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CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!

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I have a 3 year old little girl. I had the mirena iud removed in November and my husband and I decided to wait until after the first of the year to start ttc. This is my second cycle ttc and today is cd 1 for me. Just joined today and could use buddies for the journey!

1122 Replies • 11 years ago



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Think I had a temp spike this morning! My temps are weird too. anywhere between 97.0 to 97.4 before O then I had a really odd night two nights ago and didn't get much sleep so I discarded my temp at 97.6 b/c I woke an hour earlier than normal and thought I'd be able to fall back asleep (should have temp right then) so when I did finally temp 45 mins later it was higher than it had been but not high enough to be a spike. So this morning it was 97.8 and looking at my chart looks like the spike. We will see what tomorrow looks like!

I'm glad to hear yours are staying above your coverline. Sometimes things that are abnormal are not bad. Could just mean that there's something extra causing those abnormal readings :)

Pos OPK last two days and neg one today so I'm taking it that O has come and gone. Hopefully the egg is staying!

I understand trying not to read too much into symptoms. I agree, I really thought I was preggo last month having had odd symptoms and late AF. I think it was just me reading into symptoms I may have never noticed if I wasn't TTC.

I am also having dull/achy cramps for a few days now. And heaviness in lower abdomen. At times I'd almost say I felt like I was about to start my period minus the cramps that usually come a day before. Hopefully it's ovulation pain.

I am going to try not to test early like I did last cycle b/c the negatives are really hard to look at when you feel preggo but it's possible that it's too early to tell.

I would say I am dealing with a short luteal phase as you are. So does that mean that you should wait longer to test? Being that even if implantation occurs at 6 days (early) then it's still only 4 days before your missed period and might not give enough time for the hormone to build up?

Sorry about the long post. Lots of informaiton. I'm very glad you are here for me to vent to. DH would go insane having to hear about it all although he is definitely learning from this experience haha

11 years ago • Post starter

Hey Amanda,

Im glad to hear from you!

Im not that knowledgable about the luteal phase. Im not sure how that work as far as testing is concerned. Im going probably going to try to wait and test the day after I miss AF. I hope she stays away until Nov. 7, 2013.

I am still having the same symptoms as you are having. I just need to add the over whelming about of gas I have been having today. My DH asked me what have I been eating?

I understand what you mean by talking to our DH about this stuff. I have made it up in my mind that I am not going to dicuss any of my symptoms with him this cycle. I pray that this is the cycle that we get our BFP and if we do he will be so suprised because I havent been symptom spotting with him.

When do you plan to test?

11 years ago

Well color me confused!! So I put in my temperature this morning (97.9) and it changed my chart saying that according to bbt that it thinks I O'd on CD 17 instead of CD 19. I'm not sure what to think! It's using the 3 over 6 rule which makes sense. However, I didn't get a pos OPK until CD 18. Take a look at my chart and see what you think b/c I am terribly confused now.

On a side note: I am not sure when to test. I am actually hoping for some implantation spotting b/c then I would just wait a few days after that to test but not all women experience that so I'm not counting on it. As I said before I haven't had regular cycles since mirena (first 2 cycles were 26 days and last one was 29 days) so if AF doesn't show by Feb. 28th which is CD 29 for me I will test then. I don't want to test too early especially when I'm not sure of when I ovulated now. Two days can make all the difference with hcg buildup.

I slept in today (it is my day off) and after waking at 7 to fix computer problem at our store I came home and went back to sleep and could barely pry myself out of bed aftewards. I'm not going to count it as a symptom b/c periodical tiredness is not unusual. I haven't had any cramps yet today. How are your cramps? Have you been gassy for days now?

11 years ago • Post starter

Oh my goodness! I just realized what went wrong! I waited to add pos OPK on chart and added them on the wrong day. I O'd before I thought and my small spike in BBT should have been my clue. Thank goodness I charted on paper too so I caught my mistake! I thnk I have it figured out now thank goodness!

11 years ago • Post starter

lol @ charting error. You can go back and edit your chart so the computer can make the ajustments.

AFM: I took a nap yesterday for the 1st time since forever. I woke up tired. My DH was looking at me funny when he came home from work and I was in the bed. I was just soooo tired yesterday and I am still tired today. As far as the cramps go..... they arent as frequent as they were a couple off days ago. Although I have been having some sharp pains on the left side. I think it may have happened twice but it quickly went away.

Oh and before I forget. I had a drop in temp yesterday to 98.0 and then a spike to 98.3 this am. Im hoping it was a implantation dip but who knows......

Glad all is progressing for you and good job with your temping.

11 years ago

YAY!!! Sorry it's hard not to get excited for you! Everything sounds good so far. I really hope you get your !! When I was pregnant with my daughter my first clue should have been (if I was anticipating pregnancy) was my tiredness. I slept through Easter and that was 2 weeks before I found out I was pregnant.

AFM: Today is 5 DPO for me so I'm hoping to see a dip in temp within the next couple days. Cramping for me is also very very mild. The last couple of days I almost thought I wasn't going to have any cramping at all however, I've felt very light pain here and there and mainly located to right side.

How many DPO are you now? When is AF expected?

11 years ago • Post starter

Thank you so much for the positive vibes but I really think that I'm out for this month. I got my pre period pimple this evening. I always get one a couple of days before AF arives. And My cramps are starting to feel more like AF is on her way. However, Im still sleepy and tired. I even took a 3 hour nap today (again).

To answer your question I am 8 DPO today. AF is due the 28. So I have about 7 more days to go. If she comes early it will be ok with me. I really feel like Im out for this month. I also didnt get to BD as much as I prob needed to. At least not at the right times anyway.

But I am still going to keep you up dated on whats going on. I hope you are able to get your BFP this month or the beginning of March.

Hope you had/are having a good day!

11 years ago

Well hopefully that doesn't mean you are out for this month but yes, I feel the same way you do: If I am out for this month I'd just assume that AF comes early instead of giving me false hope and so my next cycle can start progressing b/c it seems like they take forever as it is! I feel really sorry for the women who have 35+ day cycles. I would be miserable waiting any longer than I already do.

Well I am still having pain on R side but no other symptoms. Pain was pretty noticeable last night. I'm not reading too much into it though b/c for some reason that R ovary tends to cramp some. I have had cysts on it in the past that have ruptured. I'm pretty sure another one ruptured in January b/c of an awful pain I thought I was going to have to go to the emergency room for. I hope it didn't do any permanent damage.

AF is supposed to come on 28th for me as well. We will see. Hope your day is going well. We had about a foot of snow yeseterday. I'm glad it didn't happen around O time b/c it would have been very stressful. I live in Missouri where a snow like that only happens a couple times a year. Keep me updated on how things are going!

11 years ago • Post starter

Hello ladies. I know it's late but can I join you? I'm about 10dpo-not positive because I dont chart (considering starting that if I dont get my this month!) AF is due on the 26th...trying so hard not to obsess over symptoms ha. gave in and took a test this morning-
How are you ladies this morning?

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11 years ago

It's never too late to join in! Yes if you don't get your BFP this month I would highly recommend charting. It gives you a lot of insight into what's going on. I also liked the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility. I haven't tested yet I'm trying to wait as long as possible. I'm only 6 DPO today so if implantation were to occur it wouldn't have happened yet.

How long have you been TTC? Do you have any other children? Are you using anything to help the process along? OPKs, Clomid etc.?

AF for both of us is due on the 28th so we are only a couple days behind you. Hoping for but if you've read our posts we have absolutely no clue. Definitely wish the symptoms for pregnancy and AF weren't so similar; that would be super helpful!

11 years ago • Post starter

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