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Fall 2013 Mommies to Be!

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Hello all.

Since there were a lot of Sept 2013 BFPs and we all think the Countdown to Baby site is sort of lame I thought I'd create a place where we could all talk about our pregnancies.

I made it Fall 2013 with the hopes that a lot of the ladies from October board (and beyond) will be able to join us here.

AFM today I'm exactly 5 weeks pregnant. I have my first exam scheduled for Jan 28th and we plan to tell my family the weekend after. It's been torture keeping this to myself so I hope we can all discuss symptoms, concerns, and joys together.

I still haven't had a lot of symptoms. Heartburn one day, my nipples are tingly and sore and DH swears my boobs are bigger already. I haven't felt any nausea yet or felt much fatigue. Although I do have trouble staying asleep, sometimes I wake up 3 or 4 times a night. Oh and this morning I had to get up early because I had to pee so bad. I think it's starting!

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57 Replies • 11 years ago



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SMP, sorry to hear about your nausea! :( It's good that you got some medicine to help though. Crazy how each pregnancy can be so different!

I'm still feeling the same. Super tired all the time, sore breasts, mild cramping and twinges in my abdomen. Everyone keeps asking me if I'm feeling sick yet, lol. I'm only 5 weeks 5 days today, so either it's still too early or I'm going to get lucky - knock on wood!

How's everyone else doing?!

11 years ago

Good Luck to all you Mommy's to be:) H&H 9 months to you all.
I think I will be leaving this group after today:(
Started bleeding Sunday and turned heavy with clots & bad cramps . Went to Doc's Monday, they checked my Hcg levels it was 500, pretty low im sure for nearly 6 weeks, took more blood last night and waiting on the call this morning to hear how those levels are.
I don't feel it will be good news.
Hopefully in the next couple of Months I will be able to have hope again.
This will be my 2nd Miscarriage in 10 Months.
Take care and all the very best to you all xox

11 years ago

Oh cahz so sorry to hear that!!! Im praying for you and your family and hope to hear some good news from you soon. Maybe ur Dr can give u some answers soon.

TTC#2 to make 3, have 1 biological son, and 1 stepdaughter that is 7 but I have raised since she was 7 months. User Image

11 years ago

Caz so sorry to hear this. Fingers crossed that everything is okay for you!

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11 years ago • Post starter

@cazh - My thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope that you and your little bean are okay.

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11 years ago

Oh cazh, I'm so sorry. I'm saying a prayer good news. Hang in there!

11 years ago

Thank you girls:) Its def MC:( Doctor just called blood went from 525 to 133 in 2 days. Maybe next time, 3rd time lucky please god.
Enjoy your pregnancy's the best of luck:) xxo

11 years ago

Mind if I join the thread/

I'm so sorry for your loss Cazh.


I always hate bringing up good news for me after bad news for someone else.

I just found out I'm pregnant yesterday. I am five weeks exactly today and due on Oct 5th. I've already had three chemicals so I'm hoping that this one sticks around.

So far I'm so bloated I feel like a goodyear blimp and I keep cramping like I'm about to start my period. Other than wanting to eat way more than normal I don't seem to be having any other symptoms yet.

Does anyone know if using a heating pad or taking advil can harm an embryo? I didn't think I could be pregnant and just thought it was pms so took advil and used a heating pad for several days before finally taking a test.

Congrats to all the others expecing! Hope you have safe and healthy pregnancies and babies.

Again, my condolences to Cazh. I wish you all the best and hope you soon get and stay pregnant.


Marielle Smith - SMC - Planning for #4 (#3 died in Utero at 5 months)

11 years ago

Heating pad is not good, especially since it sits right where your little one is growing and I take Tylenol. I think you will be fine though considering how small your little one is right now. Fingersx that its not another chemical for you and your little bean sticks.

Sorry to hear Cazh! but I like how your not completely torn, more being optimistic. Hoping next month is your month and your little one sticks also.

TTC#2 to make 3, have 1 biological son, and 1 stepdaughter that is 7 but I have raised since she was 7 months. User Image

11 years ago

Well our immediate families now know. And boy were they all so excited for us. We went out to dinner with DH sister and her husband but we didn't want to make a scene at the restaurant so we invited them over for a glass of wine before. DH pours everyone a glass but me and then slides an empty glass to me. The funny thing is both of them didn't get it right away; they just thought DH was being a smart ass. Finally it dawned on them and they both were like "no really? Really?!" It was great.

After dinner we went over to his parents house and told them. My FIL had cancer in 2012 but went into remission a few months ago. They got some bad news that his levels seemed to be elevating again (meaning the cancer could be back) so they were both pretty down. Telling them they had grandbaby #10 on the way definitely lifted their spirits.

My mother's birthday went off without a hitch. We saved our present for her (a grandparents memory book for their grandbaby) for last and when she opened it, she looked at me, and said "No, really?" I just smiled really big and nodded and she burst into tears! I actually felt a little bad how she reacted but after a few minutes she calmed herself and was so overjoyed. She called it the best birthday gift we could ever have given her.

In about 2 weeks we get to hear the heartbeat and then we will probably announce to the world. It's so great to finally have people know and not have to keep this big secret.

I hope all you ladies are doing well! H&H 9 months (well down to 8 for me!) to you all. Cazh I'm so, so sorry for what you are going thru. You are in my thoughts.

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11 years ago • Post starter

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