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7 dpo ... or so I thought?? ...

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Today I should be 7 dpo. I had a positive OPK 1 week ago followed by some mild cramping which usually happens with ovulation. Now today I get another positive OPK??? This is my first month using OPKs and thought I would just test everyday from cd 6 until AF or BFP.

I’m so confused, any thoughts? Or has anyone else experience this before?

96 Answers • 5 years ago



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Wow bumpin4baby .. that is a crazy cycle!! That’s a lot of periods! Do you use any methods to track when and if your ovulating between cycles?

5 years ago • Post starter

Jrosie:We got one last try in yesterday and hopefully if we missed the egg with the other fertile day we just caught it last night. Girl can dream. I'm getting ready to do my P cream right now. My temp went straight up after ovulation and its never done that before. So I am hoping this was a good egg and the sperm dudes found it.
YES, start temping straight away if you start a new cycle. You will be amazed at how you will become so intuned with how your body is after ovulation. Some times, I would know what my bbt was going to say before I looked at
I really hope all it takes is another cycle if this one isn't successful. OH, did you see your doc yet? Ask him about checking your P levels and Clomid or other ovulation inducing med. HUGS

Bump:Welcome. Totally get your situation and I don't know how you do it. I had a friend years ago and it seemed she was never off of AF. Some thing in her body just kept it going. She was so sweet and happy all the time and I just feel like I'd be an angry Ogre. Has your doctor tried putting you on anything to regulate your flo? I hope AF isn't trying to show up too and that you are on your way to a HH9.

I'm just waiting at this point (smears cream on) hoping for that long awaited bfp.. FX for us

5 years ago

Jrosie- I really haven’t tried anything just yet. The dr put me on BC and I tried that for a couple of years with no improvements. I needed a higher level of estrogen but the higher levels make me ill. It’s just a mess. Usually my bleeding is just heavy spotting for the first week then follows with heavy flow the next. It’s just hard to tell really if I’m ovulating. Some cycles I feel like I’m ovulating but not every cycle. I just now started to really pay attention to my cervix. That’s how I knew when I was TTC Girl #2. I’m going to give it a couple of cycles before I get any help.

Luv- thank you! I think we just get used to it. Lol. It sucks though. You can never plan around your period if your period is ALWAYS HERE. Ugh. I’m hoping that if I can conceive, that my cycle will fix itself just how it got broken. Lol. Good luck with your journey and smear that cream. Haha.

Seems like something happened this morning. It was a sharp stabbing pain in my uterus. The pain lasted a good 30 mins and it’s still there but dull. I went out on a limb and POAS this morning... I don’t know why but I just had that undeniable urge.. BFN though. Either my AF is coming on or I’m gonna get a BFP soon. Hopefully the later.

TTC Baby #3

5 years ago

Bump:Hahahaha..without shame I look like Im covered in spf until it all rubs in.
Oh man, even o. BC? Have the tried progesterone bc only. I dont know if that would help in the long run but for a month or two should give you a break from heavy periods and who knows maybe make them qrap it up a bit. I just think with all the technological advances we should know how to help ladies who have endless periods....seriously. UGH
Lets hope this pain is baby settling in though.

Jrosie: How r you? Still temping I hope. The chart will want to see all of your temps so it can adjust to your cycle being able to predict it better. Keep us posted Hugs

5 years ago

Luv- my temp this morning spiked. So maybe I ovulated yesterday? This would be 4-5 days after my first positive OPK. Seems really late in my cycle. I’m CD 24 today. I guess it would be that strange considering AF could on average show up CD 33. Sometimes sooner, sometimes later than that. Idk what to think. My drs appointment is late next week. So it will be a little bit before I get checked out and ask for some tests. I haven’t bd in like a week. I’ve just been trying to get healthy.

How are you ladies doing ?

5 years ago • Post starter

Not sure where my post went. What a bummer. I am 5dpo and doing alright. Nothinh major going. Temps are high still but thinking its time to put down the thermometer since O was confirmed quite a bit ago. I test on Thursday and Friday. Praying we managed to make a baby.

Your cycle has been mega interesting and confusing. I hope its not stressing you out too much. By the time you see your doc it is quite possible you will be in a new cycle. I cant wait to see what you find out.

Time to grab a bit to eat. Hugs

5 years ago

Broke down and tested.. BFN.

TTC Baby #3

5 years ago

Ugh.. I’m sorry. I know how it is not having the control to wait and test!! It can be an addiction!

5 years ago • Post starter

Jrosie: FX for a fresh cycle

Bump: Big hugs. Hate bfns. I'm normally testing already at 6dpo but the flash back of bfns have stopped me after 3 years. Really hoping we can all kiss them goodbye soon.

I'm in bed early with a sour stomach and over all just beat. Busy work week so i will vanish for a smidge but will be in back. Hugs

5 years ago

Hope you feel better Luv!! Talk to you soon!

5 years ago • Post starter

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