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Private Testers Support Group Part 2!

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Hello my lovelies! We need a new thread because the old one is huge. Let's stay together and keep our little unit going!

443 Replies • 10 years ago



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SMH--let me know how you like it. Are you experienced with taking pictures? I'm not at all but want to learn once little one is here! :)

10 years ago

@So_much_hope- I have heard good things about those camera's!

@janise- Thanks! I hope you have a great day as well.

@JLHart22- I don't think I have ovulated yet. Thought I had but maybe not. Glad your new OB had some answers for you. I hope the HSG works!

@afmedic109- Hope you were able to get some BDing in!

@lawbride88- I am doing well. Glad to hear the exam went well!

CD 15 here. Thought I had already ovulated but maybe not. Temp. went back down today. School was cancelled today due to a thunderstorm? with ice last night. Which is unheard of for this time of year. So the little guy and I will have to find something else to do today.

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10 years ago

blue--the exam went far from well but that's okay. It's over and I'm okay with whatever happens. YAY for a day with your little guy! any ideas about how you'll spend it?

10 years ago

Wooo I've already missed a lot!

amag I hope your IUI went well this morning! And I hope they didn't need to use a tenaculum! I know what you mean about "out of shape", it's all relative so it can be a bit frustrating when you can't do what you used to!

Cam great job with your weight loss!! It's a fun way to kill time until we get our BFPs :)

bluerose sorry your chart is being a bit weird, but hey that gives you more BD time! Did you get that snowman built? I have seen a bunch of cute ones around my neighborhood :)

1stTTC hello! Glad you are well! :)

LJT hiya girl thanks!!

lawbride yay for your test! When will you get your grade? I am excited for you to finish all this stressful stuff :)

SMH hey girl! TV in the bedroom is a good idea. I usually just lay there with my feet on the wall and a pillow under my butt, reading a book :-P

afmedic yay for positive OPK!!! Woop woop! Get that BD on!

JLH I am also really impressed with your plan! Great idea to get the HSG out of the way before you try any Clomid or anything. You can join our little "HSG Club" here ;) Yay you are so getting knocked up soon!!! :-D

janise thanks hun! Yeah I basically just started eating really healthy and smaller portions. It's hard at first but it gets easy. Now I don't even crave anything bad. And girl we ARE close friends, jeez I tell you ladies things I don't even tell my DH (because he gets easily grossed out LOL) ;)

AFM CD 14 and the OPKs are getting slightly darker. Temps are dropping a bit too, FINALLY. Although I hate feeling absolutely freezing (which I do), I like that it means O is coming! Today I will be doing laundry and cleaning. Whee :-P

10 years ago • Post starter

@law: I've never taken any classes but I do ok behind a camera. I got into it big time for a while but since don't have time or energy. I will definitely let you know whow I like it. When I tried to read the booklets that came with it I found myself soooooo overwhelmed which isn't like me. I haven't attempted to go back and read more. I may just go in blind with it and see how I do.

@blue: school cancelled because of a t-storm? Wow? Thats crazy. I hope you and the little one find something fun to do.

@luv: I used to put a laundry basket under my legs to keep them up.. that way I could totally relax. I started out with reading my nook while marinating but my arms would get tired holding it over my head.. thats why I requested the TV. Dh didn't mind.. meant he could get a bigger and better TV for our family room :) Ya for lower temps - can't wait for you to O and get your iui!!

AFM: So much to do at work but not wanting to.... :(

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10 years ago

SMH--I can imagine there's a lot you can do with it so that probably makes it even more overwhelming when you're reading the booklet. I can't wait to get a nice camera. It will be fun fun fun!

Luv--you and me both. unfortunately the stressful stuff isn't over until the baby is born. now I've gotta focus on my LONG LONG LONG paper, then exams again, then bar prep, then the bar and these are all back to back to back. Eeeks. I'll try to make the best of it though. Yay for O...I hope it's here in the next few days!

10 years ago

@law: Its funny, I usually love instructions and learning how to use things... not so much now. OMG, your life over the next several months has me stressed to the max! And its not even my life!! Gah!! Hugs to you!

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10 years ago

SMH--it is kind of freaking me out a bit. I literally have to write this paper in the next 4-5 weeks, then edit the paper, then brace myself for exams, then take exams, then maybe 3 days after graduation I start bar prep which is 6 weeks, then I have 2 weeks off for solo prep, and then the bar exam for 3 days...oh and somewhere in the 7 days surrounding the bar I'll be delivering the baby. gahhh. Oh and then there's moving cross country after graduation as well. I hope it turns out that it sounds worse than it actually is but from what I've heard about the bar that's just a far fetched dream.

10 years ago

@lawbride88 - Not too sure yet. So far we've both been pretty lazy today. haha And my goodness your life sounds so busy!

@luvtowalkfast- No, unfortunately the snow wasn't quite sticky enough when we went out. So we just played on the snowhill. Have fun cleaning! Sounds like O is just around the corner.

@So_much_hope- It had thunderstormed with freezing rain and then dropped to -20 or so over night with a blizzard. As far as I know the highways are still closed being basically like a skating rink with blowing snow.

Took an OPK before lunch. Almost positive!!

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10 years ago

Good afternoon ladies,

Hope all is well with everyone. I am good, just don't feel like being at work and yet I have so much to do...just wanted to say hello and thanks for the positive thoughts/comments. Looking forward to all of our journey's in the next month!!


10 years ago

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