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Lets get a BFP in January! Open to anyone!

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I have been TTC since March of 2012. I am hoping to get a BFP in January. Anyone who wants positive chat daily please join. I am just looking to chat my way through another month. And hope to meet new people who are doing the same. We need each other in this tough time.

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75 Replies • 11 years ago



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Agreed! It's nice to have people to talk to (b/c if/when i get pregnant I don't want to tell anyone aside from my mom and sisters for at least first trimester, especially after first chemical) but it's nice to have people like you all to talk to through the hard journey of trying! Is it not amazing how many "oops" pregnancys and pregnacys that people DON'T want that happen, and then look at all of the women TRYING to get pregnant and can't. Crazy!

AFM... 6 dpo today (can't believe I have been this strong so far in not testing, I know it's WAY too early but usually I would cave in righta bout now, guess I have xmas to keep my mind preoccupied hehe) today I have company xmas party (where I work part time, I am a full time student again but out of school for winter break now) anyway, and then tomorrrow I will be getting everything ready around here to leave town for the weekend, we are going to Dallas to spend the weekend w/ husbands side of the family until Sunday so I am happy about that b/c it'll be days 7-9 my most vulnerable for testing hahaha and it'll keep me occupied. So... other than that, have just a little bit of CM not a whole lot, and some crampy/twingy pains in lower abdomin this morning but I am not going to say that is anything b/c it's probably nothing. Hate to say and not tryin to be negative but if I had to decide this second if I "felt" pregnant or not I would say no but I am not going to be negative! my boobs aren't sore yet which usually happens about this time of the cycle for me so we'll see what happens later today. hope you ladies are doing well!

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11 years ago

Yes, it is great to have you ladies to talk to and i said the same thing to my husband that we are not anyone but our parents & siblings that we are and everybody else can wait till im 13 or maybe 12 weeks :-)) because of the miscarriage. & of course i wil definitely tell you all ;-) but GL to you all & will keep you guys posted!!

ps... CD6 for me last day of clomid tomorrow then next step is OPK's & im still temping...

(26)(Trying 2 conceive Baby #1)(after miscarriage)

11 years ago

good morning ladies!!

@FUTUREMOMMY: Ya definitely, and we don't want people knowin that we're trying anyway, ya know? Yay for last day of clomid for you!

AFM... 7 DPO today!! Unfortunately though, I have nothing to report... nothing has really been out of the ordinary in the last 12-24 hrs... I neeed to stop going back to my september cycle w/ the chemical and looking at my day-by-day symptoms b/c it gets me down seeing I don't have those again now!! BUT, I am not giving up hope! still plan on TRYING to be STRONG until xmas morning to test! I think this is definitely the first cycle that I have gotten to 7 dpo and not caved yet! Luckily I will be very busy today and then we will be out of town all weekend so I wont even have a test laying around to temp me... which reminds me, if I am posting slow this weekend it's b/c I am out of town , but I am probably taking one of the laptops with us so I should be posting normally.

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11 years ago

good morning ladies!!

@FUTUREMOMMY: Ya definitely, and we don't want people knowin that we're trying anyway, ya know? Yay for last day of clomid for you!

AFM... 7 DPO today!! Unfortunately though, I have nothing to report... nothing has really been out of the ordinary in the last 12-24 hrs... I neeed to stop going back to my september cycle w/ the chemical and looking at my day-by-day symptoms b/c it gets me down seeing I don't have those again now!! BUT, I am not giving up hope! still plan on TRYING to be STRONG until xmas morning to test! I think this is definitely the first cycle that I have gotten to 7 dpo and not caved yet! Luckily I will be very busy today and then we will be out of town all weekend so I wont even have a test laying around to temp me... which reminds me, if I am posting slow this weekend it's b/c I am out of town , but I am probably taking one of the laptops with us so I should be posting normally.

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11 years ago

Don't give up hope, slewakoa! 7 DPO is so early for symptoms. Most of the time, symptoms don't even start until after implantation! I'm pulling for you!

I finally made an appointment to see a specialist. My appt. is on Jan 2! It's mine and DH's Christmas present to each other.

TTC #2 naturally after infertility treatment for #1 User Image

11 years ago

@slewakoa.. Yes, so true & thank you!! & don't give up hope because you know all pregnancies are not the same, plus it is so early as felurian stated. You're only 7dpo so u may get a result that you dont want & it would be a false negative and you really be preggo. :))) We are here for you whenever you need us & just relax on your vacay this weekend and christmas morning will be here before you know...3 days to go and you will get you BFP!!

@felurian...Yay for your appointment 01/02/13..I wish you all the best at your appt & that it goes well for you and hope you get good results soon!!

Good Luck ladies & sending you all lots of baby dust for this upcoming year....alright...Lets Make These Babies!! :)))

(26)(Trying 2 conceive Baby #1)(after miscarriage)

11 years ago

I love your energy and optimism. After so long, it's hard to find both of those when it comes to TTC. Thank you both so much!

TTC #2 naturally after infertility treatment for #1 User Image

11 years ago

DH and I are on this boat!

TTC since Oct 2012

He had a semen analysis done, I had a HSG done on CD7, been using opks since CD 1 (first cycle using them). Charting bbt... REALLY HOPING I OVULATE. Next up for testing is abdominal ultrasound and CT.

11 years ago

Hiya ladies.
I am planning to test on ney although i might not be able to hold out realistically. We shall see.
I am currently 7dpo.....
DH and i have been ttc number 3 since feb 2012 following a diagnosis of pcos in 2010.
We have had our initial appt at the fertility clinic for sperm tests and blood tests and will recieve an appt once all the tests have been carried out to review the results. We also have an appt in february with the gyne regarding me giving clomid a try..... my gp was brilliant and put the referal in to both at the same time :D

We suffered a mc in july but it was so early with such low hcg on the quantative tests that the dr said that i wouldnt even have gone past a week :( My bean was in there though as we were getting faint bfp for a week and it did increase enough over that week to get a bfp on cbd as well 3 days after a cbd had said bfn.....but it wasnt to be and it didnt stick.

I am very much hoping to get lucky this month though tbh i am not feeling very hopeful. My daughter has written to santa for twin baby siblings... a boy and a girl. I am joking about me only just having my appt at fertility clinic etc and how when you see a dr sometimes you can just be magically better so im either hoping for xmas magic or sods law but either would be nice :D

Good luck everyone xxxx

11 years ago

Hi ladies! didn't end up taking laptop to Dallas but we are now home so I am catching up!

@FUTURE&FELURIAN- you guys are both right! and yes, it's so nice to have nice caring people to talk to that are goin through the same things... Wouldn't it be great if we all get BFP's this month and go through the next 9 together!

@VANTAYA- welcome!! WE are happy to have you here! Pardon my inorance, but what is HSG? I am interested to know! How long have you and your husband been trying? aain, welcome!

@BLONDMUMMA- welcome as well!!! Looks like you are just behind me, as I am 9 dpo today. When do you plan on testing? I too unfortunately suffered an early m/c in October and unfortunately know how you feel, but I completely agree that things happen for a reason and when it's the right time it will happen, which hopefully will be very soon for all of us!!!

AFM.... 9 dpo today... can't believe I have still held out from testing! Don't really have any "symptoms" to report except extreme irritability Friday and Saturday (which was prob due to stress of traveling for holidays that we did this weekend etc etc) anyway, also lots of creamy CM but that has seemingly ceased in the last 24 hrs... another weird thing is that last night hubby and I BD'd and I was unusually "wet"... probably nothing but worth mentioning. What about you ladies?

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11 years ago

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