14th and my fertile times are usually near end of the month 24th-29thish... yay MERRY CHRISTMAS indeed! haha.

December would be cool too if im out for november because my birthday is in december and this way I could enjoy my christmas dinner without feeling the early preggo symptoms :) Trying to stay positive ! lol..

my hubby and I have been married 6 yrs, he is 29 and I am 30 but will be 31 next week.. and just recently started "trying but not trying" since october 2011 for baby number 1. What sucks is my husband is military and he leaves for a year in april... so I am some what limited on time but whatever happens happens. Trying to make this all stress free.

Happy Holidays ladies!

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12 years ago

Hey ladies!!!

Good to see everyone enjoyed their Turkey Day!!

I TRIED to drink some wine; I poured a glass while I was cooking, took two sips (felt a lil warm) and never went back to it. What a lame! LOL

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12 years ago

Hi i am out november also my m/s started november 18 and today is suppose to be my o day so pray that we get a sticky bean we have been trying for five months i have gotten better at not stressing about the signs by keeping myself busy so we will see hopefully with alot of december will be it.

12 years ago

congrats NewBeginnings

According to the clicker and based on when I think I O'd last cycle, I should O today. gonna see the doc on Friday.

Meantime, I am full into the holiday mood now, classes have ended.

So i'll be practicing my naughty moves later.

Baby dust to all.

with him all things are possible, his grace is sufficient for me

12 years ago

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